For the 6th day in a row, severe weather resulting from monsoonal moisture flow hammered parts of the Colorado Front Range with intense lightning, high winds, hail, and very heavy rains. Area residents have called this some of the most unusual monsoon patterns they have seen in quite some time as it has stormed daily since last Wednesday.
Video package shot in and around the town of Franktown, Colorado which is located about 7 miles east of Castle Rock or about 30 miles southeast of Denver. First scene of video is shot of the severe-warned thunderstorm as it moves off the foothills just north of Castle Rock showing a hail shaft.
(00:09-01:09) Various shots of lightning strikes, including several vivid, close strikes as the storm moves around the Franktown area. Best shot occurs between 00:13-00:17.
(01:09-02:05) Shots during the storm of torrential rains and wind. Includes POV shots of traffic driving through rain/ponding.
(02:05-03:15) Shots after the storm of hail accumulated along CO-83 several miles north of Franktown. Various shots of cars driving past hail drifts which contain hail up to 1-inch in diameter.
SID: Tony Laubach
Please help us find the owners of this German Sheppard.
I found this German Sheppard on Highway 15 and Interstate 94, just south of Saint Cloud, Minnesota while driving home after the storms that hit on Sunday night 7/10/2011.
She was in the road and I stopped to see if she had a name tag, to bring her back to her home since she was in a very dangerous road, she did not have a name tag on her collar.
She is extremely friendly and jumped right in the back of my truck when I opened the back door for her. I did not want her to get hit by a passing vehicle on the road so I took her with me into town to look for the owner.
I called the one person that posted a lost and found on Craigslist for a German Sheppard and met up with them but this was not their dog. They did agree to take in this dog to try and help find the owner and bring her in to scan for an RFID tag.
They did say that they were called about this dog since they lost their dog in the same area that this dog was found and it was left at a farm a few days ago about 10 miles from where I found it so I can only assume that she is trying to find her family and her way home to the southeast towards the Minneapolis and Saint Paul metro area.
If you recognize this dog, please contact us and I will put you in touch with the person we left her with.
Contact us at
SID: Doug Kiesling
Severe storms hit the rural area of Oakes, ND causing damage to farm buildings, grain bins and power lines.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Eric Whitehill was tracking this storm as it was hitting the south eastern area of North Dakota. The damage was from high winds and a possible tornado.
Various shots of storms and storm damage.
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SID: Eric Whitehill
Severe storms move across Colorado for the fourth day in a row bringing more heavy rains, hail, and lightning to a state that’s been battered with torrential rains, hail, high winds, and lightning over the last several days.
Video features a long-track supercell storm that formed near Limon, Colorado and tracked nearly due east along I-70, eventually crossing in Kansas. This storm was still ongoing several hours after it developed, tracking almost 200 miles across two states.
Video package opens up with point of view driving shots of the storm’s structure as chasers approach it. Following shots from POV of several lightning strikes from the storm. Next shot of a disorganized funnel cloud. Following shots taken during the storm as hail up to 1.25″ falls south of Seibert along CO-59. Last shots of hail compared with a Kennedy Half Dollar and a old U.S. Silver dollar (also includes stuffed toy in final shot).
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SID: Tony Laubach
Footage of car’s sliding on the snow covered roads around Janesville, WI during a snow storm.
Footage shows cars and trucks spinning their wheels while trying to get up a hill while the snow is falling.
Catalog ID: 12152005_SW1
Total Run Time: 01:55:07
Format: 4×3 SD
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SID: Scott Weberpal
Severe storms drenched Denver, CO and caused extensive flooding across the metro area and prompting severe thunderstorm and flash flood warnings this afternoon.
The storms dump over 2 inches of rain in less than 30 minutes which lead to street and flash flooding across the area. High winds also knocked out power to over 10,000 customers and knocked a large tree on to the historic Ogden House in downtown Denver.
(00:00-00:36) Video package opens up with shots of a loosely organized wall cloud over west Denver as the storm moved in. Various shots of the clouds prior to the storm moving in.
(00:36-01:20) Second part of video includes shots of torrential rains over Denver as the storm moves over.
(01:20-02:44) Third part contains shots of street flooding across western Denver suburbs. Most of the footage taken along Kipling Street on the south side of I-70 in Wheat Ridge.
(02:44-03:35) Forth part contains footage of the flooded Cherry Creek that runs through the heart of downtown. The river overflows the bike trails and sidewalks along the creek. The river nearly went up to the bottom of the bridges that cross it.
(03:35-04:36) Fifth part contains footage of the large tree that crashed down on the Ogden House building, damaging the front of the building and several windows. Located in the heart of Denver’s 7th Avenue Historic District (downtown Denver). This turn of the century “Denver Square” building is home to a diverse and talented group of film, video and media professionals. People were in the building at the time, but no injuries were reported.
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SID: Tony Laubach
Severe storms hit central Minnesota with large hail, high winds, heavy rain and street flooding in the Saint Cloud, MN area.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Doug Kiesling was tracking the tornado warned storm that hit the Saint Cloud, MN area this afternoon. No tornado was spotted but large hail did hit holiday travelers on Interstate 94 heading up to northern Minnesota. Hail up to two inches fell over the interstate and turned it into a parking lot near Saint Joseph, MN.
The main show with this storm system was the heavy rain and high winds. The rain caused major street flooding in Saint Cloud under the Highway 23 bridge at Tenth Avenue. A car was stranded in the high waters under the bridge.
Just to the north of downtown Saint Cloud was where the real damage happened. Dozens of trees were blown over and hundreds of trees were damaged by straight line winds from Highway 23 and Ninth Street to the Mississippi River.
The Saint Cloud Fire and Police Dept had to shut down several streets due to downed power lines. At 10th Avenue North and 8th Street a downed tree ripped out a natural gas line to a home.
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The chaser party got a little crazy as Jacob Thumberger, who was sober, took on a bet that continued on for several minutes and several different servings of dog and cat food for money.
Andy wanted to get in on the fun found out that dog food taste just like dog food and some how Jacob has no sense of taste.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was on the outbreak of tornadoes that hit across Nebraska and Kansas. Video starts with amazing up close footage of a tornado swirling in the field with multiple vorticies. Various shots of the beautiful white tornado including a unique rope-out when the tornado literally collapses on itself. Tornado did damage some structures northeast of Pleasanton, but no injuries.
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SID: Tony Laubach
Footage of Richard Sharpstein, the Miami attorney, for the Florida International University baseball star Garrett Wittels and his friends, Jonathan Oberti and Robert Rothschild, going into court and after court when the rape charges were officially dropped.
The three young men, represented in the Bahamas by Thomas Evans and present in court Monday, were accused in December of sexual assault at Nassau’s Atlantis resort by two 17-year-old girls.
“It’s over. The fat lady has sung in the Bahamas,” Sharpstein said. “This diabolical scheme to ruin the names of these young men and extort money is over.”
The defendants never denied having sex with the young women. Security camera footage appeared to contradict what the women told Bahamian authorities.
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BNVN Weather Paparazzi Eric Treece core punched into the rear flank downdraft of the storm near McCook, NE. As soon he drives out of the heavy rain, the tornado suddenly appears approximately 3/4 of a mile ahead of him in an open field.
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SID Eric Treece
Hail falling in Elizabeth CO. Severe warned thunderstorm near Simla CO….the same storm eventually goes tornado warned and has some phenomenal structure! The storms then goes outflow dominant and proceeds to fall apart.
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Severe storms rake the Colorado eastern plains with tons of hail and high winds. One tornadic storm produced a wall cloud and funnel southeast of Limon, but no tornadoes were reported.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach shot this video package that includes scenes from the tornado-warned storm that moved 15 miles south of Limon. This storm produced several wall clouds and a funnel cloud before dumping several inches of hail along Colorado Highway 71 (CO-71). Video also includes footage from earlier storms that developed southeast of Denver and went on to produce 1-inch hail and very heavy rains in the Denver, Colorado area.
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A line of severe storms developed in the foothills of Wyoming and pushed east across eastern Wyoming and into the Nebraska panhandle bringing hail, high winds, and lot of blowing dust out ahead of the line.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach shot this video package which starts near exit 34 on Interstate 25, just north of Cheyenne, WY as incoming storm was moving in from the west. Various structure shots of the shelf cloud as it moves toward the Interstate.
Second part is of the hail and heavy rains on I-25 near Exit 34 north of Cheyenne. Hail up to 1.25″ falls on the Interstate as many vehicles stop on the side of the road to let the storm pass. Various shots of hail on the highway, vehicles stopping, and POV driving shots in the hail storm.
Third part is of blowing dust from the leading edge of the line as it moved toward the WY/NE border. Shots taken near the town of Albin, WY where WY-216 and WY-215 intersect about 2 miles west of the WY/NE border. Opening shot of a small, but fast spinning gustnado. Various shots then of heavy dust plume and wind blowing through nearby trees. A quick shot of a piece of metal that blew off a nearby structure.
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Severe storms explode across the eastern plains of Colorado bringing hail and heavy rains to various places across the state. Video package includes high contrast hail falling with traffic.
Opening 16 seconds include footage of storm structure as it approaches chaser.
00:16-01:47 includes footage of hail up to golfball size falling across US-36 about a mile west of Anton. Various shots include passing traffic and cars in the hail.
01:47-02:04 includes two shots of hail falling with a high contrast rainbow in the background.
02:04-02:21 includes two shots of hail compared with a golfball.
02:21-03:05 includes various shots of hail that accumulated along the highway and created rivers of hail in nearby ditches.
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Stock footage of the Japanese North Pacific whaling fleet. Footage shot in Kushiro, Hokkaido Japan on May 12th, 2011. Footage of the Japanese whale hunting continues after the Tsunami.
Catalog ID: 20110513_KushiroWhalingShips
Total Run Time: 00;54;00
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Video opens with gust front coming towards the camera with POV, shots and footage of another chaser taking wind measurements out of the car window.
Video continues as a gustnado and the Gust Fronts moving through the area. We got caught in the front as we tried to outrun it just as it became tornado warned storm to the south of Anton, Colorado.
We were clocking winds in excess of 50 mph sustained, gusting over 60 mph at times.
No tornado or landspouts were seen but the amount of field dust coming off of the gust front and the few gustnadoes was quite impressive.
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It is the Auroras that were from the Geomagnetic Storm on Sunday Morning that caused a disturbance in the geomagnetic field of the earth caused by gusts in the solar wind that blows by planet.
The earth was hit by a G2 or Moderate Geomagnetic Storm.
The footage was shot in Northern Minnesota on the shore of Leech Lake early Sunday morning.
Footage shot Time Lapse with one frame about every second to show the motion of the auroras in full HD 1080 24P.
Footage is not for broadcast without a footage license. Contact to license this footage for broadcast.
Severe storms with small tornadoes pushed across Nebraska on Monday bringing extremely large hail, heavy rains, wind, and small tornadoes.
BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach was on the storms as they moved in from the southwest toward Atkinson, NE. The video he shot for this story includes a long funnel snaking out from the storm trying to become a tornado. Then point of view footage while driving in hail up to 4 inches in diameter falling onto the highway on the east side of Atkinson, NE before escaping the hail storm back to the west. Tony shows the camera what several of the hail stones looked like just minutes after falling as they started to melt.
As Tony continued to follow the storm he caught up to a large, but very weak tornado east of Atkinson, NE. In this part of the video he shows various shots of the gustnadoes, which are very weak tornadoes along the gust front that were blowing dust into the air.
The video ends showing flooding in O’Neill, NE with various clips of traffic driving through street flooding.
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Footage of hail falling and aftermath of the hail in the Litchfield, IL from a storm that dropped golf ball size hail on the area.
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Severe storms broke out again across tornado alley on Wednesday with multiple tornadic storms forming across the southeast. One storm formed southwest of Memphis and moved across the metro area with the people of Memphis dodging a bullet from this tornado-warned storm that produced several funnels and a brief reported tornado near the Mississippi River west of downtown.
Video by BNVN Weather Paparazzi Tony Laubach opens up with funnel cloud above the southwest suburbs that was reported to have briefly touched down near the river. Various shots of the funnel as chasers make their way into town. Following shots are of the wall cloud and scarey looking scud features that had dipped out of the clouds over the city. Shots of hail up to 1.50″ in diameter that came from this storm. Various other shots of rotating clouds, a police officer in the rain, and a rainbow.
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SID: Tony Laubach
Amazing close up footage of the Canton, Oklahoma tornado shot by TWISTEX researchers and BNVN Weather Paparazzi’sTony Laubach and Ed Grubb. Video contains life cycle of the Canton tornado including some close up multi-vortex action. Various shots as tornado narrowly misses a casino north of town and moves out over Canton Lake where it turns almost white. Good, close-up footage of the tornado as it violently moved to the lake tearing up trees as it went along.
Final couple shots of Fairview tornado.
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SID: Tony Laubach
Parts of Joplin, MO were laid to waste today as a violent tornado hit the area.
In this video by BNVN Weather Paparazzi Brandon Sullivan, it shows a close up then zoom out to wide shot on a gas station that was completely demolished.
Brandon said that their was a fire raging amidst a field of devastation along with dozens of cars that were flipped over and mangled horribly.
As the sun was setting, the national guard was moving into secure the area as a few citizens racing around on the 4wheeler with widespread total loss in the background.
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The storm system that hit the Joplin, MO area was near Grove, OK and spawned several violent tornadoes that BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin Teague caught on camera.
In the first part of the video, Justin documents a couple of violent tornadoes ripping up the country side. The second part of the video shows the chasers entering a house that was just hit by a tornado to see if anyone was hurt.
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