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10/11/2005 Generic Police Video shot while freelancing for KSTP. Generic police and crime scene video at dusk at a crime scene in Burnsville, MN at the Burningham Apartments. Police putting out crime scene tape. Police on the scene video.

Catalog #: 10112005a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

10/1/2007 West Concord, MN Flash Flooding Footage. Video of flooding from several inches of rain fell in Dodge County Minnesota, causing the Zumbro River to begin to flash flood and wash out several rural roads.

Catalog #: 10012007a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

9/26/2006 Lightning video from Dodge Center, MN with cloud to cloud and cloud to ground lightning footage. Video of a electric wind mill farm with lightning. Lightning stock video archive footage.
Catalog #: 09262006a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

8/20/2003 People in the rain video. People out in the rain footage, with and without umbrellas in the rain. News B-Roll while working freelance for Weather Channel.
Catalog #: 08202003a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

08/19/2007 Kellogg MN, Highway 61 Major Flash Flooding Event. Highway 61 flooded out just south of Kellogg MN. Water from the Whitewater river was rushing over the highway. Also an interview with a deputy on the scene blocking the road that talked about what is happening.

Catalog #: 08192007c
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

A massive aurora display over Minnesota caused by a severe solar storm. Incredible northern lights video with a lot of vivid lights filmed with a special low light video camera.
Catalog #: 08182003a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

B-Roll Footage of lightning in the Kempsville area of Virginia Beach, VA during the overnight hours. Lightning Video. sprawling across the sky and bright flashes.

Catalog #: 08172007_WC
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Sunday morning, BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin King was out covering the wild fire near Fort Collins Colorado. The Helena hotshot fire team, Poudre Fire Authority and Larimer county fire crews were working in the town of Stout, Colorado, which is just minutes west of Fort Collins, Colorado.

The fire forced the evacuation of residents in the community of Stout and along Bighorn Crossing Road in the Bighorn Crossing subdivision but no property was damage was reported.

The video shows the crews working the rugged terrain using chainsaws, hand tools, pics/axes, and a fire hose which was being feed from over the top of the ridge by a PFA truck.

7/24/2006 Time-lapse Storm Cloud Footage. Time-lapse video of a super cell thunderstorm growing and shooting up in the sky.

Catalog #: 07242006b
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

8/12/2000 Vivid Lightning video. Video of vivid lightning that has been featured in several programs and commercials for The Weather Channel.

Catalog #: 08122000a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

8/2/2007 Interstate 35w School Bus Rescue Press Conference. Raw B-roll of the press conference with the kids group leaders that was on the school bus that was on the Interstate 35w Bridge when it collapsed.
Catalog #: 08022007_35W_Pressconf
Total Run Time: 27;57;00
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

7/21/1993 Last Chance Colorado Tornado Video. Rare footage of the Last Chance Colorado tornado that is filmed prior to Storm Chasing becoming main stream. Video of a large wedge tornado that turns into a stove pipe tornado then transforms into a rope tornado before falling apart.
Catalog #: 07211993a_BR
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

7/19/2003 Dark and ominous spinning cloud video. Dark and ominous spinning cloud under a severe thunderstorm.

Catalog #: 07192003a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

7/12/2004 Super cells And Tornado Footage. Video of super cells and tornadoes from North Central Nebraska.

Great video of a large funnel that touches down and starts kicking up debris. Rapid rotation of the tornado as hail falls on the storm chasers. Closeup tornado footage over open country.

Catalog #: 07122004_DC1
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

07/03/1999 Traffic Camera Catches Explosive Storm Sewer Flooding. MN Dot traffic camera video from 35th Street and Interstate 35W of the storm sewer during heavy rain. The heavy rain trapped air in the drain system causing it to push the water back up the storm sewer system and exploding straight up in the air like a geysers.

Catalog ID: 07031999MNDOT

To license this footage contact: http://www.bnvn.com

6/30/2005 Windy weather news video. People outside on a windy day in Minneapolis, MN with various video of people out in the wind with hair blowing around and blowing trash and debris. Footage shot for news B-Roll.

Catalog #: 06302005a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this news footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

6/27/2007 Desert Island Beach Video. This footage is of a long static clip of a desert island beach with the waves. Video shot on Loggerhead Key in the Dry Tortugas National Park. Good audio of the ocean and waves with natural sound and no man mad objects.

Catalog #: 06252007a
Screen Format: 4:3
Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

6/19/2005 Hot Weather Video. Hot weather footage from around Minneapolis. Video of people out around the lakes and trying to stay cool. Footage shot around Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, MN. B-Roll Footage shot while working freelance for KSTP and Weather Channel.

Catalog #: 06192005a

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

B-Roll footage of several tornadoes that formed around the Crosbyton and Spur Texas area. Some of the tornadoes lasted for several minutes. All various types of tornadoes formed with this storm system from wedge tornadoes to stove pipe and rope tornadoes and multi-vortex tornadoes and twin or dual tornadoes under the same wall cloud or base of the storm.

Catalog #: 06122005_CC_1

Screen Format: 16:9

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

Buffalo Video, Buffalo Stampede Video from Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Buffalo were spooked by the severe storms and started to run and they ran right across Highway 16. A park ranger said that this has never seen them do that before in such a huge massive numbers.

Looked like the Buffalo were running for their lives.

Catalog #: 06092006a

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

6/9/2003 O’Neill Nebraska, Tornado Video. Footage of a half a mile wide F3 Tornado from a distance and as the outer edge of the tornadic winds hit the videographer who is parked on the edge of the tornado.

Catalog #: 06092003_TT1

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

B-Roll footage of an overnight rain wrapped tornado hitting the southwest part of Omaha Nebraska in the town of Millard, NE just after midnight. The tornado caused major damage to several business’s and homes. The tornado damage also caused a gas leak to one building which had fire fighters blocking off the area and on standby incase of an explosion. Also video of a tornado siren sounding and power flashes from the tornado hitting the area and aftermath footage of the damage and rescue crews searching the area.

Catalog #: 06082008A

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

6/2/1997 Weldona Colorado Tornado Video. Footage of a weak tornado near Weldona CO as it hits a farm. Close up shots of the tornado hitting buildings and farm equipment.

Catalog #: 06021997a_BR

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

5/29/2004 Argonia Kansas Wedge Tornado Video. Great tripoded footage of a wedge tornado up close with a wide angle lens and close up shots while being chased by the tornado. Footage of a huge dark wedge tornado over open country.

Catalog #: 05292004_BN1

Screen Format: 4:3

Video Format: Standard Definition
License Type: Rights Managed

To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com