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Icy winter conditions lead to slow driving along I-70 in the mountains west of Denver where travelers were left sitting on the interstate at times because of the conditions.

Scenes 1-2: POV shots of C-DOT electronic signs warning drivers of icy conditions.

Scene 3: Pulling up to the scene of a stopped Highway Patrol vehicle behind a semi stuck on the ice.

Scene 4: Cool shot of Highway Patrol in wind-driven snow along I-70 in Clear Creek County.

Scene 5: Driving by the highway patrol on the highway that is blocking the right lane.

Scene 6: Close-up of semi-truck wheels spinning on ice as camera passes on the left. The semi was unable to proceed due to the ice on the highway.

Scenes 7-8: Shots of stopped traffic on I-70 taken from the backup.

Scenes 9-10: POV drive shots of interstate conditions east of the Eisenhower Tunnel in Clear Creek County.

Scene 11: EB snowplow on I-70.

Scene 12: Shot of snowplow on local road just off I-70 in Clear Creek County.

Scene 13: Shot of ICY ROAD sign on local road just of I-70.

SID: Tony Laubach

Historic ice storm cripples the Southeast prompting a “Civil Emergency” to be ordered for most of South Carolina. Barnwell, SC takes brunt of ice storm receiving over `1 inch of accumulated glaze ice from freezing rain taking down utility lines and trees. Roads are treacherous if not impassible and there are power outages surrounding Barnwell. Utility crews work hard to fix downed lines and remove trees to get power restored to the area.
All scenes shot in and around Barnwell, SC during the morning of February 13, 2014.


1-5: shots of utility Crews working to fix power lines in Barnwell, SC

6: large tree branch hanging on power lines

7 & 8: pushed in shot of ice covered power lines and pole

9. pushed in shot of utility truck navigating around fallen trees and low hanging ice covered power lines

10. emergency crews clearing trees and debris from roads

11 & 12: shots of car trapped in ditch

13 & 14: shots of large uprooted tree smashing a residential fence in Barnwell, SC

15: shots of vehicles navigating treacherous roads with fallen and falling trees

16. pushed-in shot of ice covered power lines and trees along treacherous road

17. shot of “Barnwell, SC” sign surrounded by fallen tree branches

18. point of view driving shot navigating around fallen trees on road

19. point of view driving shot of ice-covered fallen trees on side of road

20. quick point of view driving shot of debris falling from a tree

21. shot of Barnwell water tower, ice covered trees & power lines, and traffic

22. pushed in shot of many ice covered trees

23. pushed in shot of frozen American flag

24. shot of ice covered branches

25. pushed in shot of ice-covered branches

26. pushed in shot of “Hurricane Evacuation Route” sign covered in ice, hurricanes are typically disasters in this part of the country, not ice storms

27. wide shot of many bent and fallen trees covered in thick ice

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

A second historic powerful winter storm paralyzes the Deep South. Incredibly heavy snow fall causes I-95 to become very hazardous near Rocky Mount, NC. Many vehicles are caught stranded in ditches along I-95 after losing control on the ice and snow covered road. All scenes were captured along I-95 near Rocky Mount North Carolina during the afternoon and early evening of February 12, 2012. This winter storm has been named Pax.


1. pushed-in shot of Woman walking away from stranded with car in ditch with heavy snow falling near Rocky Mount NC

2. Point of view shot of SUV quickly going off road on snow and ice covered roads near Rocky Mount NC

3. point of view shot of vehicles driving in heavy snow storm near Rocky Mount NC

4. pushed-in shot of vehicles driving on ice and snow covered roads with heavy snow falling in Rocky Mount NC

5. point of view driving shot of near white-out conditions with heavy snow and highway sign on I-95 near Rocky Mount, NC

6. pushed-in shot from above of traffic driving in nearly white-out conditions on I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

7. pushed-in shot of traffic driving in very heavy snow on I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

8. wide shot of traffic driving in very heavy snow on I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

9. wide shot of police cruiser next to car in ditch with driver inside with heavy snow falling on I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

10. pushed-in shot of police cruiser on I-95 with heavy snow falling near Rocky Mount NC responding to a stranded vehicle

11. pushed-in shot of car and driver stranded in ditch after sliding off I-95 with heavy snow falling near Rocky Mount NC

12. wide shot with police cruiser responding to driver stranded with car in ditch off I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

13. wide shot of truck trapped in ditch with hazard lights on in with heavy snow falling next to I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

14. pushed-in shot of truck with hazard lights on trapped in ditch off I-95 near Rocky Mount NC with heavy snow falling

15. wide shot of police officer exiting and then entering his cruiser at scene of multi-car accident on I-95 with heavy snow falling and heavy traffic near Rocky Mount

16. pushed-in shot of 2 of 3 cars in a large accident on I-95 with heavy snow falling near Rock Mount

17. wide shot of heavy traffic lined-up on I-95 due to multi-car accident with heavy snow falling near Rocky Mount

18. pushed-in shot of heavy traffic lined-up on I-95 due to multi-car accident with heavy snow falling near Rocky Mount

19. wide shot of “I-95” sign covered in ice from powerful winter storm

20. pushed-in shot of “I-95” sign covered in ice from powerful winter storm

21-24. shots of very heavy large snow flakes falling on I-95 near Rocky Mount NC

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Powerful historic winter storm covers Manning, South Carolina in glaze ice from heavy freezing rain. A “Civil Emergency” is issued for most of South Carolina as it will be paralyzed by this storm. Some areas around Manning have .75 inches (3/4 inches) of ice on trees, powerlines, grass, and signs. The heavy ice is causing power outages and bringing down large trees blocking portions of heavily trafficked Interstate 95 making travel very treacherous and sometimes impossible. Police and fire crews race to cut, move, or mark the fallen trees. This area is the northern territory for the American Aligator, yet it’s being hammered by a fierce winter storm.
All the of the scenes were shot in or near Manning, SC in the late evening and night of February 12, 2014.


1. wide shot of emergency vehicles with lights reflecting off fallen ice-covered trees on I-95 near Manning SC; large loads of glaze ice from freezing rain was bringing down large trees over the Interstate Highway

2. wide shot of policemen and firemen attempting to move a large tree blocking a southbound lane on I-95, emergency vehicles with lights reflecting off fallen ice-covered trees on I-95 near Manning SC

3. wide shot of policemen and firemen with flash lights attempting to move a large tree blocking a southbound lane on I-95, emergency vehicles with lights reflecting off fallen ice-covered trees on I-95 near Manning SC

4. wide shot of policemen pulling a tow cable around a fallen tree in a failed attempt to move a large tree blocking I-95 near Manning SC

5. wide shot of fallen tree on I-95 with ice covered limbs lit my emergency vehicles as they try to move the large obstruction

6. wide shot of car and ice covered limbs of a slowly falling tree on I-95 near Manning SC

7-10. shots of police and firemen cutting a large fallen tree with a chain saw in an attempt to move the obstruction from I-95 near Manning SC

11. shot ice-covered trees threatening I-95 with limbs illuminated by emergency vehicle lights near Manning, SC

12. pushed-in shot of ice-covered “Paxville and Manning” highway exit sign off I-95 in Manning SC

13-15. pushed-in, pulled-out, and panning shot of road sign covered in .75 (3/4) inch glaze ice from freezing rain near Manning SC

16. pushed-in shot of street lamp with icecicles with heavy freezing rain falling in Manning SC

17. wide shot of water, ice, and sleet covered roads in Manning SC

18. pushed-in shot of ice-covered road with car and pedestrian crossing near Manning SC

19 & 20. pushed-in and pulled-out shots of ice-covered palm tree near Manning SC

21-23. shots of tropical plant covered in ice near Manning SC

24-26. shots of massive ice-covered American Flag flapping with force in the high winds near Manning SC

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

The road’s in Raleigh today were so treacherous to drive on, our photographer did not even have to leave his front porch to witness several vehicle crashes and even a semi truck sliding backwards on the road in front of his home.

Clip 1 The driver locks up their breaks and slides into another car.

Clip 2 Someone walking on the street and falls down.

Clip 3 Vehicle pulls out into the road and smashed into the curb on the other side of the street.

Clip 4 Vehicle tries to turn into a parking area and slides into the side of the road and curb and barely stops before hitting the fence.

Clip 5 The weather is so bad, even the dog wont leave the porch.

Clip 6 Pickup truck spinning its wheels and can’t get up the little hill.

Clip 7 Another pickup truck slides down the hill with the front tires locked up and wheels turned but misses hitting any cars and bounces off the curb.

Clip 8 Cars stuck in the middle of the road blocking traffic.

Clip 9 Car sliding down the road with its breaks locked up.

Clip 10 Silver car spinning its wheels and going nowhere

Clip 11 Pickup truck stuck in the road.

Clip 12 SUV spinning its wheels and not moving.

Clip 13 14 Several cars and vans stopped in the road and not moving with people walking around.

Clip 15 Semi truck sliding backwards down the small hill towards another car but the car moves out of the way before getting hit.

SID: Matt Robinson

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Video Package 1 of 2 highlighting a large Hot Air Balloon Rally & Festival in the city of Hudson, Wisconsin during frigid single digit temperatures with below zero wind chills.

Daytime video footage 1 includes;

Complete perspective of the master Hot Air Balloon launch field with a huge Mass lift off of over 50 Balloons in 1 hour over the St.Croix Valley of western Wisconsin.

Close range POV footage of up inside the Balloon tower from near the basket with high fire and heat lifting it into the air.

People dressed heavy covering their faces for the cold arctic air during the festival.

Many shots of multiple, colorful Hot Air Balloons taking to the winter skies over Hudson.

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Video Package 1 of 2 highlighting a large Hot Air Balloon Rally & Festival in the city of Hudson, Wisconsin during frigid single digit temperatures with below zero wind chills.

Daytime video footage 1 includes;

Complete perspective of the master Hot Air Balloon launch field with a huge Mass lift off of over 50 Balloons in 1 hour over the St.Croix Valley of western Wisconsin.

Close range POV footage of up inside the Balloon tower from near the basket with high fire and heat lifting it into the air.

People dressed heavy covering their faces for the cold arctic air during the festival.

Many shots of multiple, colorful Hot Air Balloons taking to the winter skies over Hudson.

Filmed in the Lafayette, IN region in Purdue University and surrounding Tippecanoe County.

Scene 1: An INDOT snowplow pulls a smaller snowplow out of a snow bank.

Scene 2: A man with a snow blower clears the sidewalk with American flag in background.

Scene 3: Purdue University sign with light snow fall.

Scene 4: A bobcat works to clear a parking lot on Purdue University Campus.

Scene 5: Icicles hang precariously from a building on Purdue Campus.

Scene 6: “Attention Falling Snow” sign warns pedestrians of the dangerous ice above.

Scene 7: Neil Armstrong statue in light snowfall with caution tape in ice fall zone.

Scene 8: Wide panning shot of ice on Purdue University building.

Scene 9: Man clearing sidewalk with snow blower.

Scene 10: Man shoveling snowfall.

Scene 11: Traffic in Lafayette, IN.

SID: Terrence Cook

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Strong winter storm strikes the nation’s Heartland, especially the Ohio Valley. Cincinnati is hit hard with heavy snow on it’s North side, heavy sleet in downtown, and freezing rain on the south side. The mix of wintry conditions has made travel dangerous and accumulations of glaze ice on powerlines and trees causes serious problems with utilities in the region.


1. driving night shot with traffic in very heavy snow on north side of Cincinnati, OH

2. rest area near Cincinnati full of trucks in very heavy snow at night

3. pushed-in shot of heavy snow in street light in Cincinnati, OH

4. pushed-in shot of semi-trucks and driver in heavy snow near Cincinnati, OH

5. pushed-in shot of Ohio State Flag near Cincinnati, OH with heavy snow and high winds

6. pushed-in shot of car driving in deep sleet covered-road with Cincinnati Skyline in background at night with sleet falling

7. pushed-in shot of night Cincinnati skyline with sleet falling near street light

8. pushed-in shot of powerlines and street lights with glaze ice accumulations from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

9. pushed-in shot of Interstate 75 highway sign with glaze ice accumulations from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

10. pushed-in shot of ice-covered power line from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

11. pushed-in shot of transformer and power lines with glaze ice accumulations from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

12. pushed-in shot of tree with glaze ice from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

13. pushed-in shot of sagging powerlines from freezing rain accumulations in Cincinnati, OH

14. pushed-in shot of tree with glaze ice accumulation from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

15. wide shot of ice-covered bush from freezing rain with hand crunching ice in Cincinnati, OH

16. wide shot of ice-covered car from freezing rain and sleet with windshield wipers up. People do this to keep wipers from freezing to the windshield in Cincinnati, OH

17. pushed-in shot of ice-covered powerlines from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

18. pushed-in shot of ice-covered car door handle from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

19. pushed-in shot of ice-caked American Flag frozen down from freezing rain in Cincinnati, OH

SID: Simon Brewer

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

One of the most powerful and widespread winter storms of the year paralyzes states from the Great Plains through the Ohio Valley, and the Northeast. Heavy snow buries eastern Indiana along major Interstate Highway 70 near Indianapolis and Greensville, IN. The deep snow causes many motorists to lose control and slide into ditchs becoming stranded. Police and wreckers have to work late to clear roadways of the stranded cars.


1. daytime point of view driving shot of blowing, heavy snow and traffic on Interstate 70 east of Indianapolis, IN

2-3. daytime pushed-in shots of traffic in very low visibility heavy snow with blowing snow on Interstate 70 east of Indianapolis, IN

4-5. daytime pushed-in and pulled-out shots of car trapped in ditch in heavy snow with blowing snow on Interstate 70 east of Indianapolis, IN

6. night pushed-in shot of street light and heavy snow falling along Interstate 70 in eastern Indiana near town of Greensville

7. night pushed-in shot of Indianapolis and Columbus, OH sign on Interstate 70 with heavy snow falling with traffic in background near Greensville, IN

8. night pushed-in shot of snow plow with heavy snow falling near Greensville, IN

9. point of view night shot of heavy snow falling while driving in hazardous conditions near Greenville, IN

10-13. pulled-out and pushed-in night shots of wrecker loading stranded car with police officer and vehicle present on Interstate 70 near Greeenville, IN

14. pushed-in shot from above looking at slow-moving traffic in heavy snow along interstate 70 near Greenville, IN at night.

15. pushed-in shot of I-70 sign near Greenville, IN with heavy snow falling at night

SID: Simon Brewer

Accumulation reaches 6″+ around Tippecanoe County, Indiana as road crews continue working into the morning.

Scene 1: Snow Emergency route sign with traffic.

Scene 2: Snow Emergency route sign, wide shot with no traffic.

Scene 3: Snow plow with bright lights drives through snow covered downtown Lafayette, IN.

Scene 4: Snow plow with Wind Turbines in back ground.

Scene 5: Bobcat clearing hospital parking lot in Lafayette, IN.

Scene 6: Railroad employees clear the snow from switches on the railroad.

Scene 7: Close shot of worker clearing snow form railroad switch.

Scene 8: Snow plow on bridge.

Scene 9: Traffic in snow covered intersection.

Scene 10: Snow covered intersection.

Scene 11: Traffic on bridge.

SID: Terrence Cook
To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Live GPS tracking link:
Professional Extreme Weather Videographer Tony Laubach is out covering the latest winter storm to hit the Southern Illinois area today in the Jefferson County, IL and Mt. Vernon area.

Copyright 2014 StormChasingVideo.com & LiveNewsVideoNetwork.com

Severe winter conditions make a mess out of I-64 west of Mt. Vernon in Washington County, Illinois. Mt. Vernon is about an hour east of St. Louis.

Video package shot along I-64 at the US-51 Junction north of the town of Ashley in Washington County where numerous vehicles became stranded in the near white-out conditions and dangerous road conditions. Includes scenes of several vehicles being pushed out of snow near the highways.

Only a few inches of snow had fallen across the area, but sleet and ice made for extremely difficult travel and caused highway ramps to become parking lots at times til snow plows were able to get in and remove the snow.

Scene 1-6: Shots of a Jeep stuck in the center median of I-64 in Washington County and includes shots of people trying to push the Jeep out. Jeep was eventually pushed 1/5 mile down the median to a U-turn crossing and was able to get out.

Scene 7-9: A police officer and other motorist struggle to free a vehicle from the US-51 on-ramp to EB I-64.

Scene 10-11: Two views of a stranded semi on the US-51 on-ramp to I-64 EB.

Scene 12: Shot of cop car blocking on-ramp with two stranded semis in the foreground.

Scene 13-14: Snow plow blowing by stranded semis and cop to clear the on-ramp and finally re-opening it.

Scene 15-19: Various shots of a vehicle about to fall into a roadside at along US-51 at the I-64 junction.

Scene 20: Two cop cars with cops walking in snow near Mt. Vernon.

Scene 21-24: Various shots of white-out conditions along I-64 near US-51.

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

B-Roll footage of the winter storm hitting the west side of the Oklahoma City, OK metro area. Footage of blowing and drifting snow in the areas outside of the metro where the winds were gusting up to 25 miles per hour.

Shots 1-4: Blowing and drifting of snow along OK-37 near Tuttle, Oklahoma.

Shot 5 – Snowplow north of El Reno, OK.

Shot 6 and 7 – Main street with snow Minco, OK.

Shot 8 and 10 – Tuttle, OK main street with snow.

Shot 11 – Snow covered ground with windmill near Minco, OK.

Shot 12 – Country road with blowing snow near Minco, OK.

Shot 13 – Snow plow after storm’s passage, El Reno, OK.

Shot 14 and 15 – Main Street El Reno, OK with snow.

Shot 16 – Windmills and some snow on the ground near El Reno, OK.

SID: Chris Sanner

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

The latest winter storm system is again making travel in the southern part of the United States extremely hazardous for travelers today with numerous car crashes and spin outs in the Tulsa, OK area alone.

First three clips are from the intersection of 61st and Sheridan with vehicles sliding down hill and one of them taking out a street sign while others crash into the side and spinning out in front of the camera.

Remaining shots show various vehicles stuck on south 81st street at Harvard.

SID: Greg McLaughlin

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Fast hitting winter storm that dropped 6 inches of snow on the area.
Scene 1.Rice Lake park sign with no falling.
Scene 2.Statue with snow falling.
Scene 3.Dash cam, a car stuck in a snow bank.
Scene 4.Dash cam, people shoveling a car out of the snow ridge left by plow.
Scene 5. heavy snow falling with visibilities les than 1/4 mile.
Scene 6.Snow blowing over the road.
Scene 7.Car going through red light.
Scene 8.Snow plow plowing snow.
Scene 9. Snow plow coming towards the camera and snow removal on Main street.
Scene 10. Snow blowing across the road. with vehicle coming towards the camera.
Scenes 12-14 Snow falling.
Scene 15. Flag blowing in the wind.
Scene 16. Snow falling and blowing snow.

SID: Dirk Miller

Powerful winter storm buries the Southeast on January 28 and 29 leaving many stranded who are not used to such wintry and cold conditions.
Virginia Beach looks more like a ski resort than a beach resort with almost a foot of snow with 3 foot deep snow drifts and temperatures in the teens that were in the 60s just 48 hours ago.

1. snow on “Bargain Beachwear” at a popular typically warm vacation spot Virginia Beach, VA

2. people walking and traffic with deep snow on roads Virginia Beach, VA on main strip

3. vehicles having difficulty driving deep snow on main strip at Virginia Beach, VA

4. giant Ferris wheel with traffic in deep snow on main strip at Virginia Beach, VA

5. Pedestrian and car having difficulty in deep snow on main strip at Virginia Beach, VA

6. Jeep spins-out temporarily losing control in deep snow on main strip at Virginia Beach, VA

7. people and seagulls attempt to enjoy the snow-covered boardwalk at Virginia Beach, VA

8. deep snow drifts on sandy beach with “Danger, No Swimming/Surfing” sign at Virginia Beach, VA

9. women struggle through 3 foot deep snow drift on boardwalk trying to reach beach at Virginia Beach, VA

10. ocean waves hit Virginia Beach Pier with deep snow on beach

11. sculpted snow structures in deep snow drifts on sandy Virginia Beach

12. pushed-in shot of waves crashing on snowing Virginia Beach

13. pushed-in shot of snow sculptures with sand made by high winds on Virginia Beach

14. 3 foot deep snow drifts on sandy Virginia Beach with resorts and ocean along boardwalk

15. snow on palm leaf Virginia Beach, VA

16. panning shot of palm tree to deep snow at Virginia Beach

17. pushed-in shot of man shoveling deep snow from sidewalk along main strip at Virginia Beach

18. pushed-in shot of fire truck with lights flashing fighting through deep snow-covered strip at Virginia Beach

19. pushed-in shot of fire truck with lights flashing, man walking, and vehicles fighting to move through deep snow-covered main strip at Virginia Beach, VA

20. pushed-in shot of Virginia Beach Fishing Pier sign with snow

21. store front promoting “Vacation Information” surrounded by deep snow at Virginia Beach

22. ruler in deep snow measuring over 10 inches of snow accumulation at Virginia Beach, VA

23. pushed-in shot of ruler showing 10+ inch snow measurement at Virginia Beach, VA

24. pushed-in shot of “Hurricane Evacuation Route” sign with snow caked on it with traffic passing at Virginia Beach, VA

SID: Simon Brewer

B-roll footage extended edit for stock footage and ENG of the extremely brutally cold sub zero temperatures that are allowing rare access to the Apostle Sea Caves near Bayfield Wisconsin.

TRT: 13:00:00

To see the rare sight of the frozen Apostle Sea Caves, you must walk along the shore line for about 1.5 miles from the parking area.

The hike to the cave is not an easy one as you are walking along the shore line over numerous snow drifts, ice heaves and then once you get near the caves, you are walking on the slippery ice itself.

The hike out takes about 45 minutes and depending on weather conditions, with the winds blowing across Lake Superior, plan on walking in near blizzard conditions due to the blowing snow and cold temperatures.

*** Also Snow Shoes or Ice Crampons Are Advised To Wear While Walking Out On The Ice ***

SID: Douglas Kielsing

To see the full shot sheet, visit www.StormChasingVideo.com

Minnesota Highway 28 that runs through Stearns County and the city of Sauk Centrre, MN was shut down this morning do to the massive snow drifts that were left behind after the Blizzard on Sunday.

TRT 4:16

Clip 1 Highway 28 Sign covered by a snow drift.

Clip 2 Massive front end loader with a snow blower unit on the front stuck in the snow drift.

Clip 3-4 MNDOT Snow plow getting ready to pull the snow blower out of the ditch.

Clip 5 Snow plow pulling the snow blower out of the snow bank and ditch and back onto the road and then a massive plow drives towards the camera.

Clip 6 POV shot following MNDOT plow busting through the snow drifts on Highway 28.

Clip 7 Someone using a mini tractor to clear the snow out from their driveway.

Clip 8 POV shot passing MNDOT snow plow

Clip 9 Massive snow drifts on Highway 28 east of Sauk Centre

Clip 10 Massive snow drifts look more like mountains covering Highway 28

Clip 11 Blowing snow across Highway 28

Clip 12 Snow drift behind the Highway 28 sign

Clip 13-14 Blowing snow across Highway 28

Clip 15 Power lines and a field of snow in the bright afternoon sub zero sun.

Clip 16 Pull back shot of the Highway 28 sign covered in snow with the snow drifts covering the road.

Clip 17 Jeep parked next to the snow drifts on Highway 28

Clip 18 Pull back shot from the Jeep to show the huge snow drifts on Highway 28

Clip 19 The bright afternoon sun in the sub zero temps over an open field

Clip 20 Bobcat with a front end bucket on highway 28

Clip 21 Massive snow drift on highway 28

Clip 22 POV Drive by shot of the massive snow drifts.


SCV stringer Doug Kiesling is headed west on I-94 in central Minnesota covering the blizzard today. 55 MPH winds are expected with white out conditions in blowing snow. Live winter storm chasing live video.

Live GPS tracking link:

Copyright 2014 StormChasingVideo.com & LiveNewsVideoNetwork.com

SCV stringer Eric Whitehill is on the roads around Fargo ND covering the ground blizzard conditions there today. 55 MPH winds are expected with white out conditions in blowing snow and extremely low temps. Live winter storm chasing live video.

Live GPS tracking link:

Copyright 2014 StormChasingVideo.com & LiveNewsVideoNetwork.com

Video package documenting the severe and at times intense Blizzard Conditions that are ongoing across South Central Minnesota. Video is from the counties of McLeod,Meeker,South Stearns, including the cities of Hutchinson,Cosmos,Kimball, Eden Valley Minnesota.

Video footage includes;

Wind Gusts of 50-60MPH in blinding blowing snow creating true zero Whiteout conditions in rural Meeker County Minnesota.

Severe Blowing and rapidly drifting snow over major state highways west of Hutchinson.

Steel Road signs bending and twisting in the high winds.

MNDOT Snowplows Fighting to cut back deep snowdrifts on MN HWY 7 near Hutchinson.

Stearns County Law Enforcement and Fire closing down state Highway 15 in southern Stearns County due to Whiteout Dangerous Blizzard Conditions. Footage of Sheriff deputy turning vehicles back and around from proceeding north.

SID: Nick Elms

Warm wet snow combined with the cold road surfaces created an ice covered road conditions on Interstate 94 in Stearn County, MN on the northwestern suburbs of the Twin Cities metro area.

Dozens of car crashes were reported during the afternoon rush hour drive from Saint Cloud to Clearwater Minnesota.

TRT 4:24

Clip 1 Road sign warning of crashes ahead

Clip 2 Drive by shot passing a snow plow.

Clip 3 Suv fish tails while switching lanes then recovers.

Clip 4 Drive by shot of a crash with EMS and ambulance on the scene.

Clip 5 Drive by of a car that crashed into the cable barrier .

Clip 6 – 7 Drive by of clip of MN State Trooper on the scene of the spin out.

Clip 8 Snow plow driving past the camera

Clip 9 POV clip following MNDot Snow Plow

Clip 10 Close up of MnDot putting salt on the Interstate

Clip 11 Close up of MnDot snow plow blade clearing the snow.

Clip 12 Passing MnDot snow plow driving towards the camera.

Clip 13 MnDot Plow driving away from the camera

Clip 14 Drive by of an SUV in the ditch

Clip 15 Stop sign covered in snow

Clip 16 – 17 Driving in heavy snow.

Clip 18 POV shot driving past a car that smashed into the center cables.

Clip 19 POV shot driving past a Jeep that smashed into the center cables.

Clip 20 POV shot driving past a car that smashed into the center cables.

Clip 21 POV shot driving past a car that smashed into the center cables.

Clip 22 POV shot driving past a SUV and a car that smashed into the center cables.

Clip 23 State trooper passing on the side of the road to get to the next wreck.

Clip 24 Car in the ditch and stuck in the snow

Clip 25 Passing several cars that crashed into the center cables. State Patrol blocks the left lane as tow trucks clears up the wrecks.

Clip 26 Car stuck in the snow.

SID: Douglas Kiesling

West Lafayette deals with another round of brutal cold including a Wind Chill Advisory with -5F air temperatures and -20F wind chill. Students are eager to get out after a long battle with Winter regardless of dangerous conditions.

Filmed within Lafayette and West Lafayette, IN.

Scene 1: Circumzenithal Arc over the Tippecanoe courthouse during a diamond dust event in downtown Lafayette.

Scene 2: 1F reading on the Long Center sign in downtown Lafayette.

Scene 3: Pedestrian with face covered during single digit temperatures in Lafayette.

Scene 4: Bank sign with -4F reading and traffic on Wabash river bridge.

Scene 5: Close-up of -4F bank sign.

Scene 6: Traffic on hillside in Lafayette.

Scene 7: Traffic on campus in West Lafayette.

Scene 8: Students crossing the road on Purdue campus.

Scene 9: Students entering a bar on Purdue campus with traffic in background.

Scene 10: Distant pollution fills the horizon as students wander Purdue campus.

Scene 11: Traffic at busy intersection on Purdue campus.

Scene 12: A group of college students ride in the back of a pick-up in -5F air temp/ -20F Wind Chill on Purdue campus.

Scene 13: College students riding in pick-up down side street on Purdue campus.

Scene 14: Wide shot of -5F on Long Center sign in downtown Lafayette.

Scene 15: Close-up shot of -5F on Long Center sign in downtown Lafayette.

Scene 16: American flags dancing in 5-10 mph winds with -15 to -25 wind chills on the pedestrian bridge on the Wabash River.

Scene 17: Ice flow on Wabash River with traffic on nearby bridge.

Scene 18: Time Lapse of ice flow on Wabash River.

Scene 19: Slow pan of American flags dancing in the wind on the pedestrian bridge with Tippecanoe courthouse in background.

SID: Terrence Cook