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Fargo, ND Evening Harsh Blizzard Travel Conditions – 12/27/2018

Winter Storm Eboni is impacting the Fargo, ND area, crippling traffic and creating headaches for those who live here. This video includes people getting pulled out of the ditch and how bad conditions are this evening when the Blizzard was at it’s peak intensity.
Shot Description

Shot 1: Multiple vehicles stuck in the road.
Shot 2: Vehicle getting pulled out of the ditch by a tow truck.
Shot 3: Second Vehicle getting pulled out of the ditch.
Shot 4: Tow truck unhooking from a vehicle.
Shot 5: People walking with shovels after helping shovel out a car.
Shot 6: Snowplows in the City of Fargo.
Shot 7: Poor visibility in the City of Fargo
Shot 8: Person stuck in a snowbank with someone trying to push them out.
Shot 9: Person trying to get out of a snowbank.
Shot 10: Near zero visibility on Interstate 29 through Fargo.
Shot 11: Plow passing on Interstate 94

SID: Eric Whitehill

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