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Winter Storm Hits the Twin Cities Metro Area – 2/8/2025

Minneapolis and St. Paul metro experienced one of the more significant snow storms of the 2024-25 winter season. The northern metro was hit the hardest with up to a half foot of snow. This caused plenty of chaos across the metro this morning, perhaps catching some motorists off-guard.
Shot Description

00:00 Various clips of Minneapolis Public Works crew shoveling snow on the sidewalk
00:15 A couple of clips of a Bobcat brushing snow off the sidewalk in Minneapolis.
00:45 Driving shot of snow falling on I-35W in Minneapolis.
00:54 Close clips following and passing a snow plow.
01:15 Video of a spun-out truck and tow truck off the shoulder of an on-ramp to I-35W.
01:24 Various follow shots of traffic behind snow plow armada in the Twin Cities.
01:47 Various shots of heavy snow falling onto I-94 traffic
02:21 Snow falling in front of red pole barn
02:31 Various shots of snow plows clearing the taxiway at Lake Elmo Airport.
03:49 Large snowflakes falling in front of interstate exit signs.
03:55 Video of a spun-out car in a ditch.
03:59 Heavy snow falling on I-94 featuring Minneapolis highway sign.
04:06 Drive-by of accident on I-35W.
04:12 A couple of tight shots following snow plows in Minneapolis.
04:36 A few shots from the accident scene on I-35W with the vehicle getting towed.
04:50 Same location as the last scene, but slow drive-by of vehicle getting towed.
05:04 Video from the University of Minnesota of a student walking on the road in Heavy snow.
05:12 Various clips of dogs and their owners taking in the snowfall.
05:28 Friends walking on the sidewalk amidst improving snowfall.
#MNWX #winterstorm #snowstorm #badroads

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