A G2-class geomagnetic storm caused the Auroras to dance in the sky on the evening of the 21st.
The show was well underway as the sun was setting. Once it turned dark, the Auroras filled the northern sky with color. The show was pretty much null by 11:30 pm. This timelapse will show the Auroras going strong and then fading away.
Shot Description
Clips 1-2. Timelapse of the Auroras.
SID: Dirk Miller
#auroraborealis #spaceweather #northernlights
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Severe storms worked through Central Illinois on Wednesday afternoon, causing straight-line wind damage and blowing over semi trucks along I-39. The following video includes clips of a blown-over semi, strong winds, and heavy rain, as well as a video of the severe warned storms rolling into the region.
Shot Description
00:00 Video driving by a blown-over semi on northbound I-39 with several Illinois State Patro cars and emergency personnel at the scene.
00:32 Side video passing by the scene of the blown-over semi-truck with emergency vehicles and police at the scene.
00:43 Wide and medium shots of heavy rain and strong wind gusts as the strong to severe storms worked through the region Wednesday afternoon.
01:08 Three wide-shot clips of the strong to severe storms rolling into Central Illinois. The gusty conditions kicked up dust ahead of the storms visible in the background.
SID: Charlie Bourdo
#ILWX #weather #stormchasing #trucking
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An intense blizzard makes I-25 impassible on March 18, 2025 on Monument Hill, near Monument, Colo. Motorists were stranded as semis jackknifed and blocked the freeway.
Shot Description
00:00 – Tight shot of stuck vehicles in intense wind driven snow on I-25 in Monument Colorado
00:08 – Medium shot of stuck vehicles and semis in intense wind driven snow on I-25 in Monument Colorado.
00:16 – Stranded vehicles and semis in wind driven snow on freeways.
00:21 – Vehicle enters an intersection with blowing snow and zero visibility.
00:30 – Dash video following a car with wind driven snow and visibility less than windshield.
01:34 – Mid shot of CDOT worker directing traffic to make room for recovery vehicles in wind-driven snow.
01:45 – Tight shot of CDOT worker directs traffic to make room for recovery vehicles in wind driven snow.
01:55 – Wide of stuck traffic on I-25 near Monument, Colo. with extremely intense wind driven snow.
02:03 – Mid shot of stuck vans on I-25.
02:11 – Wide shot of stuck vans on I-25.
02:18 – CDOT snowplow finds an opening to advance through the bumper-to-bumper stalled traffic on I-25.
02:38 – Wide of wind driven snow and stalled semi.
02:46 – CDOT recovery vehicle pulls semi up Monument Hill, I-25.
02:58 – Low visibility and stranded vehicles on I-25.
03:05 – Tighter shot of low visibility and stranded vehicles on I-25.
03:15 – Stuck sedan with passengers trying to push it free on I-25.
03:30 – Wide shot including semi of passengers of sedan trying to push vehicle free on I-25.
03:39 – Semi spinning tires on freeway.
03:47 – Numerous semis stuck on freeway.
03:54 – Passenger of semi braves extreme wind driven snow.
04:24 – Tight of stuck semi on roundabout in extreme wind driven snow.
04:34 – Wide of stuck semi on roundabout in extreme wind driven snow.
04:40 – Chaotic arrangement of stranded vehicles on I-25.
04:48 – Tight of stranded vehicles on I-25 in wind driven snow.
04:58 – Semis at a standstill on I-25 in wind driven snow.
SID: Trevor Cokley
#blizzard #colorado #weatherevents #weather
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Troy, AL Tornado Aftermath Drone
00:00 Flyover of a home with the roof ripped off and debris scattered everywhere from Tornado in Troy, AL
00:41 (2 Clips) Troy Sportsplex Gymnasium roof ripped off from tornado
00:56 (3 Clips) Troy Sportsplex Baseball fields and Miracle League field damaged from tornado
01:21 (2 Clips) Roof damage on commercial building
01:41 Gas Station destroyed from tornado and roof ripped off building in Troy, AL
01:56 (3 Clips) Wrecker crews working on flipping over semi tipped in Tornado in Walmart parking lot Troy, Alabama
03:12 Homes Damaged just north of Troy, AL on Elm Street
05:10 Multiple Clips of Troy Fire Department working on clearing trees from residences on Elm Street in Troy, AL
#Troy #alabanzas #drone #alwx #tornado #aftermath
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Tornado Strikes Troy Alabama March 15, 2025
Shot Description
00:00 Tornado Strikes Troy Alabama causing major power flashes as sparks are getting sucked up in the tornado
00:39 (2 Clips) Damage at gas station in Troy, AL from Tornado
00:54 (3 Clips) Semi tipped over in Walmart parking lot with woman inside and Troy EMT and Fire Department helping to extricate her
01:25 Power Poles snapped in half from Tornado
01:31 Raw footage immediately after tornado hit gas station with heavy rain
01:40 Driving down US 231 in Troy, AL after tornado damages city with damage and emergency personnel
SID: Michael Gordon
#Tornado #Weather #alwx #aftermath
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Grenada, Mississippi Hit by Large Tornado on March 14, 2025
Shot Description
00:00 (2 Clips) Semi flipped over from tornado on I-55 NB near Grenada, MS with guy climbing out of cab of truck
00:29 (5 Clips) Ground footage of the destruction of the tornado just south of Grenada, MS
01:12 (7 Clips) Drone Footage of the aftermath of the large tornado near Grenada, MS
02:13 Tornado next to highway as I am driving down the road.
SID: Michael Gordon
#tornado #aftermath #MSwx #weather
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The following video, captured in central Missouri, Mexico, shows the aftermath of strong-to-severe storms that came through the region on Friday, March 14, 2025. It shows piles of hail up to 5" deep and power outages following the storms.
Shot Description
00:00 Video of the leading edge of the storms working into the city.
00:11 Clip of hail sitting on the ground outside a Domino's in Mexico, Missouri.
00:21 Video of a large pile of hail left over from the storms sitting in the middle of the parking lot for a Family Video in town.
00:32 Close-up clips of the hail that had fallen from the storms.
00:49 Various clips shot close and medium, of the hail piled up with a ruler in it measuring around 5" piles of hail.
01:40 Various clips of the power outage at a Casey's Gas Station following the strong-to-severe storms.
02:15 Here are a couple of clips of the lights and power completely out at an intersection in Mexico, MO.
SID: Sara Bruce
#hail #hailstorm #MOWX #weather
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Video from Yukon, Oklahoma, of two semi trucks blown over from the strong winds along I-40 near Garth Brooks Blvd at around 5 PM on Friday, March 14, 2025. Max wind gusts in the area ranged around 60-70 MPH.
Shot Description
00:00 Two wide-angle shots of two semi trucks blown over on I-40 with two larger wreckers working to right them.
00:20 Medium shot video of a truck blown over from I-40 and down the embankment with two large wreckers trying to right it.
00:31 A medium-to-close-shot panning video of the semi truck blown over with two large wreckers and the Oklahoma Hazmat and Remediation truck on scene working on the truck then pans to another semi blown over in the distance on the side of the road along I-40 with another tow truck.
01:02 Video of a large wrecker dragging a blown over semi off the I-40 bridge.
01:16 Closer shot of the large wrecker dragging the truck off the I-40 bridge.
SID: Bradley Patton
#OKWX #extremewinds #highwinds #trucking
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Around 10-12 inches of heavy wet snow fell across parts of the southern Twin Cities Metro. That heavy wet snow partially collapsed the Irish Sports Dome at Rosemount High School in Rosemount, Minnesota, on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
Shot Description
00:00 Two wide shots of the east side of the sports dome show a partially collapsed dome with snow on top of it.
00:16 Two medium shots of the east side of the dome, showing the dome partially collapsed around a doorway with snow sitting on the deflated dome section.
00:31 Two clips from the side of the collapsed dome.
SID: Will Wight
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A winter storm tracked through the Twin Cities Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, March 4-5, 2025, bringing 7-12 of snow across the region and being one of the biggest snowfalls of the season, and blizzard-like conditions. Several schools across the area were closed due to hazardous travel conditions on Wednesday morning. The following video was captured across Dakota and Hennepin counties, showing the impacts on the Wednesday morning commute across the region. Minnesota State Patrol reported hundreds of spin-outs and vehicles stuck in the snow, as MnDOT crews and city crews worked hard to get roads cleared by late morning.
Shot Description
00:00 Video of a Minnesota State Patrol Trooper sitting with a vehicle on southbound I-35E in Eagan, MN that had gone into the ditch.
00:10 Various clips from Lakeville, MN, show people attempting to help pull a woman's vehicle out of a snow drift. The clips include pulling the vehicle out using a pull rope and people shoveling snow out from underneath and around the vehicle.
00:47 Video of a roadside on northbound Highway 77 in Apple Valley, MN, saying Winter Storm Warning in Effect with snow-covered roads, falling snow, and slow driving traffic.
00:57 Video of a vehicle on the ramp from northbound Highway 77 to northbound I-35E in Apple Valley stuck in the ditch.
01:08 One close-up and one wide shot of a digital sign saying Winter Storm Warning in Effect on northbound I-35W into Minneapolis, MN.
01:23 One close-up and one wide shot of a digital sign saying Crash -Ramp Closed to 494 West Use Alternative Route on northbound I-35W going through Bloomington, MN.
01:33 Medium shot of slow traffic behind a MnDOT snow plow gang clearing the highway from the heavy snow in Minneapolis, MN.
01:46 A couple of clips of a snow plow gang clearing the highway going around a curve in Minneapolis, MN.
02:20 Video of snow plows going around a vehicle stuck or broken down on the side of the road in Minneapolis, MN.
02:38 Additional close to medium shot video clips following behind MnDOT snow plows clearing the highway of the heavy snow.
02:53 Medium to wide shot of traffic slowing driving toward the City of Minneapolis, city in the background as snow falls and an MVTA bus in the foreground along I-35W.
03:01 Close-up video of an MnDOT plow and trailer clearing the road of heavy snow and putting down deicer driving into Minneapolis, MN from northbound I-35W.
03:09 Medium shot video in Minneapolis, MN of snow falling and blowing, causing reduced visibility near Hennepin Ave.
03:18 Video of people shoveling the heavy snow in downtown Minneapolis, MN in the strong winds and blowing snow.
SID: Hunter Anderson Will Wight
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A vicious blizzard causes widespread accidents, high winds knock out power, whiteout conditions, a very dangerous situation for Des Moines, Iowa.
All footage shot during morning daylight and darkness on March 5, 2025 in/near Des Moines, Iowa by Meteorologist and Storm Chaser Simon Brewer.
Shot Description
00:00 tractor trailer blocks interstate freeway ramp after sliding off highway
00:35 multiple accidents on Interstate 80
00:52 standstill traffic with multiple accidents on Interstate 80
01:36 chaos on Interstate 35 with vehicles driving against traffic during blizzard gridlock
01:51 multiple accidents
03:11 whiteout conditions with 40 to 50 mph wind gusts
03:32 predawn chaos on I-80 with 55 to 60 mph winds and multiple accidents
SID: Simon Brewer
#IAWX #Blizzard #winterstorm
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Blizzard conditions on I-35 and US-52 in southern Minnesota March 5 2025. Local PS radio.
Scenes from the travel nightmare from the powerful winter storm hitting the Twin Cities Metro area. Footage of aircraft deicing at the Minneapolis – St. Paul International Airport in near whiteout conditions. Scenes from the roads of extremely dangerous driving conditions, such as snow-packed roads and icy conditions. Numerous motor vehicles crashed, spun out, and got stuck in the snow.
Shot Description
Clip 1 – Winter Storm Warning Sign.
Clip 2 – Pickup truck spinning its wheels.
Clip 3 – Big Rig Tractor spun out and crashed into the ditch along Interstate 35.
Clip 4-5 – FedEx Tractor Trailer stuck on an exit ramp on Interstate 35 in the heavy snow and high winds.
Clip 6-7 – Amazon Prime Tractor Trailers crashed into the ditch on Interstate 35.
Clip 8-11 – Cars sliding on the ice and snow on Nicollet Avenue in Burnsville, MN.
Clip 12 – Snow Plow moving towards the camera.
Clip 13-15 – Scenes of Aircraft Deicing at Minneapolis International Airport.
Clip 16 – Pickup truck pulling a trailer and spinning its wheels on Interstate 35.
Clip 17 – Pickup truck crashed into the ditch.
Clip 18 – Snow Plows.
Clip 19 – Tow truck pulling a car out of the ditch.
Clip 20 – SUV in the ditch.
Clip 21-22 – Car stuck in the ditch.
Clip 23 – SUV Stuck in the ditch.
Clip 24-26 – Snow plows on Interstate 35.
#mnwx #winterstorm #blizzard #automobile
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Blizzard Warning, multiple accidents, whiteout conditions, power flashes, high winds, blowing snow, and very dangerous driving conditions over Western Iowa during a powerful spring blizzard.
All footage shot during evening darkness on March 4, 2025 in/near Nebraska City, Nebraska by meteorologist and Storm Chaser Simon Brewer
Shot Description
00:00 power flash takes out lights
00:15 large multivehicle accident with significant emergency personnel presence blocks Interstate 29
00:58 snowplow clears snow on I-29
01:18 high winds blowing snow
01:58 whiteout conditions and power flash over highway
02:15 high winds blowing snow
SID: Simon Brewer
#iawx #winterstorm #blizzard
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The famous Kansas Turnpike Tornado was filmed during the historic May 4th, 2003 tornado event. The footage was shot just west of Kansas City, KS, in Wyandotte, KS. As the tornado moved to the northeast, it passed about 50 yards away, and debris fell on the cameraman.
The footage continues as the cameraman chases the tornado on foot to get up to the bridge and then finds a family hiding in the worst possible place under the bridge. Footage ends as the tornado moves along Interstate 70 and towards the Kansas Speedway.
Catalog: 05042003_Remastered_Edit_2025
Format: ProRes 422HQ 1920×1080
#Kansas #Turnpiketornado #Tornado #stormchasing #KSWX
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Multiple accidents from heavy snow during winter storms on Lexington, Kentucky highways still reeling from significant flooding.
All footage was shot during morning daylight on February 19, 2025, in/near Lexington, Kentucky, by Meteorologist and Storm Chaser Simon Brewer.
Shot Description
00:00 SUV spins-out on snow in the middle of Interstate 75 in Lexington, Kentucky
00:18 Multiple accidents from snow-covered highways with emergency assistance
01:04 tractor trailer accident from snow-covered highway, losing trailer
01:43 Truck slides ona snowy highway
02:09 snowplows clear snow from highways
SID: Simon Brewer
#KYWX #weather #winterstorm
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Winter storm hits Western Kentucky still reeling from tragic flooding.
All footage shot during evening darkness on February 18, 2025 in/near Elizabethtown, Kentucky by Meteorologist and Storm Chaser Simon Brewer
Shot Description
00:00 vehicles in ditch after sliding off snow-covered highway
00:28 snowplows clear Interstate 65
01:04 traffic with heavy snow falling
01:13 heavy snow falling at gas station
01:26 traffic lights with heavy snow falling
SID: Simon Brewer
#KYWX #Winterstorm #Snowstorm #weather
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Winter Storm brings Hazardous Travel to the Baltimore Area
Shot Description
00:00 Car almost loses control across bridge near Baltimore
00:08 (3 Clips) Vehicles slid off the road in the ditch or median just outside Baltimore, Maryland from Winter Storm
00:39 Car off the interstate with plows clearing the roadway
00:48 Two plows clearing the interstate with heavy snow falling
00:57 EMS attending to a vehicle off the roadway during the dangerous winter storm
01:06 Two plows trying to clear roadway in downtown Baltimore
01:13 Downtown Baltimore snow storm with train moving through town
01:28 Still shot of downtown Baltimore with snow coming down
01:35 Extremely heavy traffic on snow covered interstate in Baltimore, MD
01:47 Plows clearing roadway with traffic alert sign
01:58 Still shot of snow falling in Baltimore
02:05 Dangerous travel on interstate with heavy snow falling
SID: Michael Gordon
#winterstorm #MDWX #automobile
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Winter storm in Richmond, Virginia with snow, sleet and freezing rain. Scenes of a wrecked truck, snow plow, kids sledding and people dealing with the winter weather.
Shot Description
Wrecked truck and emergency vehicles on I-64
Snow plow sanding Interstate 64
Kids sledding
A couple walking in a snowy neighborhood
Workers shoveling a walkway
Person walking dog
SID: William Hark
#Vawx #winterstorm #weather #snowstorm
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Minneapolis and St. Paul metro experienced one of the more significant snow storms of the 2024-25 winter season. The northern metro was hit the hardest with up to a half foot of snow. This caused plenty of chaos across the metro this morning, perhaps catching some motorists off-guard.
Shot Description
00:00 Various clips of Minneapolis Public Works crew shoveling snow on the sidewalk
00:15 A couple of clips of a Bobcat brushing snow off the sidewalk in Minneapolis.
00:45 Driving shot of snow falling on I-35W in Minneapolis.
00:54 Close clips following and passing a snow plow.
01:15 Video of a spun-out truck and tow truck off the shoulder of an on-ramp to I-35W.
01:24 Various follow shots of traffic behind snow plow armada in the Twin Cities.
01:47 Various shots of heavy snow falling onto I-94 traffic
02:21 Snow falling in front of red pole barn
02:31 Various shots of snow plows clearing the taxiway at Lake Elmo Airport.
03:49 Large snowflakes falling in front of interstate exit signs.
03:55 Video of a spun-out car in a ditch.
03:59 Heavy snow falling on I-94 featuring Minneapolis highway sign.
04:06 Drive-by of accident on I-35W.
04:12 A couple of tight shots following snow plows in Minneapolis.
04:36 A few shots from the accident scene on I-35W with the vehicle getting towed.
04:50 Same location as the last scene, but slow drive-by of vehicle getting towed.
05:04 Video from the University of Minnesota of a student walking on the road in Heavy snow.
05:12 Various clips of dogs and their owners taking in the snowfall.
05:28 Friends walking on the sidewalk amidst improving snowfall.
#MNWX #winterstorm #snowstorm #badroads
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Today, February 03, 2025, crews from the St. Louis Sheriff’s Office and their water rescue team, along with the Superior/Douglas County WI. Dive and Rescue team and another team from Ely, MN, recovered a Jeep that had been missing for over 13 years from the St. Louis River/Sprite Lake.
The vehicle was reported stolen back in February of 2012. The teams had no idea if a person was in the Jeep. Thankfully, no human remains were found, and it appears that the Jeep was just dumped in the water after being stolen in 2012.
The vehicle was submerged in 20 feet of water. This video package will show the recovery of the Jeep.
Shot Description
Clip 1. The crew cut the ice to recover the Jeep.
Clip 2. Another crew pushed the ice chunks under the main sheet of ice.
Clip 3. A diver goes into the water to hook up the chains to the front of the Jeep.
Clips 5-6. The crew lifted the front end of the Jeep out of the water.
Clips 7-8. Two divers headed into the water to hook up the rear end of the Jeep.
Clips 9-11. The crew pulled the Jeep out of the water.
Clip 12. The crew pulled the ice recovery equipment away from the Jeep.
SID: Dirk Miller
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The ice is never 100% safe to drive on, even in the middle of winter in the upper Midwest, because warmer temperatures have caused the ice to shift and create pressure ridges where the ice becomes thinner.
Footage shows the recovery of two vehicles from two different lakes in Barron County, Wisconsin.
The first part of the video was shot in Cameron, Wisconsin. Yesterday afternoon, a Chevy Suburban broke through ice on Prairie Lake near Cameron, WI. The Suburban drove over a pressure ridge that had formed between an island and the main shoreline of the lake. The water in this spot was around 3 feet deep, as there was a sandbar on which the pressure ridge formed. No injuries were reported. This video package will show the recovery of the suburban on this windy afternoon.
The second vehicle was in Chetek, Wisconsin, where a Toyota truck went through the ice on Chetek Lake. The truck went through the pressure ridge by the Highway D bridge. No injuries were reported. The vehicle was sitting in about 4 to maybe 5 feet of water.
Most of the area lakes have about 16 to 20 inches of ice on them, but due to the underwater currents and the freezing and thawing with the record-warm temperatures this year, many lakes have pressure ridges hidden in the ice.
Shot Description
From Cameron, Wisc.
Clip 1. The crew formed a game plan.
Clip 2. The Suburban is waiting to be rescued.
Clip 3. Crew cutting the ice away from the suburban.
Clips 4-5. The crew pulled the Suburban out of the water.
Clip 6. Pulling the Suburban away from the hole in the ice.
From Chetek, Wisc.
Clip 7. Crew cutting the ice away from the truck.
Clip 8. Crew hooking up the chains to the truck.
Clips 9-10. The crew pulled the truck out of the water.
Clip 11. The crew pulled the equipment through the shot.
SID: Dirk Miller
#icefishing #iceroad #icerecovery #towtruck
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Intense wind driven snow causes chaos on I-25 north of Colorado Springs, Colorado on Jan. 30, 2025.
Southern Colorado (Local market exclusive to KKTV)
Shot Description
00:00 – CDOT workers pull a box truck up an off-ramp from I-25 northbound onto Baptist Rd. in Monument, Colo.
00:28 – Same location as last, truck slides as it vanishes into low visibility.
00:42 – Overview of the previous scene, before towing with traffic and other vehicles stuck on the off-ramp, blowing snow with limited visibility.
00:53 – Tighter, closer to the previous scene, before tow, with traffic backed up and CDOT workers showing up to help.
00:59 – CDOT workers hooking up tow strap.
01:07 – Blowing snow as people stand outside next to stuck trucks, with CDOT vehicle responding.
01:27 – Good Samaritan pushing stuck vehicle in intense wind driven snow.
02:11 – CDOT truck pulling semi with tow strap.
02:29 – Sedan sideways, stuck on off-ramp, spinning tires.
02:52 – Wide of slow traffic in limited visibility and blowing snow on I-25 northbound in Monument, Colo.
03:04 – Mid of last.
03:22 – Wide of CDOT truck and stuck semi in low visibility wind driven snow.
03:33 – Tight of last.
03:42 – Delivery trucks in zero visibility emerge from a blanket of blowing snow.
04:36 – Flags in blowing snow, wide.
04:44 – Tight of flags in blowing snow.
04:52 – Tight shot of gas station in zero visibility blowing snow.
05:01 – Field with blowing snow.
05:11 – Tight shot of a field with blowing snow.
05:24 – Overview of Baptist Rd. in Monument, Colo during snowfall.
SID: Trevor Cokley
Edit Shot Sheet Info
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This morning in Saint Cloud, MN the air temperature dropped to minus eight below zero Fahrenheit (-08F°) again as this brutal cold weather continues for the region.
The lack of snow cover also allows the ground frost line to drop much lower than usual this year and is beginning to impact the underground water pipes.
Footage of the aftermath of an underground pipe that burst on the south side of Saint Cloud, MN, spilled over fifty thousand gallons of water through private property and back into the street, where it froze.
City workers needed to use heavy-duty machinery to try and break up the ice almost ten inches deep in some areas.
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