Sargassum Invasion In The Florida Keys Over The Weekend

The record massive bloom of sargassum seaweed continues to drift into the Florida Keys invading lagoons, marinas, and piling on beaches. Video of sargassum bloom masses coming into the Florida Keys and people on boats, docks, jetskis, and beaches coping with it. No audio. Low altitude aerial footage.
Shot Description

00:00 Mass of sargassum drifting into a marina lagoon with incoming tide.
00:09 Band of sargassum drifting towards a red navigation aid with a seabird perched on it.
00:18 Tight shot of leading edge of approaching sargassum mass show contrast with water.
00:26 Medium shot of sargassum engulfing navigation aid with seabird.
00:34 Tight close-up of navigation aid with seabird and sargassum seaweed surrounding it.
00:43 Wide shot of sargassum mass drifting into marina.
00:53 Med shot of sargassum in motion overcoming boat docks.
01:04 Wide shot of fresh sargassum bloom drifting towards guy in a boat. Dead sargassum near shore.
01:13 Med shot of sargassum bloom engulfing man in boat tied off to dock.
01:22 Man standing in water next to his jetskis engulfed in sargassum talking on cell phone. Med and tight shots.
01:43 Two girls jumping off dock into water filled with sargassum seaweed.
01:54 Girl swimming through mass of sargassum.
02:07 Boat at speed cuts through sargassum bloom mass offshore.
02:38 Dead sargassum ashore at Cocoplum public beach. Two shots.
02:52 More sargassum bloom masses approaching from offshore in Atlantic Ocean.

SID: Brian Dombrowski
#Sargassum #Florida #Floridakeys
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