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1/28/2014 Bayfield, WI Frozen Apostle Sea Caves “Ice Caves” – Stock Footage & ENG Package

B-roll footage extended edit for stock footage and ENG of the extremely brutally cold sub zero temperatures that are allowing rare access to the Apostle Sea Caves near Bayfield Wisconsin.

TRT: 13:00:00

To see the rare sight of the frozen Apostle Sea Caves, you must walk along the shore line for about 1.5 miles from the parking area.

The hike to the cave is not an easy one as you are walking along the shore line over numerous snow drifts, ice heaves and then once you get near the caves, you are walking on the slippery ice itself.

The hike out takes about 45 minutes and depending on weather conditions, with the winds blowing across Lake Superior, plan on walking in near blizzard conditions due to the blowing snow and cold temperatures.

*** Also Snow Shoes or Ice Crampons Are Advised To Wear While Walking Out On The Ice ***

SID: Douglas Kielsing

To see the full shot sheet, visit http://www.StormChasingVideo.com

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