Winter storm hits North Dakota, video along Interstate 94 near Valley City. Heavy and wet snow has been accumulating since 8:00 AM. ND DOT plows are working non stop to keep Interstate 94 open to traffic as the snow continues to pile up.
Shot Description
1-2) North Dakota Highway Patrol (NDHP) on the scene of a Jack Knifed Semi tangled up in the center cable barrier of Interstate 94 outside of Tower City, ND.
3) Tow plow on I-94
4) Plow coming off I-94 on the west edge of Valley City
5) Truck driver cleaning window at rest stop
6) Gas station worker clearing snow
7) Tow plow on I-94
8) General traffic from overpass looking at I-94
9) Plow clearing shoulder
10) NDHP escorting tow truck from median along I-94
SID: Jason Bednar
#NDWX #Winterstorm #i94 #slickroads
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