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1/16/2014 Indianapolis Surprise Snow & Jack-Knife Semi

A rather surprising blast of snow caught many drivers in Indianapolis off-guard as a quick 1-2 inches fell in a very short amount of time early Thursday afternoon. This storm hit central Indiana as a major blizzard ripped through parts of the northern Plains.

The quick blast of snow slickened highways across Indianapolis leading to a few accidents, including a jack-knifed semi in the center media of southbound I-465 at W. 10th Street. Crews were able to keep the interstate open as they cleared the scene. The driver was injured and taken away in ambulance.

Scenes 1-6: Various angles of the jack-knifed semi along I-465 on the west side of Indianapolis.

Scene 7: Panned POV shot showing two accidents on opposite sides of northbound I-465.

Scene 8: POV in heavy snow showing I-70 junction sign.

Scenes 9-14: Various shots of the very heavy snow limiting visibility to less than a quarter of a mile during the height of the snow. This lead to the accident shown earlier in the video.

Scene 15: Shot of a snowplow on I-70 as photog drives along side, the plow kicking snow into the windshield of the chase vehicle.

Scene 16-18: Various angles of a salt truck treating one of the Indianapolis interstates, includes wide, medium, and super tight while driving.

Scene 19: Winds blowing flags with heavy snow.

Scene 20: Woman walking away from camera in heavy snow.

Scene 21-22: Vehicles covered in the freshly fallen snow, up to 2 inches deep.

Scene 23-24: Shots of pine trees with snow falling.

To license this footage, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

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