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Archive for November, 2016

Footage of blizzard conditions burying Village of Lorraine, NY. Cars and houses nearly completely buried under 3 feet of snow with 7 foot snow drifts reaching up houses. Snow up to windows and tops of doors. High winds blowing heavy snow making nearly whiteout conditions. Tractor trailers wrecked on side of Interstate 81 from heavy snow. Shot of deer crossing roadway leaping through deep snow. Footage of Meteorologist Simon Brewer measuring 37 inches of snow depth near Lorraine.

All footage shot during evening daylight & darkness on November 21, 2016 in/near Lorraine, NY by Meteorologist Simon Brewer.
Shot Description

Shot List:

1. pushed-in shot of several deer crossing snow-covered road and leaping through very deep snow near Lorraine, NY

2-4. Shots of high winds blowing snow around house & barn with snow almost touching roofs near Lorraine, NY

5. Shot of near buried vehicle and house with winds roaring, blowing snow

6. pushed-in shot of blowing snow with giant ice cycles on house

7 & 8. shots of truck plowing driveway of house

9. pushed-in shot of car with huge snow cornice surrounded by deep snow

10-12. shots of blizzard conditions from high winds blowing snow with nearly whiteout

13 & 14. shots of car trapped in deep snow

15. pushed-in shot of mound of snow on mailbox

16 & 17. Pushed-in shots of two cars nearly buried in deep snow

18. POV shot with “AUDIO” of Meteorologist Simon Brewer measuring 37 inch snow depth with 36 inch yard stick. Yard stick goes into and below surface of snow.

19 & 20. Images (selfies) of Meteorologist Simon Brewer waist-deep in snow when trying to take measurements near Lorraine, NY

21. pushed-in shot of traffic on snow-covered road with blowing snow from high winds and snowdrifts moving onto road

22. POV driving shot of mult-semi-truck accident where 3 tractor trailers were wrecked off side of Interstate 81 from heavy snow

23. pushed-in shot of fire station with snow nearly up to top of front door

24-30. Various shots of houses and cars nearly buried under deep snow

31. wide shot of town with blowing snow from high winds

32. shot of small evergreen tree covered in deep snow with other snow-covered trees in background

33 & 34. POV driving shots of heavy snow falling and trees caked in snow

35. pushed-in shot of front loader trying to clear snow in Lorraine, NY

36. POV driving passing nearly buried vehicles in front of houses

37. POV driving shot of snow drifts encroaching on roadway near Lorraine, NY

Winter finally pays the northeast a visit. People out and about struggling against very strong winds and the coldest air of the season so far in Hoboken, NJ.
Shot Description

Scenes 1-2: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 3: Papers and other trash being blown all over the street in high winds on River Street in Hoboken.
Scene 4: Timelapse sequence of storm clouds racing over the lower Manhattan Skyline, and Freedom Tower.
Scene 5: American flag blowing in strong winds
Scene 6-7: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 8: A row of small American Flags blow in the strong winds, as pedestrians walk by bundled up from the sudden winter chill.
Scene 9: A mother pushes her baby carriage across River Street, and struggles against strong cross winds.
Scenes 10-11: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 12: A street sign is blown around in strong winds in Hoboken.
Scenes 13-17: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.

New 4K Footage from Saint Cloud to Sauk Centre, MN along Interstate 94, Highway 71 and Highway 28 of the blizzard conditions.
Shot Description

Clip 1 Car spun out on Interstate 94

Clip 2 Car spun out on Interstate 94

Clip 3 -5 A Semi Truck Car Carrier that flipped over on its side and crashed and crashing and smashing at least eight different new vehicles inside the wreckage.

Clip 6 Long wide clip of several semi trucks stuck in the center median and one trying to get pulled out.

Clip 7 Tight shot with blowing white out conditions of the footage in clip 6

Clip 8 Car crashed into the center cables.

Clip 9 Car Crashed into the center cables.

Clip 10 Interstate 94 was covered with at least a couple of inches of packed ice in some spots and mostly covered with a half inch to an inch of ice in most spots in western Stearns County.

Clip 11 Semi Truck that went off the road.

Clip 12 Huge flag blowing in the wind.

Clip 13 POV shot of a road grader being used to plow Highway 71 and scrap off the ice that has packed onto the road surface.

Clip 14 – 15 Wide and tight POV shots of a snow plow on Highway 71 with the blizzard conditions blowing snow.

Clip 16 Blowing snow in the tall grass along Highway 71

Clip 17 Blowing snow on Highway 71

Clip 18 POV Driving in whiteout conditions

Clip 19 Blowing snow on Highway 71

Clip 20 Blowing snow on Highway 28

Clip 21 Car driving towards the camera on Highway 28 in the blowing snow.

Clip 22 White out conditions on Highway 28

Clip 23 Pickup Truck stuck in the snow off of Highway 28

Clip 24 – 25 POV Driving in whiteout conditions on Highway 28

Clip 26 State Trooper with a minivan that spun out on Interstate 94

Clip 27 Car carrier that crashed from the other side showing the cars and suvs on their sides in the back.

Clip 28-29 Jack Knifed Semi Truck on Interstate 94 being pulled out

Clip 30 Car in the ditch

Clip 31 -32 Jack Knifed Semi Truck in the ditch on Interstate 94 and Highway 15

Footage of the Truly Dangerous and Intense Blizzard Crippling Modern Day Travel Today in Western Minnesota!
Shot Description

1. WHITEOUT Blizzard with true Zero Visibility and 60MPH Winds.

2. MNDOT Snow Plow Breaking a Trial on MN HWY 28 near Graceville MN.

3. Car off the Road in Stevens County MN with a Truck Towing out.

4. Snow Plow Passing By POV in Blizzard.

5. Large Heavy Snow Equipment Plowing deep 2 ft drifts in Morris MN.

6. Signs bending in the strong violent winds.

7. People shoveling Snow in Graceville MN.

8-14 Winter Storm Winds and Snow POV’s

People in NYC reacting to the presidential election results coming in, along with several interviews with Donald Trump supporters.
Shot Description

Shot 1-2: People rallying for Trump on 6th Avenue in Manhattan. An African American man explains why he supports Donald Trump for President.
Shot 3: A man flying a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, walks across 6th Avenue in Manhattan.
Shots 4-5: A middle aged man explains why he supports Donald Trump for President.
Shot 6: A young man wearing a Donald Trump banner is cursed at by a man off camera as he walks across 6th Avenue in Manhattan.
Shots 7-10: People rallying for Donald Trump explain why they are supporting him for President.
Shots 11-17: People in support of Hillary Clinton for President rally together at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan.
Shot 18: The NYPD Counter Terrorism Unit assembles at Rockefeller Center.
Shot 19: A woman holds up a sign denouncing Donald Trump across the street from Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.
Shot 20: An NYPD vehicle is stationed with it’s lights on, across the street from the Hilton on 6th Avenue.
Shot 21: A young man holds up a sign in support of the 2nd Amendment that reads “Come And Take It”
Shots 22-23: Trump and Hillary Clinton supporters gather on 6th Avenue, to watch the election results roll in.
Shot 24: An Arab American checks the election results on his smartphone
Shot 25: Large crowds gather at Rockefeller Center to watch the election results roll in.
Shot 26: The NYPD Counter Terrorism Unit assembles near the Hilton Hotel on 6th Avenue.