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4/25/2013 Cape Girardeau, MO River Flood Crest

Major flooding continues along the Mississippi River as the high water levels have moved south creating issues across the southern parts of Illinois and Missouri. Water levels are near major flood stage in Cape Girardeau with a crest of 42′ expected by Friday morning before slowly receding through next week.

TRT – 4:17

Scene 1: Establishing shot of the bridge over the flooded Mississippi leading into Cape Girardeau from Illinois.

Scene 2: Tight shot of flow on Mississippi at base of bridge.

Scene 3: Shot of road closed barricade with man and dog in background.

Scene 4-9: Various shots of barricades blocking various streets along the river in Cape Girardeau.

Scene 10-11: Shot of half submerged stop sign.

Scene 12-13: Shot of flooded railroad crossing.

Scene 14: Shot of a submerged vehicle.

Scene 15-17: Shots of various road signs in flood waters.

Scene 18: Shot of flooded shelter.

Scene 19-20: Shots of truck sign and flooded bridge.

Scene 21: Shot of fire hydrant with flooded out building in background.

Scene 22: Tight shot of fire hydrant.

Scene 23: Tight shot of flooded building.

Scene 24: Shot of mailbox in flood water.

Scene 25: Shot of two barricades blocking flooded road.

Scene 26-28: Shots of fire hydrant along flooded road.

Scene 29: Flood waters high on a fence.

Scene 30: Woman and her dog walk passed camera with flood water/barricade in background.

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

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