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Archive for February, 2013

Video from the Loveland, Johnstown, and Windsor Colorado area of the heavy snow, near whiteout and blizzard conditions at times. NWS only predicted 4 inches of snow, and as of this filming nearly 10 inches of snow had fallen and was still coming down. Winds out of the North-North West were making it very difficult for plows to keep up with road conditions.

Video includes driving in very heavy snow with near whiteout conditions, plows hard at work, general traffic shots navigating the snow, and a skid test coming to a complete stop from 35 miles per hour on one inch of ice.

To license this footage, contact http://www.stormchasingvideo.com

Valentine’s Day didn’t offer much warmth across the Front Range as the day started with a frigid wind and gave way to snow which came down extremely heavy at times accumulating several inches in places. Several accidents were caused due to slippery conditions and limited visibility due to the heavy snow out-pacing the melting on the roads.

TRT – 4:00

Video opens up with wide shot of I-70 in west Denver with heavy snow limiting visibility. Next is a POV shot moving along I-70 with snow covering the roads and very slow traffic.

Next series of shots of an accident near the Denver West area along I-70. Shot of a tow truck barely visible in the extremely heavy falling snow. Several shots of the minor accident with police on scene.

Next series of shots taken in west Denver of an accident on one of the side streets. First shot as a fire truck with lights and sirens pulls onto the scene in the snow. Various shots of the accident scene where a car had slide into the curb after rear-ending another vehicle.

After accident clips, a couple more POV shots driving in the heavy snow. Then various shots of cars and people in the snow. Included is a man carrying a Valentine’s Day balloon in the falling snow (2:37-2:56).

Last four clips are of the wind earlier in the day as the snow was just beginning. Shots of traffic lights blowing in the wind as well as snow blowing across roadways.

Sub Zero Temps and Extreme Windchill’s was on tap for this morning in Minneapolis, MN along the Nicollet Mall as people were walking outside to go to work.

B-Roll footage of people out in the extreme cold with temps of -10F outside.