As daylight arrived, so did the extent of the blizzard conditions in the central Iowa city of Ames. Footage of the extremely hazardous driving conditions that shows several cars and large 4×4 trucks stuck in the snow.
Shot 1: Shows a overpass sign on I35 highlighting the blizzard warning and no travel advised. The road is completely empty.
Shot 2: Shows absolute white out conditions on I35 with over 50mph wind gusts.
Shot 3: Shows a truck stuck in the ditch that has been checked for occupants already and labeled with caution tape.
Shot 4: Shows a close up on the caution tape and iced/snowed over truck.
Shot 5: Shows an Ames resident using a snow blower. The snow is over a foot deep and is above his knees.
Shot 6: Shows an Ames business owner cleaning off his sidewalk with a shovel.
Shot 7: Shows a tight then zoomed out shot of a truck in the ditch with the logo “Storm Guard” on the side.
Shot 8: Shows a mid zoom shot on the same truck’s tailgate with caution tape being violently ripped around in the wind.
Shot 9: Shows a car that got stuck in the middle of the ditch.
Shot 10: Shows a truck carrying a bicycle and canoe that got stuck on the I35 off ramp. The caution tape is also visible.
Shot 11: Shows a wide shot of a car that went off a steep embankment off Interstate 35.
Shot 12: Shows a tight shot of the car that went off 35.
Shot 13: Shows city workers trying to remove snow from stoplights.
With warmer temperatures above freezing and rain falling for most of the day today, only a slight drop in the temps caused the roads to become very slick in northern Minnesota.
In this video by Eric Whitehill, it shows the hazardous winter driving conditions in Becker County near Detroit Lakes and the aftermath of a snow plow that struck a street light and knocked it down across Highway 10.
Shot 1: Power Line and Light pole down on Highway 10 in MN (Near Audubon, MN)
Shot 2: Shot of Highway 10 down to 1 lane with people driving around light with EMS in background
Shot 3: Workers moving power line off road
Shot 4: Slow moving traffic on Highway 10 with EMS in background
Shot 5: Interview with Sgt Tim Clements of MN State Patrol regarding accident.
Shot 6: Shot of MN State Patrol car with snow falling
Shot 7: Shot of Snowplow going around a corner
Shot 8: Shot of Vehicle buried in the ditch with people around
Shot 9: Vehicle getting pulled out of ditch
Shot 10: Shot with State Patrol car pulled over with cars driving by in heavy falling snow
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Fire Fighters from Clearwater and Monticello, MN battled a structure fire in the extreme cold temperatures on Tuesday evening as a late evening fire destroyed the building of Compass Delivery Systems at 2314 200th St E , Clearwater, MN.
According to the staff on scene, nobody was injured in the fire but the building and almost everything in the building which included several delivery trucks and freight for clients was destroyed.
A powerful winter storm hit central Minnesota on Sunday causing the roads to become extremely dangerous from the icy condition. Snow total’s were from an average of eight inches around the metro to over twelve inches in the Saint Cloud, MN area.
The video highlights the travel hazards on Sunday in the air and on the ground. The footage was shot around the south side of the metro area from around the Minneapolis International Airport to the Burnsville and Eagan, MN area.
Clip 1 Heavy snow obscures the control tower at the Minneapolis / Saint Paul International Airport.
Clip 2 Heavy snow and the airport radar.
Clip 3 A Delta Airbus landing in the heavy snow on runway 12R
Clip 4 Wide shot of a plane flying over head and the shot pans down to the ILS lights on Runway 12L as the plane fades away into the heavy snow.
Clip 5 Delta plane taxi’s on to the active runway for take off
Clip 6 & 7 Another shot of the lights on the end of the runway 12L with a plane barely visible as it is landing.
Clip 8 Shot of a car stuck in the ditch from the dash camera
Clip 9 A jeep slid off the road as was stuck at the bottom of a deep ditch on Highway 13 and the driver barely was able to climb up the steep hill to make it back onto the roadway.
Clip 10 POV drive by shot of a car in the center ditch with MN State Patrol on scene.
Clip 11 POV drive by of another car in the ditch and the police on the scene.
Clip 12 A car backwards on the side of the road covered in snow and the front end is smashed up.
Clip 13 POV drive by show of a tow truck pulling out a mini van
Clip 14 Overhead shot of traffic in Interstate 35w in Minneapolis, MN at 50th street.
Clip 15 Car spinning its wheels in Burnsville, MN on Nicollet Avenue
Clip 16 Car trying to make its way up the hill on Nicollet Avenue and slipping
Clip 17 Mini Van sliding all over the roadway trying to make it up the hill
Clip 18 Tight shot of the wheels of the Mini Van spinning
Clip 19 Burnsville Police squad car spinning its wheels
Clip 20 Snow Plow trying to clean up Nicollet Avenue so traffic can get through the area.
Clip 21 and 23 POV shot following snow plows
Clip 24 POV driving over Minnesota River Bridge in the heavy wet snow.
Clip 25 Car stuck in the ditch
Clip 26 Traffic slows down in this POV shot as a SUV spins out and gets back on the roadway.
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In just over 24 hour’s, the temperature in Saint Cloud, MN has dropped over twenty five degrees and gone from a nice warm 56F to a current low of 21F. To make thing’s colder, the current windchill is only 4F.
Clip 1 – 7 The video starts out with heavy snow falling over the country side in Saint Cloud, MN.
Clip 8 POV shot of a snow plow in Saint Cloud, MN
Clip 9 POV shot driving past a car in the ditch on Interstate 94
Clip 10 – 11 Red car in the ditch.
Clip 12 – 13 Cars spinning their wheels on the ice covered roads.
Clip 14 Flags blowing in the strong winds
Clip 15 – 25 Footage shot outside of the Best Buy store in Maple Grove, MN of people camping out in the snow and trying to stay warm in tents while in line for Black Friday deals.
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Hurricane Katrina starts to hit the Lake Pontchartrain Levee in Kenner, LA with the storm surge as the winds push the lake to the south into the shore line.
The winds from Hurricane Katrina start to pick up and the water startss to rise as the hurricane pushes the water to the south side of Lake Pontchartrain. Video shows the water starts to rise into a parking lot and over the wall on the lake shore.
Shots include tree’s blowing in the wind and a stop sign being torn apart by the hurricane. Footage also includes video of the Kenner, LA police out in force patrolling in the middle of the storm to secure the area around the Pontchartrain Center.
Catalog ID: Katrina_Raw_Master_04
Total Run Time: 10;58;10
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8/13/2004 Last minute preparation work in Saint Petersburg, Florida before Hurricane Charley was suppose to make land fall in a couple of hours. The hurricane was still forecast to hit the Tampa and St. Petersburg area as a Category 2 hurricane.
Catalog ID: Hurricane_Charley02
Total Run Time: 03;39;00
Format 4×3 SD
New footage in from Lake Michigan at a great lakes freighter was sailing through the 12-15 foot waves in the middle of the lake caused by the outer winds from Hurricane Sandy.
The numbers on the front of the bow are in feet with wave heights reaching up to 30 feet along the ship which normally would have a water line at 13 feet.
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PART 1 (0:00-1:41) – Nighttime Snow Squall
The first official snow of the 2012/2013 winter season fell early Friday morning in Denver with a quick half-an-inch of snow falling across the metro shortly before 5am on Friday. The snow lead to the first Front Range chain law on I-70 for the season as well. The snow was a quick hit with more possible early Saturday morning. Most areas saw snow falling less than 30-minutes, but many areas received an inch or less of accumulation on grassy surfaces.
Denver’s average first measurable snowfall is October 19, so this was two weeks early. The official Denver measuring site, DIA, measured 0.40″, recording it as the first official snow of the season.
Video includes shots of heavy snow falling in the lights. Several shots showing snow accumulation on vehicles in a parking lot. Couple shots of vehicles driving in the snow.
PART 2 (1:41-4:08) – Daytime Snow/Foliage
B-roll shots of foliage in Denver after the first snow. Opens shots of metro-area foliage with remnants of snow that survived the early morning sun. Various shots of the trees finally getting into fall now that the first snow is out of the way. Part ends with skyline shots of Denver with the low cloud ceiling.
Footage from the early morning snow that fell over interstate 29 between Fargo, ND and Grand Forks, ND.
Various clips of heavy snow and motorists dealing with this first big snowfall of the season.
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When you look up the definition of what the perfect fall colors viewing weekend in Minnesota, this weekend would be it. With high temperatures today and tomorrow in the low 80s and a light wind, it is the perfect time to get out and view the fall colors around the Twin Cities on this last weekend of September.
The fall colors are becoming vivid along the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN. The colors are intense and one needs to do is take a drive along Minnehaha Parkway in Minneapolis or Sheppard Road in Saint Paul.
In this video from along the banks of the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers in Saint Paul you can see all the Oaks, Maples, Birch and various other tree’s changing colors this weekend.
There is a surprise at the end of this video. I wanted to check out one more spot and it was in the Fort Snelling State Park where the two rivers merge. That’s when I got the shot, a young buck (Deer) in the wild, and up close eating. I added those shots to the end of the video. The park rangers say not to feed them or get out of your car if they are nearby but they will come up to people in the park even though they are wild since is like a sanctuary for them in the heart of the metro area.
October is only a day away, get out and enjoy the weekend.
Clip 01 Overlooking downtown Saint Paul with fall colors in the foreground.
Clip 02 Overlooking Cathedral Hill in Saint Paul with vivid colors.
Clip 03 Rack Focus shot with red / brown oak leafs in the foreground and racks to the shot of Cathedral Hill in the background from the park outside the Science Museum of Minnesota. The Science Museum is on the north side of the Mississippi River bluffs in downtown Saint Paul, MN.
Clip 04 – 05 Ultra Wide and Medium shots of the fall colors from the upper deck of the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Clip 06 – 08 Yellow foliage with blue sky outside the Science Museum of MN.
Clip 09 Fall Colors reflecting along water on the river bluff on the south side of the Mississippi River Valley over Pickerel Lake.
Clip 10 Tighter shot of the fall colors on the south side of the river valley.
Clip 11 Pan shot of the colors along the south side of the Mississippi River valley in Saint Paul.
Clip 12 Contrast in Colors Red/Orange and Yellow, wide shot.
Clip 13 Red/Orange and Yellow, Rack Focus to Yellow in background
Clip 14 Contrasting colors with Oak and two pine trees under a perfect blue sky.
Clip 15 Colorful trees along the side of the road outside the Science Museum of MN
Clip 16 – 18 Wide, Medium and Tight of bright and vivid Maple Leafs with the blue sky sneaking in from behind the tree.
Clip 19 More vivid colors from the park outside of the Science Museum of MN
Clip 20 – 23 Wild Buck along the banks of the Mississippi River in the Fort Snelling State Park. The dear is feeding on vegetation about 20 feet away from the camera and does not seem care if we were there filming him.
Time Lapse footage of the great lakes freighter Wilfred Sykes coming into and leaving various ports on Lake Michigan.
Footage available in real time. Music track in this video provided by Youtube and is not in the master time lapse stock footage clip.
Catalog: Sykes_Timelapse_ET2
Total Run Time: 03;24;19
Format: SD4x3
HD B-Roll Time-Lapse of the freighter Wilfred Sykes Inbound into port in Chicago
Stock footage of the SS Wilfred Sykes heading
into the South Chicago port.
Real-time footage available upon request.
Catalog ID: Sykes_Inbound_Chicago_TimeLapse_ET1
Total Run Time: 04;01;06
Stock footage from a Great Lakes Freighter from Northern Lake Michigan in Heavy Sea’s as ice is forming on the deck of the ship.
Video shows “Green Water” crashing over the deck, ice forming on deck, heavy seas and the bow crashing into heavy seas as water crashes over the side of the ship.
Catalog ID: 01012011_ET1
Total Run Time: 09;58;27
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Raw footage shot in southern Louisiana starting in the overnight hours of Hurricane Isaac as the eye of the storm moves on shore south of Houma, LA to Chauvin and
Cocodrie, LA.
Footage show high winds in the eye wall along with the calm winds in the eye and storm damage on the road back to Houma and New Orleans, LA.
Footage ends with large waves and storm surge back along the Mississippi coast.
Catalog ID: Isaac_CC3
Total Run Time: 15;12;25
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5/3/2012 Wilfred Sykes – Amazing Shelf Cloud while at sea. Time-Lapse and real time footage of a high contrast shelf cloud over the Lake Michigan.
Clip 1: Time-Lapse footage from the bow of the ship
Clip 2: Real time clip of the time lapse footage.
Catalog ID: 05032012_ET1
Total Run Time: 12;42;13
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Stock footage of the tornado that started near Geneseo, KS and turned into a violent wedge tornado.
Several B-Roll video clips of the tornado and storm chasers.
Catalog ID: 04142012_CC2
Total Run Time: 09;37;22
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Stock footage of several destructive tornadoes near Cherokee, OK. At one point there are two tornadoes on the ground at the same time and video of a tornado destroying a building and farm equipment.
Also footage of buildings in an oil field and equipment being hit and thrown into the air.
Catalog ID: 04142012_CS1
Total Run Time: 06;24;05
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4/14/2012 Salina, KS tornado B-Roll, Stock footage of the Elephant trunk tornado in the distance as the camera approaches from the south.
Tornado becomes a long skinny rope tornado as the camera crew continues to chase it. When the camera is tripoded, the zoomed in shots show the tornado as a Drill Bit Tornado before it dies off.
Catalog ID: 04142012_VC2
Total Run Time: 04;23;00
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B-Roll footage of Hurricane Isabel hitting the North Carolina coastline. Footage shot in Davis, NC and Beaufort, NC with shots of high winds hitting houses, street flooding, damage to buildings and flying debris.
Catalog ID: Hurricane_Isabel_2003_BR
Total Run Time: 04;27;23
Format: SD 4×3
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B-Roll footage from the 2007 Saint Paul, MN Winter Carnival snow and ice sculpture at the Harriet Island park.
Footage shot during the record cold temps where the air temp was -20F and the windchill factor was -40F and colder.
B-Roll video of people and animals out in the park checking out the ice and snow sculptures in the extremely cold weather.
Catalog ID: #: STP_Winter_Carnival_2007_A
Total Run Time: 7:00
Format: 4×3 SD
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10/28/2011 Stock footage of Excel Energy doing “Implosion Welding” with a new high-voltage transmission lines along Interstate 94 in Saint Cloud, MN.
Footage shot from across the Interstate with three camera’s for a tight, medium and wide shot of the implosion as traffic continues to drive on Interstate 94.
Also footage after the implosion that shows the crews setting up the charges for the implosion.
Catalog ID: #: 10282011a
Total Run Time: 03;48;12
Format: HD
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7/11/2008 Severe storms with high winds and large hail hit the south metro area of Burnsville, MN just south of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Footage of a storm moving into the area, video of high winds and hail hitting the area and picking up large debris and throwing it through the air. Power flashes as the storm front moves into the area.
Video ends with aftermath of flooding along Burnsville Parkway and downed tree’s, power-lines and damage to structures.
Catalog ID: #: 07112008a
Total Run Time: 06;53
Format: SD 16×9
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Stock footage of the historic “Covered Bridges” of Madison County, Iowa.
Various shots of the remaining covered bridges and a drive through POV or Point Of View B-Roll on the last remaining working bridge.
Catalog ID: MadisonCty_IA_Covered_Bridges
Total Run Time: 00;13;00
Format: HD
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