Footage shot in the whiteout conditions along Interstate 94 around the Sauk Centre, MN area where Interstate 94 was closed due to a multi vehicle pileup crash near the Sauk River Bridge. Additional footage shot around Saint Cloud, MN at the end of the video.
Shot Description
Clip 1 The start of the pile up with a two vehicle crash just east of Sauk Centre.
Clip 2 – 3 Emergency vehicles on the scene of the pile up that happened just behind me. By the time I was able to get turned around the Interstate was shut down.
Clip 4 Fire crews on the scene of the pile up.
Clip 5 – 9 Vehicles in the ditch.
Clip 10 POV Snow Plow
Clip 11 – 12 Traffic in very low visibility white out conditions.
Clip 13 – 14 Snow plows.
Clip 15 Jeep swerving to avoid a truck pulled over to the side of the road.
Clip 16 – end Snow plows in Saint Cloud, MN on Highway 23
After the morning’s snowfall. Another band of heavy snow moved through Barron County WI. Started with a period of sleet before switching over to heavy snow. This band of snow brought 1.25 inches of snow to the Rice Lake area. This video shows the beauty that was left in it’s wake.
Shot Description
Clip 1. A wide shot of snow on the pumpkins.
Clip 2. Medium shot of snow on the pumpkins.
Clip 3. Close up shot of the pumpkins covered with snow.
Clip 4. A snow covered roof.
Clip 5. Snow covered trees.
Clip 6. Wide shot looking across Red Cedar River with snow covered trees and houses.
Clip 7. Close shot of the snow covered houses and trees across the Red Cedar River.
Clip 8. Snow on the remaining fall colors.
Clip 9. Snow on pines trees, and the reaming fall colors.
Clip 10. Snow melting off a vehicle.
Clip 11. Snow on a dock, and pontoon boat.
Clip 12. Another snow covered roof.
Clip 13. Snow covered pine branches.
Clip 14. A ruler showing close to 1.25 inches of snow. Some of it melted down by time I was able to get back outside.
Most of Barron County had seen their first snowfall of the season this morning. Some areas the ground was turning white with the heaviest snow bands.
Shot Description
Clip 1. Snow covered field.
Clip 2. Heavy snow falling with the ground turning white.
Clip 3. Another snow covered field with snow falling.
Clip 4. A sign getting covered by snow. With heavy snow falling.
Clip 5. A power pole with snow sticking to it, as heavy snow is falling.
Clip 6. Snow sticking to the ground.
Clip 7. Heavy snow falling.
Clip 8. Another field turning white.
Clip 9. Some falling with some remaining fall color.
Clip 10. A round haybale with snow starting to fall at a good clip.
Clip 11. A close shot of the round haybale and snow falling.
Clip 12. Another shot of the remaining fall colors with snow falling.
Clip 13. Looking down a road with pine trees with light snow falling.
Clip 14. A closer shot of the remain fall colors with snow.
Clip 15. A field slowly turning whit.
Clip 16. Big snow flakes falling and sticking to the hood of a vehicle.
SID: Dirk Miller
The Cameron Peak Fire has exploded today with 60-80 mph winds, multiple structures have been lost, and the fire is moving uncontrolled South and East of the Southern edge of the fire. This is video from a DJI Mavic 2 Pro outside of the temporary flight restriction area from the city limits of Loveland, CO approximately 1 PM October 14th.
Video pans around to show the huge smoke cloud covering most of Northern Colorado today.
Hurricane Delta landfall, surge, and eye in Creole, LA on Oct 9, 2020.
Shot Description
1. Flooded road leading to Rutherford Beach.
2. Trees along side of road whipping.
3. Gopro shot of roadway in eyewall. Powelines whipping.
4. Powerlines whipping.
5. Eyewall white-out conditions in Creole, LA.
6. GoPro shot of surged roadway.
7. Raging surge water.
8. Destroyed house being destroyed “again”.
9. Entering calm eye. Surge spilling over roadway.
10. Dead calm, water like mirror in eye.
11. Brief view of blue sky.
12. Second half of storm begins.
13. Gopro shot of second half starting.
14. Myself trying to stand in strong winds.
Powerful eyewall of CAT 2 Hurricane Delta slams Creole, LA and storm surge pushes over highways
All footage shot during afternoon daylight on October 9, 2020 in Creole, LA by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-4. Highway overtaken by storm surge in Creole, LA with Jeep driving through water
5. fish on highway as storm surge rises in Creole, LA
6-16. various shots of storm surge and high winds as eyewall of CAT 2 Hurricane Delta move over Creole, LA
SID: Simon Brewer
Massive waves and coastal flooding slam Scituate, MA as Hurricane Teddy passes offshore producing incredible swells radiating toward New England.
All footage shot during afternoon daylight on September 22, 2020 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer in Scituate, MA
Shot Description
1-16. various shots of massive waves slamming seawall and houses in Scituate, MA
17-26. various shots of water flooding around homes and streets in Scituate MA
SID: Simon Brewer
Raw Drone Footage Of The Catastrophic Damage To The Three Mile Bridge. No Audio
Footage of the multiple destroyed section of the Highway 98 Three Mile Pensacola Bay Bridge that was hit by several run away barges during Hurricane Sally. Incredible footage showing massive sections of the bridge laying on top of a barge. Footage of huge sections of the bridges destroyed and damaged by the barges hitting the bridge during Hurricane Sally.
Shot Description
00:00 – Approaching the first damaged section of the Three Mile Bay Bridge.
00:14 – Tight shot of the damage from just above the water showing the road surface hanging into the water.
00:21 – Overhead footage of the extensive damage where it looks as if a barge was bouncing off the side of the bridge.
00:35 – Traveling and orbit shot to of the damaged sections of the bridge.
01:15 – Flyby of damage and another barge in the distance that hit the bridge.
01:42 – Orbit of the second damaged section of the bridge with additional sections of the bridge on a barge stuck under the collapsed bridge.
02:34 – Tight orbit of the second collapsed section of the bridge on top of a barge.
03:16 – Long shot and fly by of both damaged sections of the bridge with both barges stuck under the bridge.
05:08 – Tight shot of the catastrophic damage to the Three Mile Bridge.
05:15 – Pan shot of the catastrophic damage with rebar hanging out of what is left of the bridge.
05:35 – Orbit shot of construction equipment that slammed into the Three Mile Bridge and laying on the side of the bridge.
05:59 – A third barge that broke loose and was stuck under the bridge.
06:28 – Lower angle shot of the third barge stuck under the Three Mile Bridge where the large steel storage containers and equipment on the barge is smashed on the deck.
07:36 – Orbit of the third barge stuck and smashed under the Three Mile Bridge.
07:52 – Fly by shot of another barge in the water near the bridge for reference of that was on the deck of the third barge with the equipment smashed on its deck under the bridge.
08:32 – Fly by shot of a barge that ran aground on shore.
09:02 – Tight and orbit shot of the barge that ran aground next to a road and traffic driving by.
SID: Michael Gordon
Boats in roads and yards, surge water in neighborhoods, cars underwater, high winds damage in Orange Beach, AL from powerful Hurricane Sally.
All footage shot during morning daylight on September 16, 2020 in Orange Beach, AL by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
Various shots of:
-boats deposited on highways, roads, and neighborhood yards by storm surge from Hurricane Sally
-cars in water
-homes surrounded by storm surge water
-high wind damage to homes and businesses
-trees down
-light poles down
SID: Simon Brewer
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Powerful winds and surge high Orange Beach, AL as outer edges of Hurricane Sally eyewall inch over coast.
All footage shot in/near Orange Beach, AL during evening darkness and daylight on September 15, 2020 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1-3. storm surge moves into Orange Beach, AL
4. emergency vehicles race through Orange Beach during high winds
5. high winds blow palm tree
6 & 7. street lights tossed around in high winds
8. electrical sparks from powerlines damaged by high winds
9. high winds blast beach houses
10-16. various shots of firetrucks, sheriffs, and emergency vehicles racing to close and block causeway leading out of Orange Beach, AL
17. high winds blast palm trees
18. mobile doppler radar truck in high winds in Orange Beach, AL
19-24. various shots of high winds blasting Orange Beach, AL
SID: Simon Brewer
High winds and heavy rain impact Gulf Shores, AL, as the outer eyewall of Hurricane Sally encroaches into the area. Several buildings have sustained damage, and heavy rainfall has begun to inundate roadways.
Shot Description
1. High winds whipping palm trees and hurricane warning flags
2. “Gulf Waters Closed” sign indicated that beaches are closed
3-4. Rain being blown horizontally by strong winds in a Gulf Shores neighborhood
5. Residents pumping gas at one of the only open gas stations as high winds and heavy rain begin to impact Gulf Shores
6-7. Tree fallen on top of a car.
8-9. A condominium unit with siding blown off.
10. Siding blown off the condominium unit lying on the ground.
11. A piece of siding flying underneath a stilted house.
12. Rainwater flowing rapidly off the roof of a local business.
13-14. Cars driving through floodwaters beginning to inundate local roads.
15-16. Sand blowing and large waves crashing due to strong wind gusts.
SID: Trey Greenwood
Initial impacts in the city of Gulf Shores, AL, from from the outer bands of Hurricane Sally as it approaches the Gulf Coast.
Shot Description
1. Hurricane Warning sign above Interstate 10 in SE Mississippi
2. Emergency crews responding to a call in Foley, AL
3. Road closed due to flooding in Gulf Shores, AL (wide)
4. Road closed due to flooding in Gulf Shores, AL (tight)
5. Flooding over roadway in Gulf Shores (wide)
6. Palm trees and power lines swaying in the wind in Gulf Shores
7. Hurricane warning flags flying with waves crashing in the background in Gulf Shores
8. Hurricane warning flags flying in Gulf Shores
9. Blowing sand and waves crashing within outer band of Sally in Gulf Shores
10-14. Various wide and tight shots of waves crashing in Gulf Shores
SID: Trey Greenwood
Hurricane Sally (Tropical Storm Sally) sends pounding surf, surge, wind & heavy rain into the southwest coast of Florida. Video is shot at the Venice Jetty which is an inlet from the Gulf of Mexico at Venice Florida. Large wave pounding jetty seawalls and park area, people interacting with Sally’s weather, road flooding.
Shot Description
1) POV surging wave hits camera at Venice FL north jetty.
2) People with umbrellas walking jetty while seas pound the jetty in rain.
3) Waves hit jetty near picnic table.
4) Picnic table in surge waters.
5) Picnic table with waves hitting wall behind.
6) Waves hitting south jetty.
7) High surf along beach looking SW.
8,9,10) Two more shots of waves hitting jetty and wind blown spray.
11) Park refuse can in surge flood water.
12) Crazy guy in boat out in channel during a tropical storm. Only boat seen out on water.
13) POV wave splashing camera.
14) Looking a waves splash high on jetty with park benches.
15) People in rain coats venture onto jetty with waves splashing.
16) Waves hit behind park benches.
17,18) Surge water submerging dock by sailboat.
19) Road Underwater sign with pick up truck barreling through flood water.
20-23) Four shots of vehicles splashing in flooded roads.
SID: Brian Dombrowski
B-Roll footage from the day after of the catastrophic damage to the downtown area of Lake Charles, LA.
Footage of the Capital One Bank Building with the windows blown out and crews cleaning up glass and debris around the building.
Additional footage of damaged buildings, signs and downed power lines and the TV Antenna that fell in the hurricane and crushed the building next to it.
Shot Description
00:00 – B-Roll shots of the Capital One building and crews cleaning up around it.
00:37 – Destroyed Wendy’s sign with the Capital One building in the background.
00:37 – Destroyed sign for the Lake Charles Civic Center.
00:43 – Debris on the ground and crews cleaning up around the Capital One building.
01:08 – Downed utility poles and National Guard vehicles driving by.
01:21 – Destroyed TV station antenna.
01:50 – Downed utility poles and traffic.
02:15 – Damaged homes.
SID: Simon Brewer
Tornado-warned cell imbedded in feeder band with funnel cloud moves over Lake Arthur, LA as people try to evacuate from monster Hurricane Laura.
All footage shot in/near Lake Arthur, LA during afternoon of August 26, 2020 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. Doppler on wheels radar with tornado-warned storm in background
2. trashcan blown by high winds on highway
3-8. various shots of wall cloud and funnel cloud over Lake Arthur, LA
9-14. various shots of heavy rain and high winds in Lake Arthur, LA as tornado-warned cell passes over
15-21. various shots of people evacuating from Lake Arthur, LA as tornado-warned cell from Hurricane Laura approaches
SID: Simon Brewer
Raw footage of a Tornado warned storm that put down multiple tornadoes at the same time just west of the city of Park Rapids, MN in Hubbard County, Minnesota.
Total footage runtime is 13:26 with several areas of the storm touching down at the same time that may have been part of a larger multi-vortex system.
Shot Description
00:00 – Dash camera footage of the tornado starting to form just west of Park Rapids, MN.
00:36 – Tornado forming and then pans back to the left to another tornado touching down.
03:03 – Pan to the right to a larger tornado touching down.
07:11 – Tornado forming on the other side of the road. Traffic does drive in front of the shot at times.
11:22 – Tornado from the other side of the road without traffic driving in front of the camera.
SID: Melanie Metz
Incredible widespread tree damage aftermath from Tropical Storm Isaias in Astoria Park, Astoria, Queens, NYC, NY.
Massive trees and limbs down on cars, guard rails, lights, blocking paths and roads.
All footage shot during afternoon daylight on August 3, 2020 in Astoria, Queens, NY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer.
Shot Description
1-30. various shots of massive trees and tree branches down from extremely high winds with passing of Tropical Storm Isaias in and around Astoria Park in Astoria, Queens, NY with pedestrians walking around and still trying to enjoy the park. Wind gusts around 70 mph were recorded in the area
SID: Simon Brewer
Tropical Storm Isaias affected the southern shore of Long Islans NY with sustained winds over 50mph and frequent gusts to hurricane force. This brought down numerous trees and caused other damage around the area.
Shot Description
SHOT 1: A large tree toppled over blocking a sidewalk.
SHOT 2: Panning shot of a tree that fell over into the street blocking traffic.
SHOT 3: Strong winds blowing sand down the street near Atlantic Beach NY.
SHOT 4: Strong winds starting to rip the shingles off a roof in Rockaway NY.
SHOT 5: Strong winds blowing trash around in Rockaway NY.
SHOT 6: Strong winds and rain soaking a woman walking her dog on the boardwalk.
SHOT 7: Wind damaged an outdoor tent in Long Beach NY.
SHOT 8: Police directing traffic around a downed traffic signal.
SHOT 9: Downed trees along Beech St in Long Beach NY.
SHOT 10: Close-up of an anemometer displaying wind gusting over 60mph.
SHOT 11: Strong winds and heavy surf at Rockaway Beach.
CAT 1 Hurricane Isaias makes landfall over Ocean Isle Beach, NC causing significant storm surge and high winds causing damage.
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Footage of stars visible inside small clearings in the eye. Also, footage of storm surge flooding and waves in Garden City, SC as storm approaches.
All footage shot during evening daylight and darkness on August 3, 2020 in Ocean Isle Beach, NC and Garden City, SC by Meteorologist Simon Brewer.
Shot Description
1-3. footage of significant storm surge flooding in Ocean Isle Beach, NC
4-13. various shots of high damaging in Ocean Isle Beach, NC during strong eyewall of Hurricane Isaias
14. high winds blowing traffic lights in Ocean Isle Beach, NC
15. stars visible through clearing in center of ‘eye’ of Hurricane Isaias in Ocean Isle Beach, NC
16-18. various shots of storm surge flooding during eye of Hurricane Isaias in Ocean Isle Beach, NC
19. 990.1 mb barometric minimum pressure measured in eye of Hurricane Isaias as it passed over Ocean Isle Beach, NC
20-30. various shots of large waves and storm surge flooding in Garden City, SC as Hurricane Isaias approached.
SID: Simon Brewer
Video looking out over port of Miami Florida as Hurricane Isaias approaches SE Florida. Heavy rain bands from squalls moving into Miami from the Atlantic as clouds spin counter-clockwise around the storms center, moving from North to South. Also includes time-lapse showing cloud movement. HD robotic remote camera video. No audio.
Shot Description
1-10) Ten clips of dark storms clouds and heavy rain from the outer bands of Hurricane Isaias coming into the desolate port of Miami FL from the Atlantic Ocean. All the cruise and container ships have left ahead of the approaching storm.
11,12) Two different time-lapse clips showing cloud movement from north to south as storm spins counter clockwise offshore.
Storm B-Roll with some time lapse and tornado that briefly touched down near Mankato, MN
Shot Description
Various time lapse and real time footage of severe and tornado warned storm near Mankato, MN.
A long track supercell that developed in northeastern Wyoming tracked through the Black Hills of South Dakota before eventually moving southeast into northwestern Nebraska as part of a developing MCS that pushed into Central Nebraska late into Friday night. This storm was responsible for a brief tornado west of the town of Martin where this video package was shot. It opens in the “bear cage” with blinding rain and wind as the reported tornado moved within a mile of the photographer. Ends with minor flooding and tree damage in town.
Martin, SD is 100 miles southeast of Rapid City near the Nebraska border.
Shot Description
Clips 1-4: Driving west of town around the time of the tornado report as the rain-wrapped hook crossed US Highway 18.
Clips 5-6: Very high winds blowing rain through the grass around the car.
Clips 7-11: Shots of high winds on the backside of the storm in Martin.
Clips 12-14: Various shots of water covering US-18 in town with cars navigating through.
Clips 15-17: Shots of a large tree limb that crashed down on the back of a pickup truck.
Clip 18: Man removing tree debris from the street.
Clip 19-23: Various shots of large tree debris littering yards in town.
Clips 24-25: POV driving lightning strikes.
Several tornadoes touched down in northwestern Minnesota during the later afternoon hours in Ottertail County, MN near the town of Dalton, MN.
Footage includes multiple tornadoes and multiple angles of the same tornado that was on the ground for over ten minutes. Also included with the video are a couple of time lapse clips of the longer raw material.
Shot Description
Clip 1 Extremely large tornado with debris in the air with good audio talking about how you can smell the debris in the air.
Clip 2 – 3 Tripoded longer cuts of the tornado perfectly positioned in the shot as it moves from right to left.
Clip 4 – 5 Roof top mounted camera driving up to the tornado.
Clip 6 Timelapsed footage from all of the footage from clips 2-3. Footage speed is 1,000 times faster then the normal speed.
Clip 7 Tornado and faint rainbow in a field..
Clip 8 – 12 various clips of the tornado almost stationary in an open field.
Clip 13 Wide shot of the tornado and the storm clouds with structure.
Clip 14 Tornado stating to rope out and weaken.
Clip 15 Tornado just vanishes right in front of the camera.
Clip 16 Time lapse of all the raw footage from clips 7 to 15 of over 10 minutes of raw footage of the tornado before is vanishes.
Clip 17-18 Large Cone Tornado with debris in the rain with a white on white contrast.
SID: Melanie Metz
Tornado, dramatic supercell thunderstorm with Time Lapse shots, and wind damage near the town of Arnold, NE
All footage shot in/near the town of Arnold, NE on June 8, 2020 by Meteorologist Simon Brewer
Shot Description
1. funnel cloud near Arnold, NE
2-4. Dusty tornado near the town of Arnold, NE
5 & 6. damage and debris caused by high winds from tornadic supercell near Arnold, NE
7-12. various shots of dramatic tornadic supercell thunderstorm near Arnold, NE including Time Lapse shots