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Extreme winds topple dozens of semis across I-25 in Colorado Springs, Colorado Dec. 15, 2021. Semi drivers had to be rescued from their trucks while winds reeked havoc across Colorado.
Shot Description

00:00 – Wide of parked trucks with wind lifting trailers

00:10 – Medium shot of wind lifting truck trailers

00:20 – Bystander braving extreme wind and dust next to tipped over truck waiting for fire department to rescue trapped driver

00:33 – Wide of firefighters using ladder to rescue trapped truck driver

00:54 – Truck driver exits cab while wind howls and blows around firefighters

01:08 – Tighter shot of driver climbing down ladder after rescue

01:22 – Firefighter climbing down ladder in extreme winds

01:34 – Box truck being tossed around in extreme winds, with dirt and debris being blown around vehicles on I-25

02:02 – Wide of trees being battered by wind

02:11 – Tight shot of trees being battered by wind

02:19 – Tipped over truck on northbound I-25

02:25 – Wide overview of dipped over trucks in close proximity, with knocked over signage

02:31 – Closer view of one of the tipped over trucks

02:37 – Closer view of truck tipped over in median after hitting guardrail and posts

02:44 – Another nearby truck, tipped over on the onramp to I25 northbound

02:49 – Another tipped over truck with emergency vehicles attending

02:57 – Wide of flags near building with extreme winds whipping them around and howling

03:08 – Close up of flags being whipped around by wind

03:16 – Stoplights being tossed around by the wind

03:26 – Man being blown around by wind with debris rolling and flying by

03:39 – AFTERMATH, metal apartment carports blown over

03:45 – AFTERMATH, metal apartment carports blown over, side view

03:53 – AFTERMATH, fence resting on car hood

04:00 – AFTERMATH, closer view of fence resting on car hood

04:05 – AFTERMATH, tree knocked over into apartment building

04:13 – AFTERMATH, tree knocked over into apartment building, roots

04:19 – AFTERMATH, large metal package hubs tipped over onto building

04:28 – AFTERMATH, large metal package hubs tipped over onto building with flags in view

04:34 – large metal package hubs tipped over onto building with zoom out from flags

04:44 – Don’t forget to close your windows in a wind storm *bad words*

#Colorado #ExtremeWinds #winds
To License This Footage Contact Video @ StormChaisngVideo.com

Massive tree damage, destroyed Reelfoot Lake Resort, destroyed town of Samburg, TN where 1st longtrack tornado dissipated.

All footage shot during evening daylight on December 14, 2021 in/near Samburg, TN by Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Professional Storm Chaser Michael Gordon.
Shot Description

1-15. various shots of devastating tornado damage to Reelfoot Lake, Samburg TN, and forest at end of 1st longtrack tornado path.

To License This Footage, Contact video @ StormChasingVideo.com
#Tornado #samburg #reelfoot #Kentucky #WX #Weather #quadstate #mayfield

Drone and ground footage of most intense (highest wind speed) damage found so far along path of potential ‘Quad-State Tornado’ in Princeton, Kentucky
Several homes swept off foundations (solid EF4 damage), and cycloidal ground scouring over nearby fields.

All footage shot during afternoon daylight on December 13, 2021 in Princeton, KY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Professional Storm Chaser Michael Gordon.
Shot Description

Various shots from drone and ground of EF4 damage in Princeton, KY

#Tornado #Kentucky #damagepath

Significant damage from drone and ground in Dawson Springs, KY
Piles of cars on top of each other and obliterated neighborhoods.

All footage shot during afternoon daylight on December 13, 2021 in Dawson Springs, KY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Professional Chaser Michael Gordon.
Shot Description

Various significant damage from drone and ground in Dawson Springs, KY
Piles of cars on top of each other and obliterated neighborhoods with people sifting through damage.

#Tornado #Kentucky #Damagepath

Drone shots of cycloidal ground scouring marks over field (ground swirls from violent longtrack tornado) and damage in/near Hayti, MO, including interview with storm chaser Michael Gordon.

All footage shot by Professional Storm Chaser Michael Gordon in/near Hayti, MO in evening daylight on December 12, 2021.
Shot Description

1-4. Interview with Storm Chaser Michael Gordon describing longtrack, violent tornado, which passed him on night near Hayti, MO causing ‘swirling ground scouring marks’ over a field called, “Cycloidal Scouring”

5. long drone shot of ‘cycloidal ground scouring’ over fields in Hayti, MO

6. shots of utility line repair and damage in Hayti, MO

Contact video @ stormchasingvideo.com to license this footage

Night footage of large, wedge-shaped tornado near Coffeen, IL from supercell storm, which destroyed Amazon facility. Tornado lit by power flashes and lightning.

All footage shot during night darkness on December 10, 2021 near Coffeen, IL by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1-10. various shots of lightning and power flashes illuminating a large, wedge-shaped tornado near Coffeen, IL

11-13. shot of another supercell, lightning and heavy downpour in central Illinois after tornado passed

Contact video @ stormchasingvideo.com to license this footage

Mayfield, KY Damage survey by Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Professional Storm Chaser and Expert Drone Pilot Michael Gordon at the beginning of long track tornado near Greenfield, AR including 1st major damage to rice facility.

Video includes clips from:
Damage in Bowman, AR
Nursing home damage in Monette, AR
Cotton Gin and Dollar General destroyed in Leachville, AR
Power recovery effort at all locations.

All footage shot in northeastern Arkansas by Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Professional Storm Chaser Michael Gordon during daylight on December 12, 2021.

Shot Description

1-5. shots of beginning of long track, violent tornado (potential “Quad State Tornado”) near Greenfield, AR with damage to Rice plant

6-9. various shots of damage and recovery near Bowman, AR (next town in path)

10-22. various shots of Nursing Home and destroyed in Monette, AR (next town in path)

23-26. shots of damage to high voltage powerlines, and irrigation equipment between Monette and Leachville, AR

27-31. various shots of a massive cotton gin destroyed with cotton bails scattered over Leachville, AR

32-45. various shots of destroyed “Dollar General” store in Leachville, AR

Contact video @ stormchasingvideo.com to license this footage

Drone Footage of the Devastating Aftermath cause by a very violent Tornado that tore through Mayfield, Kentucky.
Shot Description

1-3 Candle Factory Drone Footage
3-17 Drone footage along the path to the center of Mayfield, KY

SID: Michael Gordon
Contact video @ stormchasingvideo.com to license this footage

Winter storm is moving through the area this evening and night. This storm has caused problems on the roadways tonight. This video package will show some of the problems on the roadways, along with some Holiday cheer.
Shot Description

Clip 1. Dash cam footage of a car in the ditch on the off ramp of HWY 53 just west of Rice Lake.
Clip 2. A SUV fishtailing.
Clip 3. Two trucks fishtailing.
Clip 4. Another truck fishtailing.
Clip 5. A wide shot of flags blowing in the wind with heavy snow falling.
Clip 6. A hypnotizing close up shot a flag blowing in the wind with heavy snow falling.
Clip 7. Wide shot of snow blowing off a roof.
Clip 8. A slightly different angle of the snow blowing off the same room.
Clip 9. Heavy snow falling with part of the Christmas display.
Clip 10. A different shot of the cabin with more of the Christmas display, along with heavy snow falling.
Clip 11. A wide shot of the Christmas display.
Clip 12. A couple out in the winter storm taken pictures of the Christmas display.
Clip 13. Heavy snow falling with a snow covered trees, along with s mall part of the Christmas display.
Clip 14. Close up shot of the reindeer with snow falling.
Clip 15. A snow covered road with snow falling.

A strong winter storm is impacting the Midwest with snowfall rates at times of 1 to 2 inches an hour. Roads were quickly deteriating across the Twin Cities region with several car accidents being reported. The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport is also being greatly impacted by the winter storm with over 200 cancelled flights being reported at this time as reduced visibility from the moderate to heavy snow is to blame. In the following video there is video of a jack knifed semi truck blocking two lanes of traffic along with video from the Minnesapolis-St. Paul International Airport of planes landing, taking off, snow removal, and more!

Shot List:
Shot 1: Plow truck goes by as two tow trucks work on moving a jack knifed semi in the background with crews walking around in front of the semi.
Shot 2: Minnesota State Patrol stands in front of his car at the scene of the semi jack knife.
Shot 3: County crews work to clean up spilled fuel from the jack knifed semi that was spilled on the road in and in the snow.
Shot 4-5: Another plow truck drives past the crash scene going the opposite direction plowing the road.
Shot 6-7: Crews work to clean up and move the semi truck while State Patrol keeps an eye on traffic driving by.
Shot 8: Winter scene showing snow covered roads and reduced visibilities.
Shot 9: Delta Airlines plane taking off from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport into heavy snow.
Shot 10: Delta Airlines plane being de-iced before it takes off. Very poor visibility present in heavy snow.
Shot 11: United Airlines plane landing at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in heavy snow and reduced visibility.
Shot 12-13: Delta Airlines planes taxing to end of runway to take off in heavy snow fall.
Shot 14: Delta Airlines plane being de-iced while airport vehicle drives in the foreground.
Shot 15-17: Snow removal crew clearing the taxi lane at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
Shot 18: Snow removal crew clearing the taxi lane at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as Delta Airlines plane lands in the background in heavy snow.
Shot 19-21: Close up and medium shots of Snow removal crew clearing the taxi lane at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Shot 22: Delta Airlines plane landing at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in heavy snow as another plane taxis in the foreground.
Shot 23: Close up shot of Delta Airlines plane taxing to take off with snow removal crew sitting in the foreground.
Shot 24: Wide shot of full snow removal crew waiting for planes to land and take off before they continue to clear the runways.
Shot 25: Close up shot of snow removal crew at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport with a Delta Airlines plane landing in the background in heavy snow.

Strong winter storm is effecting northwestern WI. Here is Rice Lake WI. We picked up around 4 inches of snow. The wind is what is causing problem around here. Winds gusting up to 32 MPH is causing blowing and drifting snow. This video package will highlight the blowing snow.
Shot Description

Clip 1. Heavy snow falling.
Clip 2. Swans on the river with snow falling.
Clips 3-8. Shows blowing snow in different areas.
Clip 9. Barron County Sheriff’s office at a scene of an accident.
Clips 10- 12. Snow blowing off of different roofs.
Clips 13-14. Vehicle’s tires kicking up slush on main street in Rice Lake.
Clips 15-16. A snow plow plowing snow.
Clip 17. A flag blowing in the wind.
Clip 18. Bank temp of 24 degrees.

Drone Survey of Grand Isle, LA after Hurricane Nicholas feeder bands rolled through the area causing flash flooding and hindering the extensive cleanup efforts caused by Hurricane Ida.

Shot Description

00:00 Flooding over the most devastated part of Grand Isle, LA with most structures removed from their foundations or demolished
00:19 Military vehicles and others lined up in the flooded waters waiting to cross a deep stretch of water
00:31 Flyby view of the line of vehicles in the flooded waters
00:35 Head On view of vehicles driving down the main road in flooded waters
00:44 Low level flight of extensive damage and standing water with homes lifted from foundation
00:49 Emergency Contractor driving through the flooded street
00:57 Lines of military vehicles and contractors on the flooded road
01:06 Excavator removing sand from the road in flooded water
01:13 Sky Line view of the middle of the island
01:19 Bay view of homes destroyed
01:29 15-20 Structures removed from their foundations
01:38 Overview shot of the worst devastation
01:45 Flyover of multiple structures with extensive damage
01:53 Zoomout of homes removed from foundations
02:10 Extensive damage to homes
02:18 Low-level view of debris scattered with piles of sand covering the island
02:25 Non-existent road covered with sand and a car buried in feet of sand
02:34 Structural debris scattered in every direction covered in heaps of sand and water
02:43 Multiple homes removed from foundations with debris and water
02:53 Interior home appliances and belongings in piles
03:02 Interior home appliances and belongings in piles
03:13 Vehicle buried in feet of sand
03:15 Roadway view of extensive flooding
03:23 Overhead view of military vehicles driving through the flooded street
03:28 Vehicles driving through the flooded street
03:42 Overview shot of the mass destruction
03:57 Docks on the bay side of the island destroyed
04:10 Convoy of vehicles driving through very deep water
04:23 Convoy of vehicles driving through very deep water
04:28 Convoy of vehicles driving through very deep water
04:39 Convoy of vehicles driving through very deep water
04:49 Convoy of vehicles driving through very deep water
05:12 Sky view overhead of destruction and vehicles driving through flooded water
05:23 Sky view overhead of destruction and vehicles driving through flooded water
05:35 Semi driving through flooded waters overhead
05:44 Structures damaged and destroyed sitting in flooded waters
05:53 Zoom in of structure with no roof
06:01 Debris scattered in feet of sand
06:10 Zoom in of structured destroyed with roof missing
06:16 Overview shots of devastating damage
06:24 Overview shots of devastating damage
06:35 Overview shots of devastating damage
06:43 Zoom in of a residence with the walls missing where you can see a toilet still attached
06:59 Military Humvee cruising through flooded waters
07:12 Overview shot of the west part of the island with the sun showing through the clouds
07:26 West part of the island destruction
07:33 Zoom in of a structure near the Grand Isle, LA levee system removed from its foundation
07:47 Stunning panoramic shot of all Grand Isle, LA at 380ft with remnants of Hurricane Nicholas off the coast
08:01 Flyby view of extensive damage
08:09 Residence completely destroyed directly behind the levee system
08:16 Multiple structures heavily damaged behind the levee system


SID: Michael Gordon

Strong feeder bands, heavy rain, gusty winds, and large swells begin hitting Matagorda, TX as Tropical Storm Nicholas moves toward this coastal community.

All footage shot in/near Matagorda, TX and greater Houston Metro area during afternoon daylight on September 13, 2021 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer

Clip Description

1-11. various shots of strong Tropical Storm Nicholas feeder band dumping heavy rain and gusty winds near Matagorda, TX

12 & 13. gusty winds blowing sand on dunes and beach as Nicholas closes in on Matagorda, TX

14-18. various shots of large frothy swells and central dense overcast as Tropical Storm Nicholas moves toward Matagorda, TX

19 & 20. heavy rain and gusty winds as Nicholas moves toward Matagorda, TX

21 & 22. electronic Houston Metro area sign warning of approaching Tropical Storm

SID: Simon Brewer

Complete News Archive Footage For Licensing.

Archive footage of Hurricane Ida in Houma, LA. Timecoded footage of the impacts of Hurricane Ida on the area.

To license this footage, visit StormChasingVideo.com

Almost 20 minutes of raw news video clips from around the Golden Meadow, LA area where catastrophic Hurricane Ida hit the area hard on Sunday.

This raw footage is being uploaded to help residents and family of residents see the area and what is left and what is destroyed.

This is all aftermath footage from the Golden Meadow, Galliano and Cut Off Louisiana area from our crew before they left the area today.

Flooding damage from the storm surge. Multiple structures severely damaged. Fishing vessels capsized. and lots of commercial and residential buildings heavily damaged from the wind ripping roofs off with debris everywhere.
Shot Description


SID: Michael Gordon

New news footage just out of Golden Meadow, LA where catastrophic Hurricane Ida hit the area hard on Sunday. Aftermath footage from the Golden Meadow, Galliano and Cut Off Louisiana.

Flooding damage from the storm surge. Multiple structures severely damaged. Fishing vessels capsized. and lots of commercial and residential buildings heavily damaged from the wind ripping roofs off with debris everywhere.
Shot Description

Almost 10 minutes of aftermath footage from the Golden Meadow, LA area showing the total destruction of the area after Hurricane Ida.


SID: Michael Gordon

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ StormChasingVideo.com

Our Team Merch Store – https://stormchasingvideo.creator-spring.com

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

Breaking News Video – ‘Eye’ and vicious ‘Eyewall’ of CAT 4 Hurricane Ida rips over Lockport, LA:
roofs ripped from homes, debris hitting homes, branches ripped from trees, utility poles toppled, destroyed homes, and 939.8 mb pressure measurement in calm eye.

All footage shot during afternoon and evening daylight on August 29, 2021 in/near Lockport, LA by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description

1. roof ripped from home

2. roof and debris tossed into adjacent homes

3. utility poles overcome by high winds in eyewall

4 & 5. branches ripped from trees

6. turbulent low clouds and high winds of eyewall

7-15. various shots of high damaging eyewall winds slamming Lockport, LA

16-26. various shots of heavily damaged neighborhoods in Lockport, LA

27. barometer measuring 939.8 millibar minimum central pressure in calm eye of CAT 4 Hurricane Ida in Lockport, LA

28. radar image showing our location in eye of Ida in Lockport, LA

29 & 30. cows on highway stressed by backside of hurricane near Lockport, LA

SID: Simon Brewer Juston Drake

Hurricane Ida various wind shots (Houma, LA)
Shot Description

1. Car and shredded metal entrance.

2. Cemetery shot.

3. Tree tearing apart.

4. People standing in wind.

5. Debris in street and strong gusts.

6. Water pouring and sheet metal.

7. Strong winds, roof damage, building (Govt Center).

8. Near Whiteout.


Breaking News Video of the initial impacts near Raceland, LA, including high winds, building damage, and tree damage, before the inner eyewall of Category 4 Hurricane Ida comes ashore.
Shot Description

1. Large pine tree blowing on top of a house in Morgan City.
2. Palm trees blowing in the increasing winds.
3. Strong winds blowing tree debris across the road.
4. Traffic lights blowing in the strong winds.
5-6. Signs blowing/damaged in the strong winds.
7. Strong winds and sideways rain blowing tree debris toward homes.
8. Shingles coming off of a church.
9. Large tree branch blocking a neighborhood road.
10. Power line sparking and shingles flying off the church roof.
11. Hurricane evacuation sign and strong winds.
12-14. Lettering of a business getting ripped apart by strong winds and debris.

SID: Trey Greenwood

To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

To License This Footage For Broadcast, Contact Video @ StormChasingVideo.com

Our Team Merch Store – https://stormchasingvideo.creator-spring.com

Breaking News Video of the eye wall of Hurricane Ida hitting Golden Meadow, LA.

Footage from Meteorologist Simon Brewer and Juston Drake.
Shot Description

00:00 Meteorologist Juston Drake taking wind measurements in the eye wall of Hurricane Ida.

00:08 Roof of a home being ripped off.

00:19 Roof of a building being ripped off.

00:34 Extreme Winds.

00:42 Winds blowing over utility lines.

00:54 Debris in the road near the Days Inn.

SID: Simon Brewer
To help support our freelancers, buy them coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormchasing/

Funnel overhead and storm in New Ulm. Tree damage and Flooding in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota.
Shot Description

0:00 Funnel overhead
0:14 Shelf cloud/storm overtaking
0:27 Wind and rain
0:38 Large tree branch blocking road
0:47 Payloader clearing trees from street
1:05 Implements flooded with sunset

SID: Jarrod Schoenecker

Residents and businesses in Morgan City, LA, prepare for high winds and flooding as significant Hurricane Ida approaches the Gulf Coast on August 28, 2021.
Shot Description

1. Heavy evacuation traffic exiting Morgan City on Highway 90.
2. Lines at a gas station in Morgan City as residents try to fill up before gas runs out.
3-6. Various tight and wide shots of business boarded up in Morgan City.
7. Sand bags at the front door of a business in Morgan City.
8-15. More shots of businesses with windows boarded up in Morgan City.
16-18. Tight shots of business owners boarding up windows in Morgan City.

SID: Trey Greenwood

Anniversary highlights and review of the Dalton, MN EF4 Tornado by Melanie Metz.

Drone footage of the devastating aftermath from the tornado in Tropical Storm Claudette.

Footage shows the tell tail signs of a small but fast moving tornado in the band of the tropical storm.
Shot Description

Various drone clips of the aftermath from Brewton, AL.

SID: Michael Gordon