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German Sheppard found on Minnesota High 15 at Interstate 94

Please help us find the owners of this German Sheppard.

I found this German Sheppard on Highway 15 and Interstate 94, just south of Saint Cloud, Minnesota while driving home after the storms that hit on Sunday night 7/10/2011.

She was in the road and I stopped to see if she had a name tag, to bring her back to her home since she was in a very dangerous road, she did not have a name tag on her collar.

She is extremely friendly and jumped right in the back of my truck when I opened the back door for her. I did not want her to get hit by a passing vehicle on the road so I took her with me into town to look for the owner.

I called the one person that posted a lost and found on Craigslist for a German Sheppard and met up with them but this was not their dog. They did agree to take in this dog to try and help find the owner and bring her in to scan for an RFID tag.

They did say that they were called about this dog since they lost their dog in the same area that this dog was found and it was left at a farm a few days ago about 10 miles from where I found it so I can only assume that she is trying to find her family and her way home to the southeast towards the Minneapolis and Saint Paul metro area.

If you recognize this dog, please contact us and I will put you in touch with the person we left her with.

Contact us at http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

SID: Doug Kiesling

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