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4/19/2014 Southern, IL Brush Fires B-Roll

Recent rains across southern IL were enough to raise rivers last week, but many areas are deceptively dry as displayed on Saturday where several brush fires were ignited keeping area fire crews busy. Even with wet soil, much of the top brush and some grass fields remain good fuel for fires as they remain dry even with the recent rains. Video package includes scenes from two southern IL brush fires on Saturday, one early in the afternoon in Williamson County south of Marion and the other late evening near the town of Christopher.

PART 1: Evening fire near Christopher in Franklin County (0:00-2:23)

Suspected Cause: Passing train created sparks that ignited nearby dry grass and spread. According to Captain Tom Crawford, approximately 10-15 acres burned in this fire which was contained and put out in about 3 hours. Fire had burned trees to the point where they were in jeopardy of falling down into the railroad tracks. Crews had to cut down several trees to prevent them from coming down on the tracks. The tracks were shut down for several hours to allow crews to fight the blaze. Because of the lack of access roads, ATVs and water backpacks had to be used to fight the flames.

Scene 1-2: Establishing shots of fire trucks, including second scene with railroad crossing gate in foreground.

Scene 3: Fire crews on ATVs working their way down the railroad tracks.

Scene 4: Looking down the railroad tracks through thick smoke at fire crews.

Scene 5: Fire crews through thick smoke dousing small hot spots with water backpacks.

Scene 6: ATV and firefighter near tracks.

Scene 7: Fire fighter climbing steep embankment to get to a tree.

Scene 8: Fire fighter pushing and kicking a tree to the ground to prevent it from burning and falling onto the tracks.

Scene 9: Wide shot of another couple fire fighters knocking down a tree to prevent it from coming down on the tracks.

Scene 10: Close up of backpack fire fighter dousing flames.

Scene 11-12: Fire fighter tosses a smoldering piece of wood and another hits it with the hose.

Scene 13: Cool panning shot up the water of a hose to a close-up of a fire fighter.

Scene 14-16: Various shots of flames in the burn area.

PART 2: Afternoon fire in Williamson County south of Marion (2:23-4:24)

Suspected Cause: A nearby resident was control burning grass when a shift in the winds sent the fire down the hill and into a wooded area with some trash also catching fire. This fire was contained and put out within about 2 hours.

Scene 1-2: Establishing shots of fire trucks, panning and static.

Scene 3-4: Several fire fighters with hoses near fire.

Scene 5: Two fire fighters make their way down a steep slope to get to a burning area.

Scene 6: Same two fighters hosing flames in ravine.

Scene 7: Cool shot of fire fighters appearing through very thick smoke.

Scene 8: Closer shot of two fire fighters in thick smoke that makes them appear and disappear.

scene 9: Fire crews dousing flames.

Scene 10: Looking straight on as a fire fighters shoots water on flames.

Scene 11: Shot of fire.

Scene 12: Smoke overtakes camera.

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