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Hoboken, NJ Wicked Strong Winds & Cold Weather – 11/21/2016

Winter finally pays the northeast a visit. People out and about struggling against very strong winds and the coldest air of the season so far in Hoboken, NJ.
Shot Description

Scenes 1-2: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 3: Papers and other trash being blown all over the street in high winds on River Street in Hoboken.
Scene 4: Timelapse sequence of storm clouds racing over the lower Manhattan Skyline, and Freedom Tower.
Scene 5: American flag blowing in strong winds
Scene 6-7: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 8: A row of small American Flags blow in the strong winds, as pedestrians walk by bundled up from the sudden winter chill.
Scene 9: A mother pushes her baby carriage across River Street, and struggles against strong cross winds.
Scenes 10-11: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.
Scene 12: A street sign is blown around in strong winds in Hoboken.
Scenes 13-17: People out and about on River Street in Hoboken, NJ struggling against very strong winds.

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