McHenry County ND Extreme Storms – 6/9/2017

Extreme storms hit North Dakota this evening with several reported tornadoes but mainly and extreme winds and hail. Footage from near Towner, ND of extreme winds and blinding rain mixed with hail and dust as the storms slammed the area.
Shot Description

Clip 1 Long clip of an extreme inflow jet picking up massive amounts of dirt into the updraft of the storm.

Clip 2 Total blinding dust storm

Clip 3 POV Blinding dust storm, Long Clip

Clip 4 – 5 Approaching Towner, ND as this was reported as a tornado from this lowering.

Clip 6 – 8 Rotation in the sky.

Clip 9-11 Extreme winds slamming the area north of Towner, ND.

Clip 12 Driving through Towner as the the hail starts hitting the area.

Clip 13-16 Driving east on Highway 2 just east of Towner in the blinding rain and hail.

Clip 17-18 Lowering to the southeast of Towner, ND

Clip 19 Lowering / wall cloud dust and dirt being pulled into the updraft.

Clip 20 – 21 wide shots of the lowering before the dust storm.

Clip 22 – 23 Blinding rain POV

Clip 24 After the storm, a wide shot of a double rainbow.