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Massive destructive waves and storm surge damage homes in Scituate MA causing some neighborhoods to become small islands surrounded by ocean. Shots of damaged neighborhoods, flooded homes, massive destructive waves tossing small boulders and rocks.

All footage shot during afternoon daylight on March 2, 2018 in Scituate MA by meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1-11. various shots of massive destructive waves crashing into homes and seawall in Scituate MA tossing small boulders and rocks into home and roads

12-15. various shots of damage to neighborhood homes and roads in Scituate MA from storm surge and massive waves

16-24. various shots of flooded homes and roads as storm surge pushes into Scituate MA creating small island neighborhoods cutoff from the mainland

25. shot of pedestrian surveying massive waves in Scituate MA

SID: Simon Brewer

This is a test video from our studios where we did a time lapse of a plant that had not been watered in several weeks being watered and coming back to life over a 6 hour time frame.

Welcome to part three in our compilation series called “Ridiculous Car Crashes” where we highlight people driving poorly in flooding and in winter conditions.

To see part one of this series, check out https://youtu.be/i59v0p-gAtk
To see part two of this series, check out https://youtu.be/XavVVS1IYyY

All material in this video is part of our stock footage catalogs.
Contact StormChasingVideo.com to license the footage in this video.

SID: Compilation

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ StormChasingVideo.com

Our Team Merch Store – https://stormchasingvideo.creator-spring.com

Footage of the Blizzard / Nor-Easter from the backside of the storm in Brewster, NY as the frequent wind gusts over 40mph created instant whiteout conditions in the heavy snow squalls. B-Roll of the miserable conditions and people struggling to cope with the weather.
Shot Description

SHOT 1: A person struggles to pull a shopping cart in whiteout blizzard conditions.
SHOT 2: Whiteout blizzard conditions in a parking lot makes cars disappear from view.
SHOT 3: A strong wind gust creates an instant whiteout with a loading dock in the background.
SHOT 4: Blizzard conditions rage with a local storefront in the background.
SHOT 5: A car struggles to pull out into an intersection on slippery roads.
SHOT 6: An SUV pushes a stuck car out of an intersection.
SHOT 7: Passing by a stuck car on the side of I-84.
SHOT 8: Passing by a struggling tractor trailer on I-84.
SHOT 9: Strong winds whip up a whiteout of snow past a parked car.
SHOT 10: Driving on I-84 as a sudden gust creates near zero visibility.
SHOT 11: A person struggles against the wind while walking.
SHOT 12: A front end loader plows snow up high in a parking lot.
SHOT 13-14: A person struggling while walking in blizzard conditions.
SHOT 15: A snow plow passes by and then disappears into the blizzard.
SHOT 16: People loading up a truck disappear from view in the heavy snow.

While temps may have been subzero for sometime now. There are spots on area lakes that still aren’t that safe do to the snow cover on the ice. This video package shows an Ice Castle that broke through the ice, along with the recovery from Poskin Lake.
Shot Description

Clips 1-4 Different shots of the an ice castle that broke through the ice.
Clip 5. Ice recovery crew getting setup to recover the ice castle.
Clip 6. Diver is cutting away the ice from the ice castle.
Clip 7. Crew is removing ice from the ice castle.
Clip 8- 9. Crew is lifting the ice castle.
Clip 10. The crew pulling the ice castle to safer ice.
Clip 11-12. People watching the ice castle recovery efforts.

Intense lake effect snows continue into the evening hours creating treacherous travel conditions in Upstate NY.

Video starts out with the rare back lit look at the lake effect snow band moving in off the lake and dumping heavy snow.

Shot Description

Shot 1: Eerie clouds lit up by city lights signal intense lake effect snows moving into Sandy Creek, NY.
Shot 2: Heavy snow materializes out of no where in Sandy Creek, NY.
Shot 3: Heavy snow creates treacherous travel conditions on the I-81 in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 4: A man clears snow off of his vehicle at a gas station in Sandy Creek, NY.
Shot 5: A man snow blows his driveway in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 6: A snow plow passes behind a massive mound of snow in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 7: Telephoto shot of Main Street in Sandy Creek, NY with huge mounds of snow lining either side of the street.
Shot 8: A snow plow drives down Main Street after sundown as snow continues to fall.
Shot 9: Several feet of snow pile up on top of ice machines at a local grocery store in Sandy Creek, NY.
Shot 10: A lady voices her hatred of the snow as she drives by the cameraman.
Shots 11-13: Huge amounts of snow pile up on roofs of residential homes in Sandy Creek, NY.
Shot 14: A snow plow drives down a residential street in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 15: Car dash POV shot of heavy snow falling on the I-81 in Oswego County, NY.
Shots 16-17: People using snow blowers to clear snow from their driveways in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 18: Several feet of snow pile up around homes in Oswego County, NY.
Shot 19: Car tires spin, as a motorist attempts to get out of deep snow in Oswego County, NY.
Shots 20-21: People out and about cleaning up after several feet of snow fall in Oswego County, NY.

CAT 4/5 eyewall winds from Hurricane Maria rip apart Yabucoa, Puerto Rico as eye makes landfall. Roofs ripped off, debris flying, lightning in the intense eyewall, Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer measure 926.6 mb minimum central pressure in eye of Maria.

All footage shot during early and late morning darkness and daylight on September 20, 2017 in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer.

Shot Description

1-9. Various shots of extremely high CAT 5 winds in eyewall blowing debris and causing destruction in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico as Hurricane Maria makes landfall

10. shot of ROOF BLOWN OFF HOUSE in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico from high winds

11-14. various shots of extremely high CAT 5 winds in eyewall from landfalling Hurricane Maria causing destruction in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico

15. SHOT OF LIGHTNING in intense eyewall of landfalling CAT 5 Hurricane Maria in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico

16 & 17. shots of high CAT 5 eyewall winds from Hurricane Maria blowing debris in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico

18. shot of Barometer measuring 926.6 mb minimum central low pressure in eye of CAT 5 Hurricane Maria by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer

19 & 20. funnel clouds on edge of inner eyewall as backside of CAT 5 Hurricane Maria begins to pound downtown Yabucoa, Puerto Rico following passage of the calm eye

21-26. shots of blowing debris and destruction in downtown Yabucoa, Puerto Rico as backside eyewall of CAT 5 Hurricane Maria pounds city

27. pushed-in shot of ROOF ripped off building in downtown Yabucoa

28-33. shots of blowing debris and high winds ripping apart downtown Yabucoa

34. large window ripped from building from high eyewall winds in downtown Yabucoa, Puerto Rico

Stringer: Simon Brewer & Juston Drake

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ StormChasingVideo.com

Our Team Merch Store – https://stormchasingvideo.creator-spring.com

Footage from Saint Thomas, US Virgin Island of the aftermath and recovery efforts.

B-Roll footage and interviews with local residents about the storm and the recovery efforts.

Nearly a foot of rain from Hurricane Irma caused extensive fresh-water flooding in the Lehigh Acres suburb of Ft. Myers FL. Shots of flooded vehicles, people wading in deep water, traffic driving through flood waters, and some wind damage to structures.
Shot Description

SHOT 1: A man tries to bail water out of his flooded vehicle.
SHOT 2: Telephoto shot of traffic driving down flooded roads in Ft Myers FL.
SHOT 3: A few people wading through knee-high water in the streets of Ft. Myers FL.
SHOT 4-5: A gas station awning destroyed by Irma’s intense winds.
SHOT 6: A flooded pickup truck in Ft. Myers FL.
SHOT 7: A man sits in his stalled-out vehicle among flood waters in Ft. Myers FL.
SHOT 8: A flooded business front on Lee Blvd in Ft. Myers FL.
SHOT 9: Two flooded vehicles in a parking lot on Lee Blvd in Ft. Myers FL.
SHOT 10: Flooded street signs and mailboxes along a street in Ft. Myers FL.

Hurricane Irma’s core rain bands approaching Punta Gorda FL. Various shots of intense winds, rain and blowing sea spray, along with some minor damage to buildings.
Shot Description

SHOT 1: Shot of winds beginning to tear the shingles off a building.
SHOT 2: Distant palms bending in the wind amidst blowing sea spray.
SHOT 3: Distant shot of intense winds and sea spray on the Punta Gorda causeway bridge.
SHOT 4: Shot of palm trees with blowing spray going across the sidewalk.
SHOT 5: Intense wind and rain bands blow past a couple of vehicles parked on the road.
SHOT 6: Shot from inside a parking garage stairwell as the wind blows in, creating an incredible sound.
SHOt 7: Some minor roof damage to a building in downtown Punta Gorda.
SHOT 8: A tree snapped in half by the strong winds.
SHOT 9: A restaurant sign blowing around in the strong winds.
SHOT 10-13: Various shots of strong winds and blowing palm trees on city streets of Punta Gorda.

Hurricane Irma hitting Key West and Marathon. Multi-remote cameras catch four boats drifting out to sea in Irma and wind & storm surge hitting Key West and Marathon.
Shot Description

1) Wide shot of Irma pounding Mallory Square with a boat drifting offshore in distance.
2) Massive wave action in the Key West channel between Mallory Square and Sunset Key.
3,4,5) Three shots of boat drifting out to sea in storm.
6,7) Two shots of Irma pounding Marathon FL.
8,9) Two shots of two sailboats drifting out to sea in storm.
10) Wind and rain at Front and Duval street, Key West.
11,12) Surge pounding Southern Most Beach pier.
13) Timelapse at Mallory Square catching another boat drifting out to sea.
14) Night shot of storm hitting at Front and Duval street.

Huge swells crash over seawalls and wash onto roads as the beginnings of a massive storm surge rise in Key West FL with approach of Hurricane Irma. Shots pedestrians, high winds, some tree damage debris, and other various shots in Key West.

All footage shot during morning daylight in Key West FL on September 9, 2017 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1. shot of winds blowing flags and trees at National Weather Service Office in Key West

3-5. pushed-in shots of agitated seas along Key West FL coast

6-7. shots of massive waves crashing against Key West seawall

8-18. shots of surge water washing onto highway in Key West FL

19. various shots of massive waves crashing over seawalls in Key West FL

20-21 . pushed-in shot of vehicle driving through flooded road with large waves crashing in background at the “Southern Most Point Buoy”

22. shots of high winds blowing palm trees in Key West FL

23. shot of vehicles driving around tree branch in roadway in Key West

24. shot of car driving in high winds

25. shot of a resident rooster keeping watch over Key West

26. shot of 2 men riding bikes in high winds with blowing debris in Key West

27. shot of “Key West Evacuation Sign”

28 & 29. shots of beginning of US Route 1 in Key West with rainy feeder band hitting area

Waterspouts south of Key West from outer edge storms from CAT 5 Hurricane Irma. Shots of evacuated and shuttered Florida Keys. Shots of final sunset over Key West before monster hurricane strikes. Shots of 1935 Labor Day Hurricane Memorial containing the remains of many victims of the most powerful hurricane to strike the United States on Islamorada with hurricane flags in the background.

All footage shot during evening daylight and darkness on September 8, 2017 over several Florida Keys including Islamorada, Marathon, and Key West by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1-5. various shots of waterspouts and parent thunderstorm from outer edges of Hurricane Irma south of Key West FL

6. POV driving shot of empty HWY 1 causeway looking west toward end of Florida Keys before landfall of Hurricane Irma

7-9. shots of vehicles parked along HWY 1 along edge of causeways to protect from coming storm surge over the Florida Keys

10. “Hurricane” sign at boarded shop in Marathon FL

11. tattered Hurricane flags over Marathon FL

12. “Screw you Irma”, “We are Marathon strong” signs in Marathon FL over business

13. driving shot of boarded and shuttered homes and businesses in Key West FL

14. “Be Gentle Irma” painted on boarded restaurant in Key West FL

15 & 16. shots of boarded and shuttered shops on famous Duval Street in heart of Old Town Key West FL

17 & 18. storm and palm trees with final sunset before Hurricane Irma slams Key West FL

19-22. various shots of boarded Key West at night with several locals staying to ride out the storm on Duval Street

23-28. various shots of the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane Memorial, which is also a tomb for many of the storm’s victims on Islamorada FL. This was the strongest hurricane to ever hit the United States.

Video of the first impacts of Hurricane Irma and tropical storm force winds and large waves hitting the capital city of Nassau Bahamas
Shot Description

Clip 1 Waves crashing on the shoreline

Clip 2-3 Waves crashing over a dock

Clip 4 Waves and palm trees blowing

Clip 5 Long shot of the trees blowing with the dock in the distance

Clip 6 Palm trees blowing

Clip 7 Light house and waves

Clip 8 Wide long shot of the Atlantis Resort with pull back in the wind to the coast.

Clip 9 Waves at the beach pull back to show the whole area with the Atlantis Resort in the back ground.

Clip 10 Palm trees blowing in the wind.

Clip 11 Red Flag blowing in the wind

Clip 12 13 Waves and beach cabanas with pull back shot

Clip 14 Waves

Clip 15 Trees

Video of hundreds of miles of traffic of people leaving hurricane Irma. Shots of lines of people waiting to fill gas tanks with fuel. Sound with a traveler leaving southern Florida.
Shot Description

shot 1 tight traffic evac
shot 2 tight cars in line
shot 3 boat on trailer
shot 4 sign
shot 5 wide of traffic
shot 6 tight traffic
shot 7 telephoto of cars in line
shot 8 family with dogs
shot 9 turnpike backup
shot 10 wide shot of traffic
shot 11 moving shot of traffic
shot 12 wide of gas station
shot 13 traffic lines
shot 14 girl at pump
shot 15 tight of pump
shot 16 follow handle to tank
shot 17 low angle pump
shot 18 wide cars
shot 19 lines
shot 20 intv Robert Randall Fort Meyers

SID: John Haxby

Residents and Businesses prepare for Hurricane Irma by boarding up. People wait in line for gas. Tourists take last minute photos at the Southern Most Point

Shot Description

Sloppy Joe’s with workers in BKGD.
CU of workers boarding up a Store on Duval Street.
CU of Saw cutting Plywood
Workers Boarding up a Bar on duval.
Owners boarding up a Gallery on duval.
Lone tourist rolling suitcase down Duval Street
tourists getting last minute shots of Southernmost Point before evacuating
House Boat in Key West being Boarded up
Long Traffic lines as people begin to leave
Long wait times as Gas station
Houses being Boarded up in Key West

B-roll and SOTs of people stocking up at Home Depot in Key West before Irma arrives.
Shot Description

W/M/T of truck being loaded with Plywood.

Shopping Carts filled with Supplies

Truck being loaded with Huricane Shutters

SUV being loaded with Water

SOT with water guy

Cart filled with Supplies and being loaded into a van

SOT with Couple

Hot Dog Vendor

SOT with Hot Dog Vendor

Truck being Loaded with Plywood

SOT with Plywood Guy

SOT with guy who has Plywood in his car.

Damage, debris, storm surge and flooding aftermath in Rockport TX after Category 4 Hurricane Harvey pounded city and surrounding areas.
To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ StormChasingVideo.com

Our Team Merch Store – https://stormchasingvideo.creator-spring.com

All footage shot in/near Rockport TX during morning of August 26, 2017 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1 & 2. shots of snapped palm tree from severe high winds in Rockport TX

3. shot of bent Rockport TX sign

4-6. shots of the heavily damaged Americas Best Value Inn hotel in Rockport TX

7 & 8. shots of damage brick wall from grocery store in Rockport TX

9. pushed-in shot of damaged neighborhood and bent utility poles in Rockport TX

10 & 11. shots of car partially underwater and damaged neighborhood in Rockport TX

12-17. shots of destroyed buildings and homes and flooded neighborhoods in Rockport TX

18. shot of gas station roof on highway in Rockport TX

19. shot of huge trees and debris in road in Rockport TX

20. shot of camper thrown from nearby store in middle of intersection in Rockport TX

21. shot of flooded highway with vehicles driving through in Rockport TX

22. driving shot of vehicles driving through flooded roads in Rockport TX

23 & 24. shots of heavily damage and flooded mobile home/trailer/RV park near Rockport TX

25-27. shots of loose cattle around Highway 35 with police car near Rockport TX

SID: Simon Brewer & Juston Drake

Strong winds / waves … Leading edge of Hurricane Harvey’s core
Shot Description

1). View of pier and waves.

2). Palm tree blowing.

3). Waterfront home / roof damage.

4). Close shot of pier and waves.

5). Damaged boat in marina.

6). Hurricane conditions and palms.

7). Hurricane conditions and cars.

8). Sailboats leaning in marina.

9). Shot of restaurant and strong winds.

SID: Chris Collura

Morning lightning with strong feeder band hitting coastline, ship rocking from high winds and choppy water, flock of birds riding strong winds, sheet metal down from high winds, boarded businesses in advance of Hurricane Harvey, increasing winds blowing vegetation and flags.

All footage shot during afternoon and morning daylight in/near Ingleside, TX on August 25, 2017 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1-3. lightning illuminates powerful feeder band over coastline as Hurricane Harvey rapidly intensifies in the early morning hours

4. sail boat rocks in high winds and choppy water as Hurricane Harvey approaches

5 & 6. shots of sheet metal down from shop torn down by high winds as Hurricane Harvey approaches Ingleside, TX

7 & 8. driving shots of businesses near Ingleside TX boarded in advance of Hurricane Harvey

9 & 10. pushed-in shots of American Flag blown by high winds

11-13. palm trees blown by increasing winds from Hurricane Harvey in Ingleside, TX

14. shot of rain and palm trees blowing against window in Hurricane Harvey

15-17. shots of flock of gulls riding increasingly high winds as Harvey approaches Ingleside, TX

18 & 19. shots of palms blowing in high winds in Ingleside TX as Harvey approaches

SID: Simon Brewer & Juston Drake

4K Time lapses of an isolated monsoon thunderstorms that produced a microburst and lots of lightning.
Shot Description

Wide angle time lapse of a maturing isolated monsoon thunderstorm. This storm eventually produces a very photogenic micro burst and several mini ones off to the sides.
Tight angle time lapse of the same maturing storm. Microburst captured up more closely in this shot.
Medium shot of a VERY isolated thunderstorm that produced several photogenic cloud-to-ground lightning strikes just after sunset.

B-Roll and Time Lapse Package of an Arizona haboob and it’s impact on the interstates and Phoenix Sky Harbor.
Shot Description

Shot 1: Wide shot of dust getting kicked up from a strong out flow boundary.
Shot 2: Gustnado and lots of dust moving closer to interstate 10.
Shot 3: Time Lapse of the wide shot showing the dust moving into the Arizona town of Casa Grande near I-10 and I-8.
Shot 4: Dust moving very fast and reducing visibilty on the desert right next to Interestate 10
Shot 5: Wide shot of more dust moving across the desert.
Shot 6: Tight shot of very thick dust moving over a desert plant.
Shot 7: Dust now organized into a Haboob moving over the mountains of Central Arizona
Shot 8: Medium shot of haboob even larger moving over mountains and the Saguaros of central Arizona.
Shot 9: Wide shot of haboob moving closer to I-8. This dust storm reduced visibility and made a significant impact on I-8.
Shot 10: Pano of haboob moving into Gila Bend, AZ
Shot 11: Wide shot of isolated thunderstorm on the west side of Phoenix Sky Harbor. This storm shut down the airport (Phoeinx Sky Harbor) briefly causing some delays at the airport.
Shot 12: Wide shot of airplanes lined up waiting for the airport to open back up.
Shot 13: Medium Shot. The airport reopens and planes begin to depart and arrive again at Phoenix Sky Habor.
Shot 14: Tight Shot: Plane taking off
Shot 15: Another plane takes off as dust storm begins to approach Phoenix from the south.
Shot 16: Time lapse of planes taking off as dust approaches.
Shot 17: Cool shot of airplanes taking off and climbing out fast over the dust.
Shot 18: Wide shot of dust moving from the south to the north towards downtown Phoenix and it’s Skyline. Planes continue to depart
Shot 19: Medium shot of dust moving into the Phoenix skyline area before falling apart later.

Large, damaging tornado outbreak over western Nebraska:
Footage of several tornadoes including a tornado causing damage to Bayard NE, a derailed train, overturned tractor trailers, and damaged homes and farms. Also footage of close dramatic lightning strikes

All footage shot in near Bayard, Harrisburg, and Angora NE during evening daylight on June 12, 2017 by Meteorologists Juston Drake and Simon Brewer.
Shot Description

1-3. close rope tornado passes next to road with roaring winds near Harrisburg NE

4. pushed-in shot of utility pole snapping near Harrisburg, NE

5-7. shots of cone tornado south of Harrisburg, NE

8. shot of funnel cloud rapidly rotating above road south of Harrisburg, NE

9. shot of rope tornado south of Harrisburg, NE

10-15. various shots of broad tornadic circulation causing damage in Bayard, NE

16-19. dramatic close lightning strikes near Harrisburg, NE

20-23. SLOW MOTION dramatic close lightning strikes near Harrisburg, NE

24 & 25. POV shot of dramatic tornadic supercell over Harrisburg, NE

26. metal siding from barn wrapped around utility pole with lightning in background near Bayard, NE

27-39. Derailed Train by possible broad tornado near Angora, NE

30. pushed-in shot of metal wrapped around utility pole in Bayard, NE

31. driving shot of debris and snapped power poles along road near Bayard, NE

32 & 33. shots of heavy tornado damage to barn near Bayard, NE

34. pushed-in shot of mud-covered sheep next to snapped power pole near Bayard, NE

35-37. shots of overturned semi-truck or tractor trailer near Angora, NE

38. pushed-in shot of roof damage to house in Bayard, NE from tornado

39. shot of snapped power pole near Bayard, NE

40-42. Various shots of highway blocked by flipped and damaged irrigation system near Bayard, NE

43-46. Various shots of overturned semi-trucks near Angora, NE

47. shot of downed trees blocking primary roadway in Bayard, NE from tornado

48. shot of house with damaged roof in Bayard, NE

Amazing footage of the Weld County Colorado tornado as the videographer drives up next to the tornado and tracks the tornado as it moves over the country side less then a mile away.
Shot Description

Clip 1 Tornado builds near Hereford Colorado
Clip 2 Tornado quickly gains strength and moved north along road toward Wyoming
Clip 3 Tornado crosses into Wyoming next to road
Clip 4 Tornado changes direction crosses road a couple of times
Clip 5 Tornado begins to rope out