Rochester Hills, MI Winter Storm Road Mayhem – 3/3/2023

Cars Stuck in ditches, Snow Plows with sparks flying, People trying to load groceries in heavy snow and just general road mayhem in the snow storm.
Shot Description

00:00 – Pileup scene at an intersection
00:27 – Multiple vehicles stuck and on the side of the road with people trying to push some them out of the way
01:37 – POV of a car fish tailing in front of me
01:54 – Car in the ditch
02:14 – SUV in the ditch
02:36 – POV driving in the snow behind a snow plow that is kicking up sparks at 1:10
03:08 – Parking lot with snow
03:27 – POV driving in the snow

SID: Jason Harris
#miwx #winterstorm #spinouts #crash

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