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Archive for January, 2011

BNVN Weather Paparazzi Justin King was out to document the bad roads around Loveland, CO this morning.

Bitterly cold air pushed into the state overnight accompanied by high winds and snow showers glazing once warm road surfaces over with 1/2 inch to 1 inch of ice in spots.

Video contains numerous vehicle rollovers from drivers going too fast for conditions. Many Colorado drivers were caught off guard this morning. Daytime temps hovering in the single digits are making driving hazardous everywhere and overnight lows are expected to be well below zero tonight and tomorrow. Video also shows EMS and Fire dept crews slipping and sliding while walking on the pavement.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

With the extreme sub zero temps in Minnesota today and everyone around here talking about “Its So Cold Out…” and tossing boiling water in the air, I thought it would be more interesting to see what would freeze solid first, Beer or Water. Time-lapsed footage of Beer Vs. Water freezing outside in the sub zero temps over a 55 minute time frame.

Just having some fun out in the extreme cold Minnesota weather today.