Video from earlier today of untreated or summer blend diesel fuel freezing pretty much solid.
Time-Lapse Of non treated summer blend diesel fuel that is meant for use only in warmer climates and it freezes up into a wax like substance within two hours at -10F or -23C temperatures.
The fuel was stored at 74F (23C) just prior to this experiment to show what happens inside the fuel system of the vehicles with untreated diesel fuel if they drive from warmer weather and into the extreme arctic sub zero polar vortex conditions that have impacted a large portion of Canada and the United States this week.
Experiment to show why so much of the commercial traffic has been delayed due to the cold weather.
Shot Description
One long clip from a two hour long video that is edited into three parts that starts out in real time showing the diesel fuel is liquid and free flowing.
Then a time-lapse starts at about 20 seconds after the timer starts or at 37 seconds into the video and continues to about one minute and fifty five seconds into the video where you see the diesel fuel thicken up and gel up.
Then the last part of the video is in real time that shows the diesel fuel is pretty much solid and what it would look like in a fuel tank or fuel system such as a vehicles fuel filter.
Due to the intense lake effect snow, tractor trailers were routed off Interstate 81, and on to the side roads in Adams NY, and they quickly became stranded on the icy roads, as the town was buried under more than 2 feet of snow.
Shot Description
SHOT 1: Police struggle against white-out conditions while directing traffic in Adams, NY.
SHOT 2: State Troopers discuss how to free a bunch of stranded tractor trailers in Adams, NY.
SHOT 3: A plow passes by as police direct traffic in an intersection.
SHOT 4: Panning shot of a line of stranded tractor trailers in Adams, NY.
SHOT 5: A man uses a snow blower to clear more than 2 feet of snow.
SHOT 6: A man clears off nearly 2 feet of snow from his truck.
SHOT 7 & 8: Shot of cars buried in deep snow.
SHOT 9, 10, 11, 12: People struggling to shovel deep snow in heavy snow & wind.
SHOT 13: A large snow plow passes by.
SHOT 14: True white-out conditions in a residential area of Adams, NY.
SHOT 15: People shoveling have nowhere to put the snow because it is too high!
SHOT 16: Shot of deep snow accumulation on a house.
SID: Dave Lewison
A streamer of very heavy lake effect snow dumped several feet of snow on the eastern shores of Lake Ontario. Intense snow and frequent white-out conditions affected the I-81 corridor, near the town of Mannsville NY, causing vehicles to become stuck during the blinding snow.
Shot Description
SHOT 1: Shot of a person walking their dog as a snow plow comes up behind them
SHOT 2 & 3: Passing shot of a vehicle stuck in a ditch with police helping on I-81.
SHOT 4: Passing shot of an 18-wheeler stuck on the side of the road in blinding snow.
SHOT 5: A driver standing beside his stranded vehicle on the side of the road in heavy snow.
SHOT 6: A person digging out from a 5-ft snow bank.
SHOT 7: A person trying to shovel the sidewalk in heavy snow.
SHOT 8: A person using a snowblower to clear off a sidewalk.
SHOT 9, 10, 11: Driving on I-81 during white-out conditions.
SHOT 12: Huge icicles hang on a house in Mannsville, NY.
SHOT 13: Passing shot of heavy snow accumulations in Mannsville, NY.
SHOT 14: An old building on the corner during heavy snow in downtown Mannsville, NY.
SHOT 15: Traffic moving slowly past during heavy snow.
SID: Dave Lewison
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Very heavy lake effect snow and blankets Jefferson County, NY with feet of snow and frigid temperatures.
Shot Description
Shot 1: A nervous motorist talks with a snow plow operator at the entrance ramp to I-81 near Adams, NY as very heavy lake effect snow falls.
Shot 2: New York State Troopers help push a stuck motorist out of deep snow.
Shots 3-6: Near white out conditions in Adams, NY as very heavy lake effect snow falls. Vehicles navigating low visibility conditions.
Shot 7: A snow plow drives down the middle of the street in Adams, NY as the lake effect snow briefly lighten up in intensity.
Shot 8: A NY State Trooper vehicle navigates his way back into the driveway of their headquarters in Adams, NY
Shot 9: Vehicles navigate near whiteout conditions near Adams, NY.
Shot 10: A man snow plows a fast food restaurants parking lot as the snow briefly lightens up in intensity.
Shots 11-12: A person shovels multiple feet of snow on Main Street in Adams, NY.
Shot 13: A tractors hauls snow out of a parking lot in Adams, NY
Shots 14-15: Motorists clear snow off of their vehicles in Adams, NY.
SID: Scott McPartland
Blizzard slams Williamsville NY with nearly 2 feet of heavy lake effect snow, blowing snow from very high winds, low visibility whiteout conditions, very dangerous travel conditions on road and by foot, and dangerously low temperatures and wind chills.
Also amazing timelapse of intense classic lake effect snow band feeding off Lake Erie over Williamsville NY and Buffalo NY!
All footage shot during evening darkness and daylight on January 30, 2019 in/near Williamsville NY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. car stranded in ditch after sliding off highway with police assistance
2. police assisting stranded motorist with traffic in low visibility blizzard conditions
3-5. various shots of traffic in low visibility blizzard conditions
6-10. various shots of vehicles buried under deep snow with blizzard conditions
11-17. various shots of blizzard conditions in Williamsville NY: low visibility, blowing and heavy falling snow, high winds
18 & 19. large American Flag whipped by strong winds in Williamsville NY
20 & 21. people walking in blizzard conditions in Williamsville NY
22. driving shot of homes buried in deep snow in Williamsville NY
23-25. various shots of homes buried under nearly 2 feet of snow in Williamsville NY
26. sidewalk canyon surrounded by nearly 2 feet of deep snow
27. POV driving shot of snow plow clearing highway in Williamsville NY
28. POV driving shot of whiteout on highway in Williamsville
29 and 28. shots of classic lake effect snow band feeding off Lake Erie causing blizzard over Williamsville and Buffalo NY
30. Incredible time lapse of classic intense lake effect snow band with sun overhead feeding off Lake Erie causing blizzard over Williamsville and Buffalo NY
SID: Simon Brewer
Car and Truck collide yards in front of camera during whiteout conditions! Blizzard conditions in Buffalo NY from extremely intense lake effect snow band! Record cold arctic air moving over a much warmer Lake Erie is feeding most intense lake effect snow band in years over Buffalo. Dangerous blizzard-whiteout conditions: accidents, vehicles in ditches, extreme cold, and high winds. Also amazing Time lapse of lake effect snow band feeding over Buffalo during early morning hours!
Video ends with an amazing shot of the lake effect snow coming in off the lake from the side of the band under blue sky.
All footage shot in/near Buffalo NY during morning daylight hours on January 30, 2019 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1 & 2. Incredible timelapse of lake effect snow band feeding off Lake Erie and dumping high amounts of snow on Buffalo NY
3. Vehicles pass, then complete whiteout, and loud “CRASH” on camera (at about 30 secs into clip) then visibility gets slightly better and a truck and car are smashed into each other only yards in front of camera
4-12. various shots of accident scene: police arrive, ambulance arrives, driver with neck injury loaded into ambulance, police putting out road flares, with periodic whiteout conditions
13-15. police stop to assist car stranded in deep snow with heavy snow falling and blowing, very low visibility
16 & 17. shots of snowplows attempting to clear snow in Buffalo NY
18 & 19. traffic jam from stranded vehicle with police assistance on I-90 in Buffalo NY
20. high winds and blowing and falling snow with bending grass in Buffalo NY
21. “1 degree F” temperature reading during blizzard conditions in Buffalo NY
22. As the sun comes out, just to the edge of the LES or Lake Effect Snow band you can see a perfect text book example of the snow band coming off the lake.
SID: Simon Brewer
Vodka freezing with commentary and time-lapse plus tossing boiling water into cold air (-25 F).
Shot Description
1). 5 second title slug.
2). Commentary with Vodka showing 40%
3). Filling up glass and placing it outside.
4). Time lapse of it freezing in just 1 hour!
5). Frozen Vodka in glass.
6). Slush as it slowly defrosts (like glycol since it’s and alcohol).
7). Blank space (1 second).
8). Boiling water in pot with commentary.
9). Throwing it outside as FPV.
10). Second pot wide angle.
SID: Christopher Collura
Hurricane Michael, Mexico Beach, FL 10/10/2018, Extreme Hurricane Eye Wall With Peak Winds And Storm Surge Footage Catalog
Master full length archive footage catalog from the most intense part of Hurricane Michael making landfall in Mexico Beach, FL on the far west side of the city at 41st street and highway 98.
Footage shows the start of the hurricane force winds making landfall and the most extreme part of the eye wall winds and storm surge destroying the town.
Video of vehicles, structures and all types of debris floating past the
Footage is mixed between 4KUHD and 1080i cameras that documented the storm worst of Hurricane Michael.
Catalog ID: 10102018_Hurricane_Michael_Mexico_Beach_Master_TB1
All footage © 10/10/2018 Tony Brite – All footage in this video was shot exclusively by Tony Brite and is being represented by LLC for licensing.
Contact To License This Material.
SID:Tony Brite
18 inches of deep snow buries Glens Falls NY! Major Winter storm hammers Upstate New York with WHITEOUT conditions, a foot and a half of snow and frigid temperatures. Dangerous icy and snow-covered roads caused numerous accidents.
All footage shot in/near Glens Falls NY during morning daylight and early predawn darkness on January 20, 2019 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-3. cars buried under 18 inches of deep snow with creative sock coverings for wiper blades in Glens Falls NY
4. mailbox nearly buried under very deep snow in Glens Falls NY
5-7. man tries to clear over a foot and half of deep snow from driveway with snowblower in Glens Falls NY
8-10. various shots of multiple vehicles buried and trapped under deep snow in Glens Falls NY
11 & 12. driving passing shots of buried neighborhoods (homes and vehicles) in Glens Falls NY
13. pushed-in shot of traffic on icy and snow-covered I-87 with heavy snow falling and low visibility in Glens Falls NY
14 & 15. truck stranded in deep snow in ditch on I-87 with police assistance after sliding off ice-covered roadway in Glens Falls NY
16. pedestrian walking in street because nearly 2 feet of snow buried sidewalk in Glens Falls NY
17. WHITEOUT CONDITIONS with traffic on snow-covered I-87 in Glens Falls NY
18-20. various shots of snow plows clearing deep snow in Glens Falls NY
21 & 22. POV driving shots of traffic on snow-covered I-87 with heavy snow falling and low visibility in Glens Falls NY
23. predawn electronic highway sign warning of winter storm near Glens Falls NY
24-28. predawn snowplows attempt to clear snow and ice from I-87 near Glens Falls NY
SID: Simon Brewer
Winter Storm Eboni is impacting the Fargo, ND area, crippling traffic and creating headaches for those who live here. This video includes people getting pulled out of the ditch and how bad conditions are this evening when the Blizzard was at it’s peak intensity.
Shot Description
Shot 1: Multiple vehicles stuck in the road.
Shot 2: Vehicle getting pulled out of the ditch by a tow truck.
Shot 3: Second Vehicle getting pulled out of the ditch.
Shot 4: Tow truck unhooking from a vehicle.
Shot 5: People walking with shovels after helping shovel out a car.
Shot 6: Snowplows in the City of Fargo.
Shot 7: Poor visibility in the City of Fargo
Shot 8: Person stuck in a snowbank with someone trying to push them out.
Shot 9: Person trying to get out of a snowbank.
Shot 10: Near zero visibility on Interstate 29 through Fargo.
Shot 11: Plow passing on Interstate 94
SID: Eric Whitehill
Footage of tree snapping and falling on another tree blocking I-85 near Richmond VA from heavy wet snow and freezing rain. Dangerous situation in Richmond VA area with widespread trees and tree branches snapping under combined weight of heavy wet snow and freezing rain. Vehicle accidents and traffic jams across entire Richmond Metro area.
All footage shot during Evening darkness and daylight in/near Richmond VA on December 9, 2018 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1 & 2. shots of large tree blocking Interstate 85 (I-85) snapped from heavy weight of wet snow and freezing rain near Richmond VA.
3 & 4. shots of tree snapping and falling on tree almost hitting people trying to clear tree blocking I-85
5-8. various shots of another large tree blocking I-85 causing massive traffic jam near Richmond VA and snow plow trying to smash and move the tree
9. POV driving shot passing large tree on I-85 near Richmond VA
10 & 11. POV driving shots of large trees bending over I-85 under combined weight of heavy wet snow and freezing rain in Richmond VA
12-22. various shots of vehicles wrecked and/or stranded in deep snow-covered I-95 in Richmond VA
23. pushed-in shot of people dragging luggage through snow to get to hotel after major traffic jams from terrible winter storm in Richmond VA
24-26. various shots of snow plows trying to clear highways around Richmond VA
SID: Simon Brewer
Tornado on the ground in Beardstown, IL Video while driving through the town of Beardstown, IL while the tornado touches down.
Footage by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
Clip 1 Tornado touching down nearby the camera position then goes back in the air.
Clip 2 Tracking the tornado through the town.
SID: Simon Brewer
Video of the blizzard from Kansas City Mo. Shots of KCI airport, slideoffs and shoppers near a Walmart.
Shot Description
First set of clips is near the Kansas Speedway advising of blizzard conditions. Next set of shops are near the KCI airport with many canceled flights. Third set of shots shows travelers trying to enter the airport in blizzard conditions. Fourth set of shots shows travelers trying to reschedule flights at the Southwest counter. Fifth set is the near whiteout conditions on the runways/taxiways. Sixth set of shots are of slideoffs with no injuries along I29 that is shutdown just north of here. Seventh set is shoppers trying to enter the local Walmart. Eighth set is of Walmart workers having difficulty pushing carts back into the store.
SID: Steve Polley
Much more snow than expected falls on the NYC Metro from the first significant winter storm of the season.
Shot Description
Shots 1-5: People out and about in heavy snow on Main Street in Flushing, NY (Queens County)
Shot 6: Traffic on the Long Island Expressway is at a stand still as heavy snow falls.
Shot 7: People line up at a bus stop in Flushing as heavy snow continues to fall during the evening rush hour.
Shot 8: People walk by and enter the subway station in Rego Park, NY.
Shots 9-11: People out and about in heavy snow in Flushing, NY after sundown.
Shot 12: A bicycle covered in snow is chained to a fire hydrant.
Shots 13-15: Snow continues to fall after sundown on a residential street in Queens, NY.
Shots 16-17: Car dash POV of heavy traffic on the Long Island Expressway in Queens, NY as snow continues to fall.
SID: Scott McPartland
Heavy snows across southwest Kansas overnight lead to extremely icy conditions in the snow’s wake. While over 5 inches of snow fell, the main problem was the freezing surfaces on area highways. US-50 between Garden City and Cimarron was completely covered in ice for the entire 30 miles between the towns. This lead to numerous spin outs and a near triple drive time. This drive, which normally takes 30 minutes, took an hour and a half.
Shot Description
Scene 1: Snowplow driving by an SUV that spun off the highway.
Scene 2-3: SUV trying and failing to get on the road, spinning tires and sliding sideways through the ditch.
Scene 4-5: A pickup truck on the other side of the highway spinning tires in the ditch. Includes tight shot of tires spinning.
Scene 6: Panning shot of the two pre-sunrise spin offs.
Scene 7: Wide shot of two vehicles that spun off the highway near Cimarron with another vehicle with flashers on parked on the side of the road.
Scene 8: Tight shot of the two spin outs.
Scene 9: A pickup with front end damage with flashers on sits stuck on the side of the highway as vehicles drive by.
Scene 10-12: White car that slid off the highway pointing nose down into the ditch.
Scene 13-14: Red car the crashed into a barbed-wire fence off US-50.
Scene 15: Black pickup struggling to maintain control on the icy US-50 drive.
Scene 16: POV driving shot of the coating of ice along US-50.
Scene 17-19: Various shots of traffic slowly navigating the icy US-50.
SID: Tornadoes Kick Media
Drivers tread carefully on snow covered roads as residents of Manitou Springs dig out after heavy snowfall blankets the front range in El Paso County, Colorado on November 11, 2018.
Shot Description
1. 0:00 Close: Cars slide on steep road near Manitou Springs.
2. 1:41 Wide and Medium: Snow plows snow and cars follow through intersection.
3. 1:59 Medium: Cars travel through intersection with mountain in background
4. 2:06 Close: Serpentine Drive Sign in heavy Snow.
5. 2:12 Medium: Cars travel downhill on snow covered highway.
6. 2:21 Medium: Scenic shots of mountains and hills near Manitou Springs
7. 2:35 Medium: Cars travel through Manitou Springs
8. 2:41 Residents Clear Snow and cars
9. 3:00 Wide: Snow Covered Maniou Springs Shops
10. 3:05 Close & Medium: Veterans Day Signs
11. 3:15 Medium: Highway Traffic in Heavy Snow
SID: Trevor Cokley
Intense high wind gusts over 100 mph slam Kirkland NC as eyewall of Hurricane Florence moves inland. Shots of damage and calm eye of Florence.
All footage shot in/near Kirkland and Seagate NC during morning of September 14, 2018 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-9. various shots of over 100 mph wind gusts inside intense eyewall of Florence over Kirkland NC
10 & 11. large trees felled in Kirkland NC from high winds in eyewall
12. shot of large trees swaying in high winds before eye moves over Kirkland NC
13. large utility pole snapped with dangling lines in Kirkland
14. large tree felled and leaning on utility lines in Kirkland
15. large utility pole snapped and held by lines in Kirkland
16. shot of multiple trees down blocking neighborhood in Seagate NC during calm eye
17. large traffic signal light on road following intense eyewall of Florence in Seagate NC
18. panning (up) shot of large tree snapped high (top of tree on ground) in Seagate
19 & 20. shots of traffic lights dangling only a few feet above highway in Seagate
21. large tree felled next to business in Seagat
22. shot of bright clouds in calm “eye” of Hurricane Florence over Seagate
23 & 24. large tree down in front of house near Seagate NC
SID: Simon Brewer Juston Drake
Red tide continues to kill bull sharks and many other fish in Sarasota Bay at the Sarasota Manatee County border in SW Florida. Also, includes in over and underwater shots showing red tide infested bay water.
Shot Description
1-6) Six varied shots of dead bull sharks floating at marina on Sarasota Bay.
7) Low angle of hundreds of dead mullet floating near docks.
8) Over/under water shot showing red tide algae in water and dead mullet at docks.
9) Low angle traveling shot over dead mullet spanning over water at docks.
10) Over/under water shot near dead bull shark showing nasty red tide infested water.
11) closer shot of dead mullet fish.
12) Tilt up of dead fish revealing boats at docks on bay waters.
13) Medium Pan over dead fish.
14) Lock shot of scene of dead fish at docks.
15) Close pan over dead fish.
SID: Subsurface Media
New footage in of the tornado hitting Marshalltown, Iowa and the storm damage after the tornado hit the town.
SID T Cook Media
Lightning strike in the Grand Canyon captured at 480FPS at Cape Royal of the North Rim.
Shot Description
Shot 1: Lightning strike within the Grand Canyon. Video captured at 480 FPS.
Shot 2: Slowed to 1/4 speed of the same lightning bolt.
Shot 3: More lightning captured from the north rim. This lightning was located just on top of the south rim.
Shot 4: Wide shot of more lightning on the south rim.
SID: Bryan Snider
Time-lapse sequence of Haboob / Dust Storm coming into Phoenix, Arizona
Shot Description
Shot 1: Wide time lapse (20mm Full-frame) of a dust storm beginning to approach the city.
You can see the dust storm start to come over South Mountain. Eventually, the dust starts to cover the mountains
Shot 2: Ultra wide time lapse (14mm Full-Frame) of the wall of dust moving further into the city reducing visibility significantly.
During this shot, you’ll notice planes continuing to land and take off.
SID: Bryan Snider
A GoFundMe page has been setup for one of the victims who lost her legs in this tragic event. Click here to donate.
For members of the media, this video is being licensed by contact us to license this footage.
A female American tourist is dead and several others are injured after a boating accident of the coast of the town of Barraterre, off the island of Exuma, Bahamas.
According to reports, shortly after 9am, a 40’ chartered tour boat was traveling in waters just off Barraterre, with 10 American tourists and two Bahamians on board, when an engine exploded causing the boat to catch fire.
Ten people on board were injured and transported to the mini hospital in George Town. One female succumbed to her injuries. Several others are being airlifted for further medical treatment to Nassau with possible further airlift to Miami, FL.
Shot Description
Long shot from a boat that came to the rescue of burning boat as people were pulling survivors off the burning boat.
Chris Töpperwien
A rare supercell thunderstorm in NY State drops hail up to baseball size near Saugerties, NY damaging many vehicles along the Taconic State Parkway.
Shot Description
Shots 1-7: Hail between golf ball size and baseball size falls on unsuspecting motorists along the Taconic State Parkway near Saugerties, NY.
Shots 8-11: Motorists inspect damage to their vehicles in the wake of the hailstorm.
SID: Scott McPartland
Several Tornadoes docuented near Falkville, Moulton and Russellville AL as storng torandic supercell charges across the state causing damage.
All footage shot in/near Falkville, Moulton and Russellville AL during evening daylight on March 19, 2018 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. tornadic supercell with lightning flash over Russellville AL
2-6. various shots of rain-wrapped tornado over Russellville AL
7. shot of tornadic supercell approaching Russellville AL
8 & 9. shots of funnel clouds near Moulton AL
10-12. shots of high winds hammering Falkville Al as tornado passes by causing damage
13-19. various shots of heavy tree damage in/near Falkville AL from possible tornado
20. flag pole bent and flag in tatters from possible tornado in Falkville AL
21. shot of tree blocking road knocked down near Falkville AL by possible tornado
22-32. various shots of close dramatic regular and slow motion lightning strikes near Russellville, Moulton and Falkville, Alabama from tornadic supercell
SID: Simon Brewer Juston Drake