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5/7/2014 Ellinwood, KS Hot Weather B-Roll

Central Kansans begin the day with Summer like warmth after hitting 100 degrees the previous day and mid 90’s forecast for Wednesday. The warmer temperatures will also bring the chance for severe weather across the Great Plains this week.

Scene 1: A postal worker enjoys the Summer like warmth with a Summer outfit.

Scene 2: A mother pushes a stroller while walking a dog.

Scene 3: School kids head out for a field trip in the beautiful weather.

Scene 4: A man prepares the local golf course for an active day.

Scene 5: A woman cleans her SUV.

Scene 6: Construction workers taking advantage of the perfect weather.

Scene 7: The drone of lawn mowers fills the neighborhood as grass takes off.

Scene 8: Residents take advantage of the warmth with a clothes line.

Scene 9: Flowers show off in the brilliant morning sunlight.

Scene 10: Birds enjoying lawn sprinklers while feeding.

Scene 11: The Kansas and American flag wave in the wind.

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