Perryton Texas Raw Long Full Tornado Stock Footage Catalog, 6/15/2023

Full raw 4K footage catalog of the Perryton, Texas tornado from Tim Baker, AKA Tornado Tim.

Footage shot by Tim while guiding survival expert, Laura Zerra and her cameraman on a storm chase to bring them up close to a tornado.

00:00 – The footage starts just outside of the town of Perryton, Texas as wall cloud with rapid rotation forms into a tornado.

03:00 – Tornado touches down as they continue to drive towards the storm as it enters Perryton, Texas.

04:43 – The Tornado crosses the road right in front of them while throwing debris into the air.

07:23 – The tornado leaves Perryton but the hail storm starts to hit the area and their vehicle.

07:49 – Taking cover from the hail storm.

08:37 – Video continues after they stop to avoid the hail storm and now the full extent of the damage begins to be revealed to them as they continue to chase the tornado as the smell of natural gas from the destroyed homes and business’s fills the air.

10:34 – Now that they made it through the damage path, they continue to follow the tornado that has now formed a second tornado next to it.

11:54 – Outside of the town of Perryton, Texas, the two tornadoes become one tornado again and they follow the storm south on Highway 83.

20:13 – Was the storm begins to fade away and the tornado weakens to a rope out stage, they pull over to watch the final part of the tornado before ending the chase to go back to Perryton and help with search and rescue.

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