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The storm system that hit the Joplin, MO area was near Grove, OK and spawned several violent tornadoes that BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin Teague caught on camera.

In the first part of the video, Justin documents a couple of violent tornadoes ripping up the country side. The second part of the video shows the chasers entering a house that was just hit by a tornado to see if anyone was hurt.

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Intense storms moved across eastern Kansas with a tornadic storm hit Reading Kansas and moved into the Topeka, KS metro area. BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was in Topeka, KS with Team Twistex for Discovery Channels Storm Chasers as the storm was dropping hail up to tennis-ball size as well as tornadoes north and east of town.

In the video that Tony shot of this storm, it starts out with a wall cloud and funnels as storm moves across the Topeka, KS metro area. The opening shots show a large funnel churning away behind some trees near Interstate 70. As the video continues, it shows a rapidly rotating wall cloud almost directly overhead on the northeast side of Topeka. The storm chase had to stop as tree’s were blocking the path and traffic was forced to turn around.

As the video continues it shows some intense hail from the tornadic supercell that fell around Topeka, KS. The footage include various shots of hail falling on the highways with vehicles driving through it. A shot of people blocking an I-70 overpass hiding from the hail. The footage ends with video of storm chasers holding large hailstones to show how big the hail was.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

BNVN Weather Paparazzi Chris Collura caught several tornadoes today in Sulphur, OK.

At one point Chris said the was a nice multi vortex tornado on the ground.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

8/16/2008 Harmon Killebrew & Carlos Gomez Signing Autographs.

Raw footage of Hall of Fame Baseball player Harmon Killebrew from the Minnesota Twins and Carlos Gomez who was with the Twins at the time of this video in 2008, were at the Mall of America to sign autographs as part of Twins Fest.

Footage of the players talking to fan’s and signing autographs for fan’s.

Catalog ID: 08162008_Twinsfest_MOA
Total Run Time: 10:07:16
Format: 4×3 Standard Definition

To license this footage, contact http://www.bnvn.com

Footage of water running through the flood gates at Table Rock dam by BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin Teague. The Army Corps of Engineers is releasing a record amount of water from the lake Taneycomo. The release of water from the dam is flooding structures along the White River/Lake Taneycomo below Table Rock Dam. In the footage, it shows the massive water release and flooded structures in Hollister, MO. Various shots of flooding at Branson Landing in Downtown Branson, MO.

To license this video contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

With several dozen tornado reports today, the severe storm outbreak hit Texas with numerous tornadoes. BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tim Baker was just west of Tyler Texas and caught this damage the area and covering the roads with debris.

In the video that Tim sent, it shows one of his classic shots where he setups just off to the side of a very large and ominous wall cloud that starts to develop into a multi-vortex tornado. Tim got out of the path of the developing tornado and documented the debris and aftermath of the storm.

To license this footage for broadcast, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

New video from BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin Teague that shows various shots of flooding (including flooded structures) along the Illinois River near Tahlequah, OK with a short interview at the end with resident Tony Gage.

The severe storms continued on Monday with a deadly line of storms that formed tornadoes from central Arkansas, through Oklahoma to just south of Dallas, TX where BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was able to catch up with this rope tornado near Itasca, Texas.

In the video that Tony shot it starts out with a close up shot of the circulation on the ground in a field about a quarter mile away from him and then shows a wide shot of a bright white tornado hanging down from the clouds as the rain curtains fall behind the tornado. Tony has several different shots of the tornado from his dash camera and his chase partner, Ed Grubb’s camera.

The video ends as they are looking up to watch the rotation in the clouds above them after the tornado dissipated.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

New video in tonight from Tim “Tornado Tim” Baker from Bowie, TX of a possible tornado and tornado damage. In the video from Tim, it shows the storm moving into the town and a lowering near the ground as the Tornado Sirens sound in the city.

After the storm moved out of Bowie, TX Tim found storm damage with debris in the road and signs damaged. The storm was powerful enough to rip a Interstate road sign away from it’s base and tossed into the middle of the road.

To license this footage for broadcast, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

On Easter Sunday, BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was almost baptized by debris by the tornadoes that dropped down near Baird, TX.

In the video that Tony sent in, is shows tornadoes tearing across the Texas country-side along US-283 just north of the town of Baird, TX. Tony said several tornadoes touched down doing little damage over open country, but they kept people on their toes for the holiday, especially those between Abilene and Dallas.

The video starts out showing the first tornado north of Baird with various shots of the funnel cloud, touchdown, and debris swirl as it moves down a hill less then a quarter mile away from him. As the video continues, is shows two more tornadoes, including a white rope and a dramatic multi-vortex tornado on US-283.

The footage continues with POV or Point Of View shots as several vortices’s touch down and dance around on the east side of the highway as drivers approach from the south.

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

A prolific tornado-producing supercell raged across northern St. Louis Friday night and severely damaging the airport and causing havoc across the city.

In this video package shot by BNVN Weather Paparazzi that opens up with clips of I-70 on the east side of I-270 where a semi truck was blown over the median and closed the road while authorities worked on the detours around the damage and debris and various shots of traffic with lightning in the background. Tony said it took a while for traffic to start moving as a state trooper trying to get traffic to finally leave the area once the road was cleared.

The rest of the video package that Tony shot shows POV or Point of View shots as he chased the storms through the high winds, hail, and heavy rain to try and see the rain wrapped tornado during the daylight. He was able to see the wall cloud as the storm was approaching the Saint Louis metro area on the west side of town before it became rain wrapped and struck the area of the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. The latest reports is airport is closed indefinitely while officials investigate the damage caused by the tornado.

To license this video, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

It was a very long night in the field for BNVN Weather Paparazzi Brandon Sullivan and his friends that were out chasing the line of severe storms that hit central and southeastern Oklahoma. Here is the full video of the Atoka and Tushka, Oklahoma tornado event that includes the dash camera footage.

A very large and destructive tornado caused extensive damage, multiple injuries and at least one fatality in Atoka county on Thursday.

The video starts out with the point of view dash camera footage as the drive up towards the town of Tushka, OK from the south side of the storm. At twenty two seconds into the video, lightning or a power flash lights up the storm and you can see a funnel cloud right in front of them.

They continue to keep driving towards the storm to follow the tornado when they see how close they were to the storm and at Fifty five seconds into the video, the stop rapidly to avoid driving into high tension power lines. The power lines were knocked down by the tornado and blocked the roadway. Just about at the one minute mark of the video, a Pickup Truck ends up driving through the power lines and a white SUV also drives into the power lines but stops almost in time to avoid hitting them. At the same time, a massive wall cloud and lowering is almost touching the ground only a few hundred yards in front of them on the road.

The dash camera footage continues for a while longer showing the vivid storm motion of the lowering of the mesocyclone. The POV footage when the chase team stops to check out a home that was destroyed by the tornado to see if anyone was trapped inside of the debris.

The rest of the footage is shot with the news cameras out the side of the truck as the mesocyclone was passing them. Same part as the POV shot but looking to the side of the storm as it passes them. Amazing footage of the storm motions as a extremely large tornado was on the other side of the tree line an heading for the town of Tushka and Atonka, Oklahoma.

After the tornado passes in second part of the video, extensive damage was found as debris littered the roadway and fields. The remaining part of the video shows some of the damage to Tushka, OK before the sun set and the chase team stopped documenting the storm damage to help out with the rescue efforts at the shelter.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

A several tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma and Kansas today causing extensive damage. In the town of Hominy, Oklahoma which is about 25 miles to the northwest of Tulsa, OK, BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tim Baker was chasing a rain wrapped tornado that touched down and knocked down power poles north of town. Tim observed extensive damage to the power poles homes, and barns.

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Today BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was on the severe storms that erupted across northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas bringing reports of huge hail and a few scattered tornadoes. One storm initiated near Enid and tracked east/northeast across northern Oklahoma. Video package that Tony shot includes scenes from this storm.

Opening shots of rotating wall cloud and funnel cloud near the town of Garber, Oklahoma. Shots include rapidly rotating wall cloud with several funnel shots.

Next shots are of insane hail from south of Hunter, Oklahoma. Opening POV shots as hail beings to fall as quarter-to-golfball. Video transitions as hail up to baseball size falls on vehicles and nearby fields. Scenes of cars on the side of the road as hail storm ends with giant hail falling from time to time. Last shots include hail with ruler and baseball and golfball hail in hand.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

Fort Collins, CO & Bellvue, CO Crystal Mountain fire, media tour footage. In this video sent in by BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin King who was part of the media tour that was given today at 3:00 pm, he accessed the most affected area of the fire where structures were lost. Video shows charred landscape, burned structure and car, more air support overhead, and at the end the on camera interview with the USFS PIO explaining the fire was originally 25 acres and exploded to 4500 with 90+ mph winds.

The second half of this video package is from a ridge line due east of the current burn area. The fire has laid down due to 3 inches of snow that fell the day prior, but as you can see now that has all melted away. In the time of filming this first clip parts of the fire were observed flaring up again. This package shows the helicopters doing water drops on the current active fire line. Access to the canyon was closed to all persons so this ridge line was the closest anyone can get for now. The area of the lake being used for water access is also secluded. Fire is estimated at 4,500 acres and is 15% contained as of 5:00 PM mountain time.

To license this footage, contact http://www.bnvn.com

On Sunday, BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was chasing the severe storms that broke out across Kansas that brought damaging winds, hail, and heavy rains. Over 200 reports of hail and high winds were reported during the day with a large cluster of reports coming from Kansas.

Video package includes nighttime storm footage from in and around the town of Allen, Kansas, about 40 miles southwest of Topeka.

Video package opens up with clip of Allen city limit sign with hail falling. Subsequent shots of hail to near golfball size (1.50″) falling on the highway. One shot of a car as storm starts to end with headlights reflecting rain and hail. Two shots of hail in hand, including one sized up with a 4GB USB stick.

Several shots of smoldering fires caused by lightning strikes to trees. Several small fires were ignited along a metal fence guessed to be caused by a lightning strike. Various clips of smoldering stumps in rain, wind and some distant lightning.

Final shots include shots after dusk of a wall cloud and scud tags.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

3/11/2011 Otsuchi Japan Earth Quake & Tsunami Stock Footage Catalog.

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

The following footage was shot in Otsuchi Japan which was completely destroyed by the 9.0 earthquake and Tsunami that stuck just ten minutes after the earthquake.

The footage starts out at the Otsuchi harbor as everything was shaking and the ground was buckling. It continues as they evacuate the town and head for higher ground before the Tsunami comes ashore.

About ten minutes from the end of the earthquake, the Tsunami hits the town and destroys everything in the town. Footage shows the massive wave and rapid water rise along with tons of debris in the water.

Footage then shows the whole area is destroyed. Video ends with a clip of a fire truck and someone the loud speaker calling for help and the Videographer talking about what happened while in the dark.

Footage is copyright Brian Barnes for BNVN.com and StormChasingVideo.com No Unauthorized Usage Allowed. Copyright violation will be persued under Untited States and International law.

Catalog ID: Otsuchi_Tsunami_2011-B
Total Run Time: 15;02;03
Format: HD
To license this footage contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Footage of the Otsuchi Japan harbor shot just prior to the 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami that destroyed the whole town.

Clip 1 Is a pan shot of the harbor and all the buildings along the

Clip 2 Shows a fishing boat coming into the harbor.

Clip 3 Shows a boat at the dock and dock workers and boat crew

Catalog ID: 03112011_Otsuchi_Japan_Pre_Earthquake
Total Run Time: 1;56;17
Format: HD
To license this footage, please contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

A large cone tornado formed near Creston, Iowa this evening and BNVN Weather Paparazzi Brandon Sullivan shot video showing the tornado forming as they drive into the city.

The tornado was short lived as he was approaching the funnel cloud, and shows the tornado condensing into a beautiful white elephant trunk tornado. By the time he got through the city and into a clearing, the tornado had already fallen apart.

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Severe weather broke out across parts of the plains as a powerful storm system produced severe weather across Nebraska and Iowa with several tornadoes, high winds, and hail.

BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach shot this footage as a weak area of circulation and associated RFD winds blow debris across the highway south of Syracuse right over himself and other chasers.

The video then shows a very brief gustnado spinning up in a field before dissipating, likely the same area of rotation that passed over in the first scene.

Various other shots include high winds, up to 1-inch hail falling and covering the roadways near Syracuse.

Last shots taken before the storm hit, including a high-based wall-cloud that was associated with the circulation from the first scenes. Also includes structure shots of the storm.

To license this footage for broadcast contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

On March 11th, 2011 Save Japan Dolphins volunteer Brian Barnes and his companions witnessed hell on Earth, but also experienced great kindness from strangers in the wake of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Brian Barnes with http://www.StormTours.com was in Otsuchi, Japan as a volunteer for http://www.SaveJapanDolphins.org and barely escaped with his life after the earthquake hit.

His companions who were with SSCS and himself barely made it to higher ground on a nearby hill that overlooked the town before Otsuchi was completely destroyed by the Tsunami. After the Tsunami, they had to spend the night on the hill as the city was on fire. The next morning they had to abandon their rental cars since the road below them was no longer there and spent the day walking through the burning remains of the city. Brian said that the walk through what can only be described as hell on earth just to find a way back to the main road and away from the coast.

He tried his best to document the events while fearing of another Tsunami as the area was being hit with strong aftershocks.

The following shows the aftermath after the water receded before finally getting to the mountain road leading to Tono.

To license this footage for broadcast, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

For interviews, contact http://www.SaveJapanDolphins.org

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing

New video in from Brian Barnes of StormTours http://www.stormtours.com who was in Otsuchi Japan which was near the Epicenter of the 9.0 Earthquake and north of the city of Sendai Japan.


*** Please think before you post a comment because they were focused on trying to stay alive vs shooting video ***

He went to Otsuchi Japan as part of a volunteer group for Save Japan Dolphins (SJD) http://www.savejapandolphins.org that is operated by Earth Island Institute and lead by Ric O’Barry of the Oscar winning movie “The Cove” to document the largest slaughter of cetaceans in the world, the Dall’s porpoise slaughter.

I met up with Scott West and Tarah Millen who were there with the Sea Sheppard Conservation Society (SSCS). We agreed to go to Otsuchi together because the area has had very little western activist in it in the past and the fishermen there have shown aggressive violent behavior to those who have previously monitored the Dall’s porpoise hunt, we figured we would need to watch each others backs.


Brian said “We were scouting out the location and were filming the docks and the Porpoise fishermen in the harbor when the earthquake hit.” He said that he jumped out of the car and tried to start filming the earthquake but it was so up/down, and back/forth that I could barely get the camera started.

In the video he shot you can see the earthquake was still shaking the area their rental car moving back and fourth. Brian said “I think my instincts with disasters from my years of Storm Chasing just sort of took over. I’ve never been in anything like that before and I knew it was major but I guess you still just see it as a natural disaster at the time and instinctively do the “chase” thing, if that makes sense. We really shouldn’t be alive.”

As soon as the ground stopped shacking we got in our rental car and were followed by another car with SSCS volunteers and headed to the top of a hill overlooking the town just before the 25 meter high Tsunami hit where we were just standing only minutes before. The time from the Earthquake to the Tsunami striking Otsuchi was about eight minutes.

The Tsunami reduced the city to ruins and the tsunami protection wall that was built to save the city was smashed and washed out to sea, everything was completely destroyed. Brian watched as the ocean recede and then rushed back in at least a dozen times where at one point the entire ocean floor was exposed. At one point we saw and heard a woman in the water screaming for help, but she was washed out to sea before they could do anything to rescue her.

“We saw cars and what was left of homes floating in the water and what was not destroyed in the Tsunami was burned up in the massive fire that started after the Tsunami.

We were stuck on this hill because the road at the bottom on either side was completely gone and had to take shelter in our rental cars for the night. The rental cars they had are still on the hill side where they had to abandon them since the road below was gone.

In the morning we got up and abandoned their rental cars on the road up on the hill and hiked back into town. They started seeing the dead bodies everywhere. A woman hanging from a tree where the wave left her, people dead in what was left of their cars, total devastation. It took us an entire day to walk out of the town, rubble doesn’t even describe what we saw. To bring home the massive destruction, Hurricane Katrina and the Greensberg Kansas Tornado, those disasters are nothing compared to this. Every car we saw was smashed along with just about every wooden home was destroyed.

There wasn’t one thing left standing, it looked like something out of a world war two film after the war ended.

We finally made it to safety after climbing over the ruins of houses and walking over burning rubble and back to our hotel in Tono before paying a kings ransom to take a taxi to Akita Japan where I’m waiting for a flight back to America.

To license this footage for broadcast, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

Raw footage shot by Minnesota Department Of Transportation (MN DOT) staff following the Interstate 35W Mississippi River Bridge Collapse of 8/1/2007.

This footage was obtained by BNVN from the Minnesota Department of Transportation that was shot by MN/Dot staff after the day after the Interstate 35W Bridge collapse.

Shot from the 10th Avenue Bridge over-looking the wreckage and in a boat on the river up next to the wreckage.

Video shows close up and wide shots of rescue crews on the bridge in the middle of a recovery and in the water from various vantage points. Various tight and wide shots of the bridge wreckage.

Additional footage shows divers in the water next to the wreckage.

Catalog: MNDot_35W Bridge_Aftermath
Total Run Time: 7;10;22
Format: SD

The magnetic field of the earth was struck by a Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun during the late night of March 10th, 2011. The CME sparked very bright Northern Lights over Northern North America just after 11:00 P.M. local time. This video was shot in Minnesota just north of the city of Saint Cloud, MN. The video shows a very bright Aurora Borealis also known as The Northern Lights dancing in the sky. The Aurora peaked about the same time as the earth quake in Japan before Midnight local time in Minnesota.

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com