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8/28/2005 Lake Pontchartrain Levee in Kenner, LA as the storm surge starts – Katrina Raw Master 08

Hurricane Katrina starts to hit the Lake Pontchartrain Levee in Kenner, LA with the storm surge as the winds push the lake to the south into the shore line.

The winds from Hurricane Katrina start to pick up and the water startss to rise as the hurricane pushes the water to the south side of Lake Pontchartrain. Video shows the water starts to rise into a parking lot and over the wall on the lake shore.

Shots include tree’s blowing in the wind and a stop sign being torn apart by the hurricane. Footage also includes video of the Kenner, LA police out in force patrolling in the middle of the storm to secure the area around the Pontchartrain Center.

Catalog ID: Katrina_Raw_Master_04
Total Run Time: 10;58;10
To license this footage, contact http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

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