Hurricane highlights from 2021 by Simon Brewer. #Shorts #YouTubeShorts
Freezing Drizzle creates dozens of wrecks and slide offs across the Front Range and Boulder & Weld County.
Shot Description
1. Two cars collided after individual slide offs
2. Slow Pan of slide off
3. Driver assessing car
4. Drive by of slide off
5. I-25 Traffic backup near 119 intersection
6. Vehicles exiting standstill I-25 traffic via the ditch
7. Vehicle involved in accident on I-25
8. Traffic backed up on I-25
9. Ambulance responding
10. Firetruck responding
11. Highway 119 East bound closed for accident
12. Accident that prompted 119 closure
13. Vehicle in ditch on 119 Westbound side
14. Wreck at intersection of 7 & 119 in Weld Cty.
15. Garbage truck driver scrapes windshield on roadside
15. Scraping ice off truck
16. Scraping ice off truck
17. Ice accretion on mirror
18. Vegetation with accumulated freezing drizzle
SID: Terrence Cook
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Arctic sunrise with sundogs from southeast ND along I-29 where temps are plummeting and expected to bottom out at -22F tomorrow morning. I-29 in southeast ND still has a thick layer of ice on it from yesterday’s ground blizzard.
Shot Description
1) Drone sunrise with sundogs
2) These freezing cold exhaust on a plow and semi in the foreground of the sunrise
3) Southbound on I-29 showing slow traffic and a thick layer of ice coating the interstate
SID: Jason Bednar
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A powerful bomb cyclone brings heavy rains, high winds and storm surge to southern Queens County, NY during the pre dawn hours. Severe homes were surrounded by storm surge in the town of Broad Channel.
Shot Description
00:00- Various shots of torrential rain and powerful winds gusting over 50mph on Crossbay Blvd in Howard Beach, NY during the pre-dawn hours.
01:28- Traffic light swaying in high winds as torrential rains fall on Crossbay Blvd in Howard Beach, NY.
01:47- Construction site barricades toppled over in high winds in Broad Channel, NY.
02:12- A large truck becomes momentarily stuck as the driver attempts to drive through storm surge in Broad Channel, NY.
02:46- Various POV shots of homes surrounded by storm surge flooding in Broad Channel, NY.
03:19- Homes surrounded by storm surge flooding in Broad Channel, NY.
SID: Scott McPartland
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Very Heavy Snow: multiple accidents and up to 2 feet of snow forecast to dump on Erie, PA.
All footage shot in/near Erie, PA during evening darkness on January 16, 2022 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-8. various shots of multiple vehicle accidents after sliding off snow-covered I-90 near Erie, PA
9. police vehicle assisting motorists
10 & 11. snow plow clearing I-90 near Erie, PA
12-26. various shots of very heavy snow falling in neighborhoods around Erie, PA
27. electronic highway sign warning of Winter Weather
28-30. POV driving shots of very heavy snow and low visibility
SID: Simon Brewer
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Winter Storm dumps snow and ice across North Carolina causing major traffic problems
Shot Description
00:00 Minivan slides off road near Hendersonville, NC and cant get enough traction to get back on the road
00:23 National Guard recovering a jack knifed semi truck and getting it back on the road
00:41 Car slides off the snow covered road and is completely turned around as bystanders are trying to help push it back on the road
00:48 Grader clearing roadway for semi stuck on I-85
01:01 Car on I-85 near Charlotte, NC stuck
01:06 Plows lined up in a set of 3 clearing I-85 near Charlotte, NC
01:14 Early morning plows trying to keep I-26 clear
01:21 Heavy snowfall on I-26
01:31 Heavy snow coming down at Tennessee North Carolina state line
01:44 Watch for slow moving vehicle sign in heavy snow
01:52 Motor Graders clearing I-26 from heavy snow
01:59 Plows clearing snow and ice from I-85 near Charlotte, NC
02:13 Heavy snowfall low visibility
02:21 Car stuck on I-26
02:25 Low visibility with slow moving traffic on I-26
02:48 Semi stuck on guardrail median near Hendersonville, NC
02:57 Semi jack knifed on I-26 near Hendersonville, NC
03:16 Vehicle trying to gain traction I-26 near Hendersonville, NC
03:31 State Trooper assessing wreck on I-85 near Charlotte, NC
SID: Michael Gordon
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#charlottenc #ncwx
Car spins off highway, multiple accidents, blizzard conditions and heavy snow around Des Moines, IA during a powerful winter storm.
All footage shot in/near Des Moines, IA during evening daylight and darkness on January 14, 2022 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-3. car spins off highway after losing control on snow and ice in Des Moines, IA
4-11. various shots of multiple wrecked and stranded vehicles in/near Des Moines, IA from dangerous driving conditions
12-16. blizzard conditions around Des Moines, IA
17 & 18. people shoveling and walking in heavy snow in downtown Des Moines
19. Wells Fargo Arena in downtown Des Moines with heavy snow falling
20. snow mobiles riding along highway through deep snow near Des Moines
21-23. various shots of snow plows clearing highways
24. electronic highway sign in Des Moines warning of winter storm
25-28. various shots of traffic in heavy snow in Des Moines
29 & 30. wind turbine rotating in high winds and snow near Des Moines
SID: Simon Brewer
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Tornadoes in January are rare, but this one touched down near Owassa, Alabama this past week on 1/9/22. #Shorts #YouTubeShorts
Powerful Winter Storm Hits Marshalltown, IA where up to a foot of snow is expected to fall.
All footage shot during afternoon daylight on January 14, 2022 in Marshalltown, IA by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. Marshalltown sign with heavy snow falling
2. electronic highway sign warning of winter storm warning
3-6. various shots of pedestrians going into market and shoveling snow
7-9. shots of plow clearing snow from parking lot in Marshalltown
10 & 11. shots of snow plows clearing snow off highways around Marshalltown
12-19. various shots of traffic and neighborhoods in Marshalltown, IA
SID: Simon Brewer
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A winter storm warning is in effect in Fargo, ND. Plows were out in full force cleaning up the city as snow continued to fall this morning. Video includes several plow scenes and a general traffic shot driving on Interstate 94.
Shot Description
1) City of Fargo plows clearing 13th Ave
2) Close up of plow clearing snow
3) General traffic driving on Interstate 94
4) NDDOT plow
5) Plow snow removal scenes
6) UPS dropping off packages working in snowfall
SID: Jason Bednar
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New Yorker’s, and a couple getting married in Times Square brave bitter wind chills as the coldest air in the last 2 years blankets the New York City Metro.
Shot Description
Shots 1-2: A couple taking wedding pictures brave bitter wind chills after getting married in Times Square.
Shot 3: A family is bundled up with coffee in hand as they take a walk through Central Park.
Shot 4: Temperature sign reading 16 degrees in Central Park.
Shots 5-6: The Bryant Park fountain is partially frozen over due to sub-freezing temperatures.
Shots 7-10: New Yorkers out and about in Times Square bundle up from the coldest air of the season.
Shots 11-12: People bundled up wait on line at a COVID-19 testing site in Times Square.
Shot 13: A woman rides a Citibike in sub-freezing temperatures in Times Square.
Shot 14: A family bundles up from the cold as they walk through Times Square.
Shot 15: A homeless man bundles up from the bitter cold weather on 6th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.
Shot 16: A Pitbull puppy wears his sweater on 6th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.
Shots 17-18: People out and about brave the bitter cold weather in Central Park.
Shot 19: Children get ice skating lessons at Wollman Rink in Central Park.
Shot 20: Panning shot of the Midtown Manhattan skyline from Central Park.
SID: Scott McPartland
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Whiteout blizzard conditions and over 2 feet of snow dumped near Redfield, NY with multiple accidents and stranded vehicles in Oswego County during a significant lake effect snow storm.
All footage shot in/near Redfield and surrounding Oswego County during evening daylight on January 10, 2022 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-8. various shots of over 2 feet of snow on vehicles, homes, and objects in/near Redfield, NY
9-15. various accidents and stranded vehicles in deep snow on I-81 in Oswego County
16 & 17. deep snow and whiteout blizzard conditions near Redfield, NY
18 & 19. horse and buggy on snow-covered highway in Oswego County
20 & 21. snow plows clear deep snow near Redfield and surrounding Oswego County
22. passing shot of heavy snow falling around home near Redfield, NY
23 & 24. using yardstick to measure 21 inches of fresh snow in Redfield, NY with heavy snow still falling
25-28. various shots around Redfield and surrounding Oswego County of heavy snow and traffic
29 & 30. Meteorologist Simon Brewer measuring deep snow with yardstick in Redfield, NY
31-34. various shots of heavy snow in Redfield and surrounding Oswego County
SID: Simon Brewer
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Heavy snow and high winds cause blizzard conditions, and dump over a foot of snow in Parish, NY during a significant lake effect snow event
All footage shot during morning daylight on January 10, 2022 in/near Parish, NY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1 & 2. various vehicle accidents in heavy snow with low visibility on I-81 near Parish, NY
3. person jogs in heavy snow in Parish, NY
4 & 5. traffic in low visibility heavy snow in Parish, NY
6-9. various shots of snow plows clearing snow in Parish, NY
10-22. various shots of vehicles and neighborhoods buried in deep snow, and traffic driving through heavy snow in Parish, NY
23 & 24. electronic highway signs warning of “Lake Effect Snow Warning” near Parish, NY
25-27. various POV driving shots of low visibility near whiteout conditions on I-81 near Parish, NY
SID: Simon Brewer
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
This morning’s low was 21 below zero. There are still many areas on the local lakes that still remain unsafe. The morning of 01/07/2022 around 6:30 AM. A Ford Ranger dropped through the ice on The Narrows which is a part of Long Lake. The truck was in about 8 feet of water. Both the driver and passenger were able to get out safely. The temp was around 7 to 5 below zero for most of the recovery. This video package will show the vehicle recovery.
Shot Description
Clip 1. A shot of where the Ford Ranger went through the ice this morning.
Clip 2. A closer shot of where the truck went through the ice. You can see the roof of the truck under the new formed ice.
Clips 3-5. Britt is cutting the ice into chunks.
Clips 6-7. Shows Miles pushing the ice chunks under the main ice sheet. Steam rising from the water.
Clip 8. Close up shot of the truck in the water with steam rising from the water.
Clip 9. A tow truck from CCT Towing waiting to assist in pulling the truck onto shore.
Clip 10. Britt pushing ice chunks under the main ice sheet.
Clip 11. Britt having some fun while working. Might as well have some fun in the cold.
Clips 12-14. The truck slowing being pulled towards the shore.
Clip 15. The crew removing the tow straps, and hooking up the chain, and the J-hooks.
Clip 16. The truck being pulled onto the shore.
Clip 17. CCT Towing’s truck who assisted with this recovery.
Clip 18-19. The truck being pulled onto the flatbed.
Clip 20. The vehicle extraction equipment that hasn’t been used yet. But will be on one of these recoveries.
SID: Dirk Miller
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Extreme cold blankets Minnesota and makes outdoor activities pretty much non existent with wind chills in the -40F’s in parts of the state and air temps in the -30F’s in areas around Brainerd where our automated camera recorded just shy of -36F just before sunrise.
Schools for the area where canceled or switched to remote learning as the wind chills where dangerously cold to allow children to go to both public and private schools this morning.
Additional footage around the city of St. Cloud, MN where it looked more like a ghost town in areas that would normally have people playing in the parks in the skating rinks where deserted.
Shot Description
00:00 – The first two clips are from Brainerd, MN where just before sunrise our automated live camera showed the temps where just shy of -36F.
00:17 – The remaining clips are from around Saint Cloud, MN. Footage from the remaining open water on the Mississippi River where steam is rising from the open water in the -20F air temp at the time of the video.
00:35 – Just after 10AM this morning the air temp was being reported on a automated sign of -11F
00:41 – Just after noon another automated time and temp sign showed it was -12F outside.
00:50 – It was so cold that the train track crossing guard malfunctioned where one of the crossing guards would stay up and another would stay down with the lights flashing but no train was anywhere in sight as traffic backed up until they decided to go after making sure it was safe.
2:12 – Empty Skating Rinks in a St. Cloud Park.
2:37 – Time and Temp at just after 1PM still showing -7F at the Saint Cloud Technical College.
2:47 – Four clips of drone footage over the open water on the Mississippi River where the steam was coming up almost 100 feet up before it fell back as a dusting of snow.
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A major winter storm hits the NYC Metro right at the height of the morning rush hour in Queens and Nassau Counties. Between 6 and 8 inches of snow fell throughout the area.
Shot Description
Shot 1: An ambulance runs it’s lights and sirens en route to an emergency call on Main Street in Flushing, NY (Queens County).
Shot 2: Commuters wait for a city bus to arrive on Main Street in Flushing, NY (Queens County)
Shots 3-4: Car dash POV scenes showing heavy snow falling on the Long Island Expressway in Queens and Nassau Counties, NY.
Shots 4-5: Commuters waiting for and boarding a city bus on Woodhaven Blvd in Flushing, NY (Queens County).
Shot 6: An NYPD vehicle runs it’s lights as snow falls on Queens Blvd in Flushing, NY (Queens County).
Shots 7-8: Commuters navigate heavy snow and snow covered streets on their way to the Great Neck LIRR train station (Nassau County, NY).
Shot 9: A bus pulls into the Great Neck LIRR train station (Nassau County, NY).
Shot 10: A snow plow clears Station Plaza Road in front of the Great Neck LIRR train station.
Shots 11-12: Commuters board a Long Island Rail Road train / LIRR train pulling out of the Great Neck, NY train station revealing partially snow covered tracks (Nassau County, NY).
Shot 13: A snow plow clears Station Plaza Road in front of the Great neck LIRR train station (Nassau County, NY).
Shots 14-15: A commuter waits for his train in front of the Great Neck LIRR train station / A man clears snow from his vehicle at the Great Neck LIRR train station (Nassau County, NY).
Shots 16-17: Commuters wait for their bus as heavy snow falls on Main Street & Woodhaven Blvd in Flushing, NY (Queens County, NY).
Shot 18: Snow covered vehicles in Flushing, NY.
Shot 19: A man snow blows his driveway and backyard in Flushing, NY (Queens County).
Shot 20: A man clears snow from his vehicle in Rego Park, NY (Queens County).
SID: Scott McPartland
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
Massive pileup turns I-75 into parking lot near Lexington, KY from strong winter storm.
All footage shot in/near Lexington, KY during afternoon daylight on January 6, 2022 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-5. various shots of massive pileup of various vehicles with emergency response on Interstate 75 near Lexington, KY, which is responsible for huge traffic jam through core of the state.
6-8. Footage of complete shutdown in both directions from the heavy snow and pile up.
9-11. cars sliding as they enter into massive traffic jam and pileup on I-75 near Lexington KY
11-21. various shots of massive traffic jam and pileup on I-75 near Lexington, KY
21-27. various shots of wrecked and stranded vehicles and heavy snow with low visibility on I-75 near Lexington, KY before pileup
28 & 29. heavy snow falling among trees next to I-75
SID: Simon Brewer
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
Aftermath and Cleanup of powerful winter storm in Washington D.C.
Trees felled from heavy wet snow on highways, snow plows clearing deep snow, and traffic in deep snow.
All footage shot during afternoon daylight on January 3, 2022 in Washington D.C. by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-8. various shots of trees down on highway from heavy wet snow with traffic and snow plows clearing deep snow with stuck vehicles in Washington D.C.
SID: Simon Brewer
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
Despite the cold weather we have been having, a snowmobile went through the ice on New Years day. The snowmobile went through around dark that evening. Where the snowmobile wet through, there is a river/channel that connects Mud Lake to Lynda’s Lake aka The Narrows. Ice conditions ranged from 3 to 4 inches to around inch of ice in this area. This made for a dangerous ice recovery. The snowmobile was sitting in about 11 feet or so of water. Good news is there were no injuries reported.
Shot Description
Clip 1. Shows the area where the snowmobile went through the ice.
Clip 2. Shows running water not to far from us.
Clips 3-4. Britt cutting the ice out so they can start the recovery process.
Clips 5-6. The crew pushing the boat out to locate the snowmobile with an underwater camera.
Clips 7-8. The crew hooking up snowmobile with the aid of the underwater camera.
Clip 9. The crew pulling up the snowmobile so they can get it better hooked.
Clip 10. The crew hooking to more of a secure spots on the snowmobile.
Clip 11. Some of the crew pulling the snowmobile onto the ice, while two of the crew members are pushing and lifting the backside of the snowmobile.
Clip 12. Shows the snowmobile on the ice.
Clip 13. The snowmobile being towed off the ice, onto the shore then towards the parking lot.
SID: Dirk Miller
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
Winter Storm buries Boone, NC with over 9″ of heavy wet snow
Shot Description
00:00 Plow truck runs off side of road while plowing
00:16 Plow Truck being towed up and out of the ditch
00:23 Man shoveling in front of his business
00:29 Hoisting Plow Truck up onto the road to be towed
00:40 Gusty winds blowing across Hwy in Boone, NC
00:47 Commercial plow company plowing parking lot
00:51 Commercial plow truck plowing parking lot
00:58 High winds blow snow across highway
01:11 High winds blowing snow out of trees with fast moving clouds above
01:19 4 Clips of drone views above Boone, NC showing the cleanup and amount of snow
SID: Michael Gordon
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#winterstorm #boone
People in Richmond, VA enjoying the snow in the winter storm warning. Footage of people playing in the snow, kids sledding and people making a snowman.
Shot Description
Couple with a dog building a snowman
Another group building a snowman in heavy snow
Couple with dog building a snowman
Two children building a snowman
Kids sledding
Family taking a walk
People out for a walk
SID: William Hark
To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @
New footage in of some of the hundreds of crashes and spin outs today in Minnesota as the latest round of winter weather and sub zero temps have turned the roads into skating rinks.
It might have been a winter weather advisory but it was one of the more treacherous days on the road in central Minnesota in Stearns and Douglas Counties along Interstate 94 and Highway 23 with numerous crashes being reported.
The roads went from bad to extremely bad as the afternoon snow and freezing rain turned to glare ice as the air temps dropped into the sub zero range after sunset.
Shot List:
00:00 Crash Ahead Warning Sign
00:08 Car way off into the ditch along Interstate 94 in Stearns County
00:16 Snow Plow Side Shot, I94 Stearns County.
00:30 Several clips of a Jack Knifed Semi Truck on Highway 23 near Saint Cloud, MN
01:33 Five Clips of crashed vehicles along Interstate 94 near Sauk Centre, MN
02:18 Four Clips of crashed vehicles on Interstate 94 in Douglas County, MN
02:55 Snow Plows on Interstate 94 in Stearns County, MN
03:32 Crashed Vehicle on I94 in Stearns County, MN
03:38 After dark footage of a Jack Knifed Semi by Clearwater, MN on Interstate 94
04:39 After dark footage of a car in the ditch and being pulled out by a tow truck near Avon, MN on Interstate 94
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Video from on the edge the winter storm warning in St. Cloud, MN with a fresh coat of 3-4 inches of fresh snow. Footage showing a three car wreck on Interstate 94, snow plows, snow falling and tow truck recovering a stuck vehicle due to poor tires.
Shot Description
00:00 Snow plow on Highway 23 in downtown St. Cloud
00:13 Flags blowing in the heavy snow
00:21 Crash scenes on Interstate 94
01:32 Poor driving conditions with low visibility on I94
01:46 Following a snow plow in low visibility conditions on I94
02:01 Near whiteout conditions on I94 from the snow plow
02:32 MNDot snowplows on Highway 23
02:49 Car without winter tires is stuck in the deep snow and needed to be towed home.
03:24 Snow plow clips clearing snow from a parking lot
04:25 Heavy snow falling in downtown St. Cloud
04:36 – End – Several yards covered in Christmas Blowup Decorations in the blowing snow.
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An extreme Bora Wind Event visited the Front Range bringing constant 40 mph winds with 80-90 gusts! Filmed across Boulder County, CO along highway 93.
Shot Description
1. Utility poles downed where an Enterprise truck was blown over
2. Close up on blown over truck
3. Downed utility pole swinging in the wind
4. Driving shot of over-turned truck
5. Broken stop lights at construction intersection
6. Broken stop light in wind
7. Snow plow clearing small branches from Highway 93
8. Vance Brand Airport wind sock at full report
9. High winds in tall grass
10. Waves on small reservoir
11. Dust storm forms
12. Dust obscuring mountains
13. Large dust clouds coming down foothills
14. Snow squall approaching Longmont at Sunrise
15. Pan of Snow Squall
16. Main convective updraft of snow squall