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3/27/2014 Willard, Missouri Dragonfly-Hail

The first big severe weather event of the Spring unfolded across the central part of the country. Storms across the southern part of Missouri took a while to get going, but packed quite a punch with large hail and wind.

Video includes scenes from a storm that scooted just north of Springfield, Missouri, hitting the town of Willard, which is about 8 miles west/northwest of the city. The storm continued on, passing across I-44 before weakening. It would dump copious amounts of hail, including some very oddly shaped spikey stones.

Scene 1: Shot of storm as it developed west of Springfield.

Scene 2-4: POV shots during the storm with very low visibility and lots of hail/rain falling.

Scene 5: Shot looking through falling hail of cars sheltering at a gas station.

Scene 6: Panning with a van in the falling hail.

Scene 7: Shot of hail hitting the ground.

Scene 8: Shot toward end of storm of cars sheltering.

Scene 9: Hail fog behind a barn near Willard.

Scene 10: A hailstone that looks like a dargonfly against accumulated hail backdrop.

Scene 11: Dragonfly hailstone against blue car.

Scene 12: Various hailstones compared to a golfball and a lime. Hailstones measured just shy of golfball at 1.5″

Scene 13-14: Lots of hail accumulated on the side of the road.

Scene 15-16: Beautiful shots of the backside of the storm with the mammatus clouds just before sunset.

SID: Tony Laubach

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